The Magic 5! We are going to teach you the Magic 5 method of feeling

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The Magic 5! We are going to teach you the Magic 5 method of feeling better about ourselves and the situations we are in! But first, lets start with some gentle reminders of how we can stay safe during this time!

What you can do to keep yourself safe and healthy! 1. Stay home as much as possible, especially if you are not feeling well! 2. If you need to go out, practice social distancing by staying at least 6 feet away from people! 3. Use your elbow when you sneeze or cough! 4. Wash your hands frequently! Sing happy birthday twice while washing! 5. Keep your hands away from your face!

Now that we know how to physically stay healthy, lets talk about how we can stay mentally healthy with the MAGIC 5! C Stay o ntro n i lled d B n reath u o ing Active r G a Positive o t k l a g d T e Thinking t s Tru lt u d A

5 Grounding! When feeling anxious, follow this chart to help ground you and feel more in the present!

4 Controlled Breathing! Follow this star at any “breathe in” part and go around the whole thing! Repeat as many times as it takes to feel calm. Hold each action for 4 seconds!

3 Positive Thinking ‘Thinking positive thoughts’ is one of the most POWERFUL coping skills youthe can The way you think, affects waypractice! you feel, which affects the way you act. We want to train our brains to think more positively! How do we train our brains to think more positively? It’s as simple as changing or adding a word into your sentences! Examples: “I don’t know how to do this” changes to “I don’t know how to do this, yet!” “I can’t do this” changes to “I will do this!”

2 Do Something Active! Get up and move!!! Get those endorphins flowing, which help bring your mood up!! There are many things you can do! Dance it out! (our personal favorite) Ride a bike! Have a catch! Do yoga or stretches! Walk your dog, lizard, cat, or guinea pig! Play a board game! And more!!

1 Talk to a Trusted Adult Talking to an adult when you are struggling with feelings is SO IMPORTANT! That is why it is #1! Just saying what we are thinking and feeling out canphysically help us feel better. Though we loud are not in school, Pretty right? we aresimple, still here for you! These are confusing times, and we want to make sure you feel supported and heard! Email us if you need to talk! Or just want to say hi

Lets Review! Practice safe ways to stay healthy! The Magic 5! 1. Talk to a trusting adult 2. Do something active 3. Positive Thinking 4. Controlled Breathing 5. Grounding Email your school guidance counselor, social worker, or psychologist if you need to talk!

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