Title IX Training Northern Oklahoma College Milynda Wade, MS,
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Title IX Training Northern Oklahoma College Milynda Wade, MS, LPC Counselor Jill Helmer, MCP, LBP Candidate Counselor
NOC’s Commitment NOC is committed to providing you with the tools needed to report and prevent sexual harassment. NOC is committed to ensuring you know what to do if you have been harassed or if you become aware of an act of sexual harassment or sexual violence. NOC is committed to taking measures to protect members of the campus community who have been unlawfully harassed.
The Law Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities. The law specifically states “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
Title IX The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) is charged with administrative enforcement of Title IX in schools receiving financial assistance from the Department. OCR may initiate an investigation either proactively or in response to a formal complaint. If OCR finds a Title IX violation, the school risks losing federal funds (financial aid). The Department of Justice (DOJ) is responsible for coordinating enforcement of Title IX.
Once a college is aware of harassment (broadly defined) a school must: Stop the harassment Prevent recurrence (make sure it doesn’t happen again) Remedy the effects (interim modifications to housing, work schedule, classes, extra help with school, etc.) Prevent retaliation
What faculty and staff should do-- Faculty and staff should: Intervene if someone is being harassed Be careful not to inadvertently or purposely participate in any form of harassment or sexual violence Listen if someone comes to you with a complaint or concern and get them help Report the incident to the campus Title IX Coordinator immediately
What faculty should not do: Consider themselves investigators, hearing officers, or police officers Most faculty and staff are not professional, licensed counselors or medical personnel and should not act as such. Be deliberately indifferent Do nothing
Title IX Important Definitions
Sex Discrimination Sex discrimination is an umbrella term that Title IX uses to encompass multiple actions involving the unfavorable treatment of a group or individual based upon his or her sex. Title IX prohibits sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
Sexual Misconduct A broad term encompassing any nonconsensual conduct of a sexual nature. May vary in its severity and consists of a range of behaviors or attempted behaviors including: Unwelcome sexual touching/exposure Non-consensual sexual assault Forced sexual assault Sexual misconduct can be committed by a man or woman and it can occur between people of the same or different sex.
The Issue of Consent Effective Consent is: Informed Freely and actively given Mutually understandable words or actions Indicates a willingness to participate in mutually agreed upon sexual activity
Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, verbal or physical conduct, and communication of a sexual nature. It also includes engaging in indecent exposure, voyeurism, or other invasions of personal privacy.
2 Types of Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassing Behavior: Quid Pro Quo - Latin for “this for that” is the exchange of sexual favors in the workplace or education environment Hostile Environment - could occur when a faculty, staff, or student is subjected to comments of a sexual nature, offensive sexual materials, or unwelcome sexual conduct, as a regular part of the work or education environment
What Sexual Harassment Might Look Like Direct or indirect threats or bribes for unwanted sexual activity Rating a person’s sexual attractiveness Unwelcome patting, hugging or touching of a person’s body, hair or clothing Offensive or suggestive sexual comments Sexually explicit/graphic pictures Asking a person about their sexual fantasies, sexual preferences, or sexual activities
What Sexual Harassment Might Look Like Repeatedly asking for a date after the person has implicitly or explicitly expressed disinterest Making sexual gestures with hands or through body movements Spreading rumors about a person’s sexuality Frequent jokes about sex or gender stereotypes Unwanted letters, notes, phone calls, emails, or material of a
Sexual Violence Title IX- sexual harassment, sexual violence Violence Against Women Act and the Campus SaVE Act added: Domestic violence Dating violence and Stalking
Sexual Assault on Campus 1 in 5 women is sexually assaulted in college 93.9% of victims are women 6.1% of victims are men Most often it is by someone he/she knows Title IX applies to same sex incidents Many survivors are left feeling isolated, ashamed, or feel that they are to blame
Domestic Violence A pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Physical Sexual Emotional Economic Psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person
Dating Violence Dating violence is committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with another person. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: Length of relationship Type of relationship Frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship
Stalking Repetitive conduct directed at a specific person that is subjectively and objectively unwelcome. Must be persistent, severe or pervasive conduct from another person in a manner that would cause a reasonable person to feel frightened, intimidated, threatened, or harassed. Stalking may include: Contacting another person Following another person Having others contact another person on your behalf
Sexual Violence Physical sexual acts perpetrated against a person’s will or where a person is incapable of giving consent Age, use of drugs or alcohol, intellectual or other disability that prevents a person from having the capacity to give consent Examples include: Rape Sexual violence Sexual abuse Sexual coercion Sexual violence can be carried out by school employees, other students, or third parties
Reporting The U.S. Department of Education expects all institutions of higher education that receive federal funds to address all acts of sex discrimination about which the institution knew or should have known. As a faculty or staff member, if you become aware of an act of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating or partner violence or stalking affecting a faculty, staff, or student at you must report this immediately. Northern Oklahoma College, If the issue involves a student as the accused, or if the issue involves a faculty or staff member as the accused this should be reported to the Office of Student Affairs immediately. Please understand that immediately. your role is to report any potential Title IX violations
Reporting NOC encourages victims of sex discrimination to talk to someone about what happened in order to receive support and so that we can respond appropriately. Faculty need to be aware that only select individuals have absolute confidentiality (licensed medical personnel, licensed counselors, trained sexual assault advocates). NOC offers confidential and non-confidential reporting options.
Reporting Options Confidential Reporting Options Include: Licensed Professional Counselors Non-Confidential Reporting Options: All university employees except those who are confidential reporters are expected to report any instance of sexual harassment or sexual violence
Inform the Individual You Have to Report and Offer the Individual Resources Inform: “I need to let you know that I am required to report what you have shared with me to the Dean of Students for the purpose of crime statistics. I will not report your name. However, NOC policy requires that I report what you have shared with me to the appropriate university officials.”
Resources Tonkawa Campus: Dean of Students: Ryan Paul 580-628-6240 Counselor: Milynda Wade 580-628-6651 Security: 580-628-1947 Enid Campus: Dean of Students: Bradley Jennings 580-548-2327 Counselor: Jill Helmer 580-548-2256 Security: 580-977-9448 NOC/OSU Campus: OSU Police Department in 104 USDA Building or at 405-7446523 Stillwater Police Department at 723 S. Lewis or at 405-3724171 Student Conduct in 328 Student Union or at 405-744-5470
Report to the Appropriate Individuals Sexual Violence Student accused Dean of Students or Counselor and Security Faculty or staff member as accused Jason Johnson, Vice President Student Affairs and Security Sexual Harassment Student accused Dean of Students or Counselor Faculty/ staff accused Jason Johnson, Vice President Student Affairs
Interim Measures Interim measures are available for students, staff and faculty survivors of sexual harassment, including sexual violence. A formal complaint does not need to be submitted to have interim measures put in place. If students, faculty, or staff, need accommodations they can speak with the Dean of Students or Counselor who will facilitate this process and ensure that all appropriate interim measure are arranged. As a faculty or staff member, if a student requests accommodations from you directly, please notify the Dean of Students or Counselor.
Examples of Interim Measures Assistance in Reporting No Contact Order Emergency Protective Order Safety Measures Living Arrangements Academic Arrangements
Quiz The definition of quid pro quo involves: A. A supervisor, or faculty member, promising an employee a promotion, or a student a grade, in return for sexual favors B. A supervisor, or faculty member, threatening to fire an employee if sexual favors aren’t granted C. Placing suggestive pictures on a wall D. Both A and B
Quiz An intimidating atmosphere, questions, or jokes related to sexuality, sexually oriented pictures, leering, or touching are related to: A. A pleasant workplace B. A quid pro quo situation C. Increased productivity D. A hostile environment
Quiz If a student victim refused to cooperate with a city/county police investigation of his/her alleged assault, the College should take no further action and there is no need to investigate the claims under Title IX. True False
Quiz If a victim of sexual harassment asks an employee of NOC not to tell anyone about a sexual harassment incident that employee shouldn’t take further action. True False
Quiz Mary Sue shares an office with you. When she uses the phone for personal calls she uses profanity, graphic descriptions of her sexual activities, and an abusive tone. It really bothers you, but she didn't change even after you mentioned the problem to her. You may be a victim of: A. Hostile environment sexual harassment B. Quid pro quo sexual harassment C. Distracting behavior D. Circumstances
Quiz If you become aware of sexual misconduct, including assault, you should ask the complainant to inform the Dean of Students or the Counselor and continue to encourage them to report. True False
Quiz Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to: A. Rating a person’s sexual attractiveness B. Unwelcome patting, hugging or touching of a person’s body, hair or clothing C. Offensive or suggestive sexual comments D. Pervasive displays of pictures, calendars, cartoons, or other material with sexually explicit or graphic content E. Repeatedly asking for a date after the person has implicitly or explicitly expressed disinterest F. All of the above
Quiz The legal standard for determining offensive behavior is based upon the beliefs of A. The Regents B. A reasonable person C. The supervisor in the workplace D. The person accused of sexual harassment
Quiz A person who works in an office where sexual harassment occurs, but to whom harassment activity is not directed, may still charge the college with sexual harassment. True False