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SEAMLESS SUMMER OPTION NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM School Year 2021-2022 Operations Presented by: Terence Mirabal SSO Coordinator

HOW SY 2021-2022 WILL BE DIFFERENT FROM LAST YEAR The Summer Food Program (SFSP) was not extended by USDA for SY21-22 with Early Education & Care Department (ECECD) NMPED has opted into the Nationwide waiver for SSO through SY21-22 SFAs will operate as Seamless Summer Option (SSO) for SY2122 ALL SSO meals will be reimbursed at the highest SFSP rate

WHAT IS THE SEAMLESS SUMMER OPTION (SSO)? Kids still need good food, even when school is out. Now it’s easy to accommodate them! With the USDA waivers for SY21-22, your SFA can operate the Seamless Summer Option through the National School Lunch (NSLP) or School Breakfast Programs (SBP). You will continue the same meal service rules and claiming procedures used during the regular school year. SFAs serve meals free of charge to children, 18 years of age and under. Encourages more SFA’s to provide nutritious meals during the school year and summer months Combines the features of the school meal programs and SFSP

NMPED SSO OPT IN FOR SY 2021-2022 The Seamless Summer Option: Better positions schools to serve higher quality, more nutritious meals Promote Program access Reduces administrative burden associated with eligibility determinations

SSO: STANDARD PROGRAM OPERATIONS Meal Site Locations: Schools Non-School facilities such as: Churches, community centers, public housing, libraries, parks, mobile feeding sites During the upcoming school year, SFAs are encouraged to operate at school sites when possible

SSO OVERVIEW FOR SY 2021-2022 PERIODS OF OPERATION Normal Operations: Summer vacation Unanticipated school closures Vacations of 10 days or more under a continuous school calendar For SY 2021-2022 Effective July 1, 2021, schools will operate SSO throughout

REIMBURSEMENT RATES & METHOD-SSO IN SY 20212022 Any type of SSO site may claim meals at the SFSP rate Effective July 1, 2021 Annual SFSP reimbursement rate changes SFSP reimbursement rates will continue to be updated on a calendar year basis New SFSP rates effective January 1, 2022 Will Impact SSO operators receiving SFSP reimbursement rates

REIMBURSEMENT RATES & METHOD-SSO IN SY 20212022 NO additional reimbursement eligibility for SSO operators claiming SFSP in SY 20212022, Including: NSLP 7 cents performance-based reimbursement NSLP 2 cents differential SBP severe need SSO Operators may receive State matching funds regardless of reimbursement rate claimed SSO Reporting in SY 2021-2022

SEAMLESS SUMMER OPTION: QUALIFYING SITES Normal Operations: Summer 2021: Open SSO Sites must be located in an area where at least 50% of children are certified for free or reduced price meals The are eligibility requirements are waived for SSO sites operating under a state area eligibility plan SY 2021-2022-Beginning July 1, 2021 SFAs participating in SSO will operate without regard to area eligibility requirements

SEAMLESS SUMMER OPTION: AFTERSCHOOL SNACK Normal Operations: Summer 2021: Under SSO, two meals or one meal and one Snack may be provided As under normal operations, two meals or one meal and one snack may be offered. SFAs may operate SSO and simultaneously participate in the CACFP At-risk Afterschool Meal Program (Breakfast/Lunch-Lunch/SnackBreakfast/Snack) SY 2021-2022: When school is in season, SFAs may operate SSO and simultaneously participate in the CACFP Atrisk Afterschool Meal Program

SEAMLESS SUMMER OPTION: MEAL PATTERN Normal Operations: Summer 2021: Offer vs Serve is required for Senior high schools at lunch State agencies may approve requests for meal pattern flexibility that are targeted and justified based on plans to support access to nutritious meals while minimizing potential exposure to COVID19 SY 2021-2022: Offer vs Serve requirements are waived SSO follows the NSLP and School Breakfast Program meal pattern requirements Same as Summer 2021, except meal pattern flexibilities are limited to select requirements: *Sodium *Whole Grain Rich *Vegetable subgroups *Low Fat milk must be unflavored **SFAs that have Grab and Go sites, please utilize *Milk Variety the HS meal *Age/grade groups Pattern to

SEAMLESS SUMMER OPTION: MEAL SERVICE Requireme Normal Operations: nt: Congregate Feeding Meals must be served in congregate setting Summer 2021: Meal Times Meals and snacks must follow meal time requirements SSO operators participating under COVID-19 waivers may serve meals in a non-congregate setting Parent/Guardian Pick-Up Meals must be served directly to the child; SSO operators participating under COVID-19 waivers may serve meals that do not follow the meals times SSO operators participating under SY 20212022: Same as Summer 2021 except that SFAs should use these flexibilities only for the duration and extent as they are needed

SEAMLESS SUMMER OPTION: WEEKEND MEALS Normal Operations: SSO meals may be served on the weekend with State approval SY 2021-2022: SSO meals are not allowed on the weekend starting July 1st 2021. Weekend and Supper Meals can be provided thru ECECD.

SEAMLESS SUMMER OPTION APPLICATION SFAs must apply to participate (Nutrition Portal) https:// The application must include: Name, address, and phone for each site participating Type of site and documentation to support site eligibility (Open, Restricted Open, Closed) Types of meals, including day(s) of week and times(s) of day that your site will be operating

SITE PARTICIPATION-SSO At each site within your SFAs district, make sure to clarify if the individual site will participate with a YES or NO. If YES, indicate the site information for which type of site.

SITE PARTICIPATION-SSO Site information should have: Start/End of SSO operation for SY 21-22 Days of the week the site will operate Check mark anticipated months of operation with SSO *SSO application runs July 1st to

SITE PARTICIPATION-SSO Indicate which meal(s) that will be served and time *Remember, you can only do 2 out of the 3 for SSO. Indicate type of meal service and which menu planning system that will be implemented Indicate your meal planning system Identify the method each

SEAMLESS SUMMER OPTION: PUBLIC NOTIFICATION For SY 2021-2022: SFAs must provide public notification regarding the availability of meals for your community Example: (Facebook, Twitter, Newspaper, Website, School Flyers, and Television) SFAs participating in SSO should notify households that all meals will be offered free through SSO

COMMUNITY ELIGIBILITY PROVISION Schools may elect CEP using SY 2020-2021 data through September 30, 2021 May use Cumulative student data through June 30, 2021 Schools may begin direct certification for SY 2021-2022 on July 1, 2021 Schools may recalculate their identified student percentage any year in the CEP cycle Questions about CEP? Contact: Kate Ullrich Email:

ANY QUESTIONS? Sharona Secatero Staff Manager Work Cell: 505-695-8683 Email: [email protected] s Terence Mirabal SSO Coordinator Work Cell: 505-396-1084 Email: [email protected]

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