The Africa We Want African Agenda 2063 General Briefing kit
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The Africa We Want African Agenda 2063 General Briefing kit Presented By : Directorate of Strategic Policy Planning
The Purpose To provide To raise a general awareness and overview of to facilitate the Agenda domestication 2063 To sensitize stakeholders such as the government , its agencies, Private Sector, the Media and CSOs on Agenda 2063.
Outline of The Presentation 1. Background 2. Key features of the Agenda 2063 3. General Overview of the Agenda 2063 4. “Making it Happen” 5. Concluding Remarks
1. Background: The Guiding Vision African Union Vision “An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in
1. What is Agenda 2063? “Agenda 2063 is a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years. It builds on, and seeks to accelerate the implementation of past and existing continental initiatives for growth and sustainable
1. Why Agenda 2063? A more united and strong Africa today that requires a long term strategy to move forward A Changing Global and African Context. New investment opportunities and global interest in Africa that we need to capitalize on Building on the NEPAD experience. Strong and well functioning regional institutions on which Agenda 2063 can stand strong
1. Agenda 2063: Building on Previous Frameworks Lagos Plan of Action CAADP The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme PIDA Programme for Infrastructur e Development in Africa Abuja Treaty NEPAD AIDA Accelerated Industrial Development AU/NEPAD Science &Technolog y Consolidate d Plan of Action MIP The Minimum Integration Programme 3ADI Africa’s Agroindustry & Agribusiness Development Initiative Social Policy Framewo rk
1. Overall Process and Approach Stakeholder Consultations Private Sector Academics / Think Tanks CSOs Planning Experts African Diaspora; Youth Women Media Web-based general public at the continental level Sector Ministries. AU organs RECs Technical Process Situational analysis, Review of national plans and continental frameworks, Trend analysis and scenario planning Other studies: finance, transformation , Blue economy, etc. Popularizati Popularizati on on Communicatio Communicatio n strategy. n strategy. Creation / Creation / maintenance ofmaintenance website for of website for Agenda 2063; Agenda 2063; Bulletins / Bulletins / News Letters News Letters Radio, Press, Radio, Press, and TV. and TV. Social Media. Social Media.
1. Consultation Process Learning from the past through a review of the African development experience at the national, regional and continental levelsinto the future Looking through a discussion of the type of Africa participants want, key goals, milestones, priority actions as well as drivers and Howenablers to make it happen through exploring and proposing a broad Agenda 2063 implementation, monitoring and
1. Indicative List of Consultations/Inputs Received Member States National Workshops Ministerial Meetings Tourism Science and Technology Finance and Development Social Affairs, Labour and Employment Agriculture Infrastructure Women and Gender Continental Integration Frameworks 55 Existing Frameworks Broad-based Consultations Private sector African Academics / Think Tanks Planning Experts & Development Specialists Civil Society Organizations Diaspora Youth Media Women Faith Groups African Island States Former Heads of State & Government RECs/NEPAD SADC EAC COMESA ECCAS CEN-SAD ECOWAS NEPAD Specialized Inputs AU Organs PAP AntiCorruption Commission African Court Commission on Human National Rights Plans 33 Member Regional States Plans RUFORUM GIMAC Organization of African Trade Unions Association of African Public Services Commissions African Airlines Association African Wildlife Heritage Foundation ACHMUD African Cultural Heritage Foundation African Women Business Forum Youth Business
2. Key Features and Value Addition of Agenda 2063 1. Seeks to harness the continent’s competitive advantages embodied in its people, history, cultures and natural resources, geo-political position to: 1- Effect equitable and peoplecentered growth and development 2- Eradicate poverty 3- Develop human capital; social assets, infrastructure and public goods 4- Establish enduring peace and security 5- Put in place effective and strong developmental states 6- Promote participatory and accountable institutions 7- Empower women and youth to fulfill the African Dream.
2. Key Features and Value Addition 2. Provides internal coherence and coordination to continental, regional and national frameworks and plans adopted by the AU, RECs and Members states plans and strategies. 3. Offers ample policy space for individual and collective actions to realize the continental vision.
2. Key Features and Value Addition 4. Develops an implementation mechanism that is underpinned by a strong knowledge management system that enhances the quality of delivery through cutting edge research, innovation and codification of ground breaking experiences, promote sharing of experiences and learning from each other; and 5. Delineates the roles of each stakeholder including for RECs, Member States, Civil Society and private sector in the formulation and implementation
3. Overview of Agenda 2063 The Vision The AU Vision Popular Version The Solemn Declaration Transformation Framework African (Peoples’) Aspiration The Transforma tion Framework The Goals - Priority Areas Indicative strategies Targets Implementation Arrangements - M&E Framework Communication Strategy Resource Mobilization Strategy Capacity Development needs The Plan - Five 10 Year Implementation Plans Over the 50 Years -
3. Key Agendaconsultations 2063 Documents Based on extensive and detailed technical work, the following key Agenda 2063 Documents have been produced by the Commission in collaboration with NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency supported by UNECA and AfDB: The Agenda 2063 Framework Document –Transformation Framework The Agenda 2063 Popular Version The First 10-Year Implementation Plan Information on activities related to Agenda 2063 is available on all social media websites as well as links to the NEPAD website. Agenda 2063 documents can be obtained here:
3. The Aspirations From the consultations, these are the seven aspirations demonstrating what the African citizenry wanted to see pursued under Agenda 2063. They were: 1. A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development 2. An integrated continent, politically united and based on the ideals of Pan- Africanism and the vision of Africa’s Renaissance 3. An Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law 4. A peaceful and secure Africa 5. An Africa with a strong cultural identity, common heritage, shared values and ethics 6. An Africa where whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially
3. Structure of the Agenda 2063
3. Fast Track Programmes and Initiatives (Flagships) 1. Integrated High Speed Train 2. Network African Commodity Strategy 3. Continental Free Trade Area 4. Pan-African E-Network 5. African Passport and free of people 6. movement Silencing the Guns 7. Grand Inga Dam Project 8. Annual African Forum 9. Single Air-Transport Network 10.African Outer Space Strategy 11. Pan-African Virtual University 12. Continental Financial Institution
3. The Framework Document I - Introduction II- The Vision and African Aspirations for 2063 III- Overview of Africa’s development dynamics- trends, challenges and opportunities IV- Agenda 2063 goals, priority areas, targets and strategies s V- Drivers, enablers, risks and mitigation measures VI- Making it happen includes genesis of Agenda 2063, its features and formulation processes, including consultations with stakeholders discusses the AU Vision, Solemn Declaration and seven aspirations distilled from consultations demographic, economic, social, political & natural resource dynamics review of national, regional & continental plans megatrends analysis and review of scenario studies derived from the seven aspirations and to realize these aspirations Drivers, enablers, risks and mitigation measures implementation capacities, monitoring & evaluation, finance and communications strategy
3. The First Ten Year Plan Document The First Ten Year Plan Document Covers: The introduction The goals and priority areas of the first decade which are basically sub-sets of those in the Framework Documents The flagship projects The results matrix for the seven Aspirations Key implementation issues such as the guiding principles, roles of each stakeholder Financing the Agenda 2063 focusing on domestic resources Identification of capacity gaps to be put in place Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework Policy framework on partnerships. Detailed guidelines, description of roles and responsibilities for the implementation Other critical information
4. Agenda 2063 Implementation It will be fundamentally executed at three layers from national to continental level. The national level will be responsible for the implementation of key activities under Agenda 2063 The regional level- the RECs will serve as the fulcrum for the implementation at the member states level. They will adapt, the Agenda 2063 results framework to regional peculiarities and facilitate / coordinate the implementation by member states and develop/implement monitoring and evaluation framework at the regional level. The continental level (AU Organs, especially the AUC) will be responsible for setting the broad results framework and broad monitoring and evaluation based on inputs from the RECS
4. Agenda 2063 Transformation Framework “Making It Happen” Identify all key stakeholde rs, assign tasks and ensure that the tasks are performed by each Provide the platform for collective execution and Implement attainment ation of the Arrangeme goals of nts Agenda 75% can be collected from domestic resource; 15% from areas such as Foreign Direct Investment s, Remittance s etc.; and 10% from Internation al Financial Market. Financing Strategies Africa’s strategic partnerships are structured partnerships articulated, in a win-win and codevelopment approach, around addressing the challenges faced by the Continent and realizing transformational socio-economic development for Africa, its Partnershi countries and its dimension. To include meetings; debates; community town hall, church or mosque meetings; workshops, songs, poems, teaching in schools, TV and radio presentation s/discussion s amongst others. Communicatio n and Outreach
4. Critical Success Factors for Agenda 2063 Leadership and political commitme nt with Making Agenda Revitalizing Africa 2063 an strategic taking integral part of planning charge of the African and its global Renaissance. ensuring The African narrative Renaissance transformatio effective to ensure calls for interface nal and that it changes in among visionary reflects attitudes and national qualities at mindsets to continenta plans, all levels implementatio strengthen Pan l realities, regional African values n and and in all aspiration of self-reliance, initiatives monitoring fields are s and solidarity, hard and and necessary work and priorities evaluation Agenda to collective and of Agenda 2063 as a prosperity and implement 2063, so Africa’s way of building on the that the position in integrating African Agenda Agenda successes, it thehuman world Capable developmental states with the appropriate institutions, policies, 2063 is 2063. experiences resources, systems and processes owned by all and best practices. stakeholders A results-based approach with concrete targets that are measurable and can be Participation , inclusion and empowerme nt of citizens and all stakeholders in the conception, design, tracked and monitored
4. Risks, Threats and Mitigation Strategies Conflict, instability and insecurity. Social and economic inequalities. Organized crime, drugs trade and illicit financial flows. Poor management of diversities; religious extremism, ethnicism and corruption. Failure to harness the demographic dividend. Escalation of Africa’s disease burden. Climate risks and natural disasters. External shocks e.g. caused by global market Yet, all the challenges can be forces. overcome if all the stakeholders work diligently together.
4. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere in the world 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation 10.Reduce inequality within and among countries 11.Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable 12.Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 13.Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts 14.Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development 15.Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
4. Convergence of Agenda 2063 and the SDGs Agenda 2063 Goals 1. A high standard of living, quality of life and well-being for all citizens Priority Areas SDGs Incomes, jobs and decent work Goals no 1, 2, Poverty, inequality and hunger 8 and 11 Social security and protection, including persons with disabilities Modern, affordable and liveable habitats and quality basic services 2. Well educated citizens and skills revolution underpinned by science, technology and innovation Education and science, technology and innovation (STI) driven skills revolution Goal no 4 3. Healthy and well-nourished citizens 4. Transformed economies Health and nutrition Goal no. 3 Sustainable and inclusive economic growth STI driven manufacturing, industrialization and value addition Economic diversification and Goals no. 8 and 9
4. Convergence of Agenda 2063 and SDGs Marine 6. Blue/ocean economy for the resources and energy Goal no. 14 7. 8. Port operations and marine accelerated economic growth transport Environmentally sustainable Bio-diversity, conservation Goals no.6, and climate resilient and Sustainable natural 7, 13 and 15 economies and communities resource management. Water security Climate resilience and natural disasters preparedness A United Africa (Federal or Confederate) 9. Continental financial and monetary institutions established and functional 10 World class infrastructure . criss - crosses Africa 11 Democratic values, . practices, universal principles of human rights, justice and the rule of law Frameworks and institutions for a United Africa Financial and monetary institutions Communications and Goal no. 9 infrastructure connectivity. Democracy and good Goal no 16 governance Human rights, justice and the rule of law
4. Convergence of Agenda 2063 and the SDGs Institutions and leadership 12 Capable institutions and . transformative leadership Participatory development in place and local governance. Maintenance and 13 Peace, security and . stability is preserved preservation of peace and security Institutional structure for 14 A stable and peaceful . Africa AU instruments on peace and security Defence, security and peace Values and ideals of Pan 16 African cultural . renaissance is preAfricanism Cultural values and African eminent Renaissance Cultural heritage, creative arts and businesses Goal no. 12 17 Full gender equality in all Goal no. 5 Women and girls Goal no. 16
4. Convergence of Agenda 2063 and the SDGs 18. Engaged and empowered youth and children 19. Africa as a major partner in global affairs and peaceful co-existence Youth empowerment and Goals no. 4 children’s rights and5 Africa’s place in global Goal no. 17 affairs Partnerships 20. Africa takes full responsibility for financing her development Goals African capital markets Goals no. Fiscal systems and public 10and 17 sector revenue Development assistance
5. The Next Steps Domestication seeks to facilitate the incorporation of commitments made at continental level into national policy frameworks and programs anchored on existing national development planning machinery seeks to craft new self-driven and Africa-centric visions for development and socio-economic transformation Popularisation Build citizens’ awareness, and popularize Agenda 2063 in order to mobilise national stakeholders, including government/public administration, private sector, NGOs’, CSOs including women and youth groups. Discuss with stakeholders measures to raise domestic and external resources to finance Agenda 2063
6. Conclusion Success and or failure of this depends on contribution and commitment of each one of us Domestication begins with you Identify the position you occupy in the plan, and the role you are expected to play “If You Want To Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want To Go Far, Go Together” Together we can!!