Volunteer Management Database May 7, 2009

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Volunteer Management Database May 7, 2009

Step Back Sharing information (integration) Databases in general – Offline (eBase) – Online SAAS – Software as a Service Self managed

Sharing Information (Integration) Membership Donations Volunteers – Trails – Office – Web – Publications – Marketing, e.g. Tabling events – Other Committees

Volunteer Database Needs Recruiting Retention Recognition Training Tracking Events What else?

Equipment Tool inventory Signout sheets Repair records

Background Checks Youth permissions Tracking background checks

Tracking Service hours by job and date Skills by training Potential advancement Evaluation Satisfaction Interests Awards/recognitions Club complications

Events Attendance Sales Recruiting Location Types – Tabling – Workshops – Meetings

Training Types of training Course offerings Training required by position Certificates required/recertification Trainers

Recognition Awards tracking Triggering thank yous Business rules – requirements for awards, candidates

Retention Statistics – Length of service – Tenure by position Tracking history of person from first contact

Recruiting Search for skills of existing people Interests Availability Geography Upward mobility Sources of new volunteers Referred by Origin of interest

Links http://www.nynjtc.org/volunteer http://civicrm.org/ http://www.salesforce.com/foundation/http:// sites.force.com/appexchange/apex/results?keywords volunteer%20management http://atc.civicore.com http://atcadmin.civicore.com http://www.atc-volunteer-training.org http://potomacappalachian.org/index.php? option com content&task blogcategory&id 200&Itemid 166 http://www.idealist.org http://www.idealist.org/if/idealist/en/SiteIndex/AssetViewer/default?asset Materials&assetid 83494-233 http://www.idealware.org http://www.volunteermatch.org http://www.volunteer2.com/ A Consumers Guide to Low Cost Donor Management Systems

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