Study Abroad Department of Economics Coordinator: Michael Wycherley

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Study Abroad Department of Economics Coordinator: Michael Wycherley Email: [email protected]

UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium Economics Exchanges - HT & TT 3 places x 6 - Some French needed months IEP - Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris (SciencePo), France 6 places x 9 months HEC School of Management, Paris, France 2 places x 9 months University of Cologne, Germany 4 places x 6 months Tilburg University, Netherlands 5 places x 6 months Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia 6 places x 6 months ESADE, Barcelona, Spain 4 places x 6 months - Joint Economics/Business or Joint Economics/Politics - For Business Students: consult coordinator - Preference given to students who can speak some French - Joint Economics/Business only - Some French needed - HT & TT - Preference given to students who can speak some German - HT & TT - Courses in English - Joint Economics/Business only - 2 x Full year slots or 4 x 1 semester exchanges

Key dates Applications for Erasmus exchanges for the 24/25 Academic Year will open on Monday 16th October 2023 The deadline for submission of applications is 17th November 2023. No late applications accepted! If you have any queries about the application form contact ssp [email protected] If you have queries about exchange destinations or requirements contact us at [email protected] Early applications don’t get any special advantage, we don’t consider any applications until after the deadline

Common questions (1) I’m a JH student which department do I go away through? You can go on exchanges organised by either department or the college. There are no specific “economics and maths” exchanges (for example) You must get the approval of both departments to the exchange. This involves you researching the modules that are available and producing a study plan for approval How do college wide and departmental applications operate? SS&P and Business have a single application process, other departments and schools have different processes, as do College-wide exchanges If you apply through multiple processes you may get multiple offers and you can choose which to accept. If you are rejecting an offer from us please let us know asap, as if you do so early enough we can offer the place to someone else

Common questions (2) How are decisions made These are exhanges, we take a certain number of their students and they take the same number of ours, the numbers are set years in advance. This means it’s a competitive process, based on your suitability for the destination and your academic performance In the event of underperformance in the SF year offers may be withdrawn What about fees? Since these are exchange you continue to pay Trinity fees (and the foreign students pay fees to their home universities) There may be minor registration fees to pay at your destination university and there may be some financial support available from Trinity, the school and department are not involved in this

Module suitability & frontloading Study plans need to be signed off on by all subjects Module titles are not enough to judge the content, neither is who teaches it A balanced credit load across subjects while abroad is expected, however it may be possible to frontload a subject You need specific permission from both subjects to do this, which will only be granted if it is not possible to take both subjects while abroad It is not possible to take more than 25 economic credits in one semester at Trinity

But how do I know if an exchange is suitable for me? There are a huge range of possible destinations which change from year to year (both the destinations and the options at existing destinations) We haven’t sent students to many of them and probably haven’t sent students on your pathway to even more. Exchanges organised by the economics department are suitable for economics students (with some pathway caveats noted earlier) For exchanges organised by other bodies contact the relevant unit If you need specific economics approval for a non-economics department exchange please fill out the form below for each destination you are interested in

I’ve been offered a place what next? Decide whether to accept and let us know There will be a School meeting on the next steps, but a few points Trinity’s Erasmus office handles nominations (aside from QUT), not the department or school Eventually your host university will be in touch with information. Most queries about your time abroad should be directed to them If your study plan is not recognised by Trinity you will have to repeat the year. It can be difficult to change modules (or even get your first choices) at some universities. So it is important that you get your study plan approved by your Trinity department(s) before you register and preferably before you travel.

Q&A Also visit the website oad/Outgoing/

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