What is The Fresh Connection? A learning experience built around

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What is The Fresh Connection? A learning experience built around a cross functional business simulation.

The Challenge The Fresh Connection is a producer of fruit juices: Suffering severe losses in the last year Performing poorly across all functional areas A new management team has been appointed: VP of Sales VP of Purchasing VP of Supply Chain VP of Operations The assignment is to make the company profitable again: Strategic choices such as low cost, best product, or market focus Tactical choices such as customer contracts and supplier selection

Simulation and Reality Real life experience within a simulated environment: Success is not the responsibility of one function; it takes teamwork A strategy is necessary to have a common direction Internal and external collaboration is a key to success The right management information is very important The organization must be adaptable to changing situations Decisions have a direct and big impact on profitability

The Supply Chain VP Supply Chain Components Finished Product Supply Production Distribution VP Purchasing VP Operations VP Sales

The Products Two packaging types – 1L carton – 0.3L PET bottle Three flavors – Orange – Orange C-Power – Orange/Mango Shelf life of finished products is 20 weeks 5

The Theme Creating alignment: Between functional departments Between strategy and execution Between echelons in the supply chain

Key Topics Business strategy Functional trade-offs Customer contracts Investments Supplier selection Performance measurements Risk management

Challenges Communication Decision making Alignment Consistency Cooperation Get out of the box and experiment Learn and have some fun

Shelf life Shelf life after packaging is 20 weeks For example, if the shelf life agreement to customer is 75%, then the internal shelf life becomes 25%. In other words, the customer is promised a remaining shelf life of 15 weeks at the moment of delivery. Thus, any inventory older than 5 weeks may not be shipped and needs to be scrapped. Internal portion Customer portion

Individual Scores Role Performance Measure Sales Net revenue Operations Operational costs Supply Chain Inventory turns Purchasing Component cost

Overall Performance Costs Operational costs Improvement projects ROI Revenue Price and volume Customer satisfaction Portfolio Investments Working capital Equipment & buildings

Logging In The Fresh Connection Login: Password: Let’s look around!

TFC Round 1

Report to Board of Directors 1. Results 2. What Worked 3. What Didn’t 4. Improvement Plans

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