United States Government

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United States Government

Declaration of Independence Essential Question: How were the basic principles and ideals presented by the writers of the Declaration of Independence?

Declaration of Independence Lesson #1 Vocabulary 1) Unalienable Rights- rights that can not be given away or taken away 2) Consent of the governed- the authority of a government should depend on the consent(permission) of the people, as expressed by votes in elections. 3) Natural Rights-life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness 4) Purpose of Declaration- It was written to justify the American Revolution against the British

Declaration of Independence Video: The Declaration of Indepenence Write 2 facts from the video on the back of your vocabulary page.

Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence Webquest Declaration Webquest Network-cdstudent Password-By0dstudent

Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence Webquest 1) Thomas Jefferson 2) VA, College of William and Mary, 1767 3) Monticello was Jefferson’s estate in Albemarle County. He died there on July 4, 1826 4) The colonist were tied to the king only by voluntary bonds of loyalty.

Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence Webquest 5) Shy and awkward, writer 6) Late Spring of 1776, 8 7) John Adams- Mass Roger Sherman- Conn Ben Franklin- PA Robert Livingston- New York They were given the task of drafting a formal statement to justify the break with Great Britain.

Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence Webquest 8a) The Preamble 8b) When he says all men are created equal. The King would not like this since the citizens are not born into royalty. 9) July 4, 1776

Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence Webquest 10) -He returned to VA legislature in late 1776. -Served as Secretary of State for George Washington. - He was the leader of the Republican Party. - He was the 3rd US President (2 Terms)

Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence Webquest 11) The writing of the Declaration of Independence 12) Recent DNA suggest that Jefferson had a longstanding, intimate relationship with one of his slaves, Sally Hennings and they had several children together.

Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence Investigation In your groups, read the questions on the Investigation Sheet. 2) Brainstorm with each other as you answer the questions. 3) Each student in the group should fill out their own paper. 1) You will have about 12-15 minutes to complete the investigation.

Declaration of Independence Place these notes on the back of your vocabulary page. The Declaration of Independence has four major parts. 1) Preamble (Ideals of Declaration) 2) Declaration of Natural Rights (Arguments of Declaration) 3) The Bill of Indictment (Complaints against the King) 4) Statement of Independence

Declaration of Independence Ideals of the Declaration All men are created equal and that they all have certain basic rights. These are the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Governments are established among men, receiving their powers from the agreement of the Governed. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ENDS, it is the Right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new Government.

Declaration of Independence Arguments of the Declaration 1) The rights of people are based on Natural law. The purpose of government is to protect the people’s natural rights. 2) If a government violates natural law, people have the right to change it or abolish it. 3) An agreement was between the colonist and the King. The colonist consented to be governed by the King as long as he protected them.

Declaration of Independence Arguments of Declaration continued 4) No agreement was made between the colonist and parliament so parliament had not right to govern or tax the colonist. 5) The King violated his agreement with the colonist therefore the colonist were free to establish their own government

Declaration of Independence Complaints against the KING 1) He refuses to approve laws that will help the colonist govern themselves. 2) He fails to encourage new people to move here. 3) He keeps large armies here without our permission and requires us to house and feed them.

Declaration of Independence Complaints against the KING 5) Taxes without permission 6) He makes war against us. 7) He gives guns to the Indians to attack us 8) He captures our ships, burns our towns and destroys peoples lives.

Declaration of Independence Excerpt #1- Translation E When one group of people is going to break away from a country to form its own nation, then they should explain why they are doing it. Excerpt #2- Translation B Individuals have some basic rights that are obvious and should not be taken away. Freedom is one of those rights

Declaration of Independence Excerpt # 5- Translation A England has repeatedly interfered with the colonies rights. In doing so, it has unfairly ruled over the American Colonies. Excerpt #6- Translation D Here is proof that England had interfered with the colonial rights. The King has not allowed laws that help the colonist the most.

Declaration of Independence Excerpt #3- Translation H Governments are formed to make sure people’s rights are protected. Government power should come from the people. Excerpt #4- Translation F When a government is taking away the rights of citizens and not doing what the people want, then citizens have the right to change or replace the government.

Declaration of Independence Excerpt # 7- Translation G Every time we colonist felt we were being treated unfairly, we wrote the King. He answered by treating us more unfairly. He abuses his power and should not be able to rule us. Excerpt #8- Translation C We now consider ourselves to be an independent country.

Summarizer- 3 Important Things. 1) What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? 2) Explain at least two complaints against the King that were presented in the complaint section of the Declaration. 3) What date was the Declaration of Independence adopted by the 13

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