Training the Trainers Event 12th May 2023 Report Writing Vikki Moyse
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Training the Trainers Event 12th May 2023 Report Writing Vikki Moyse Laboratory Training & Organisational Development Manager – HCA Healthcare UK
Verification Outcomes Successful (pass) The candidate has demonstrated the minimum competence required for each standard of proficiency. The verifier recommends that the candidate should be awarded the IBMS Certificate of Competence.
Verification Outcomes Unsuccessful (fail) The candidate has not demonstrated the minimum competence for one or more standards of proficiency. Feedback and guidance will be given regarding how the candidate can address the identified deficiencies. The verifier determines whether submission of additional evidence will address the deficiencies, or a further full verification is required. The verifier and trainer agree a reasonable deadline to provide any additional evidence (if appropriate).
Importance of Verification Reports The verification report form describes in detail what happened at the verification The report should show enough information to justify your outcome decision Highlights good practice and contains areas for improvement Any issues to be followed up by the IBMS need to be clearly outlined
Example Verification Reports Example report forms Hints and tips on how to complete them and what to avoid Discussion and dissemination of good practice