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Agenda Information covered in this module: What is the SAC? Who is a part of the SAC? How is the SAC comprised? What does the SAC do?
WHAT IS THE SAC? Law Law was enacted in 1991 by the Florida Legislature so that the principal, faculty and staff, parents, students, local business people, and community members could help plan for school improvement and increased student achievement. Operation School Advisory Councils are required to operate under the Sunshine law. Support The school advisory council is a resource to the school and principal. The term “advisory” is intended to mean (1) inquiring, (2) informing, (3) suggesting, (4) recommending, and (5) evaluating.
WHO IS A PART OF THE SAC? Principal Students Teachers Education Support Employees Parents SAC Business Community Partners A majority of the members of each school advisory council must be persons who are not employed by the school district. Each advisory council shall be composed of the principal and an appropriately balanced number of teachers, education support employees, students (required for high school and optional for middle school), parents, and other business and community citizens who are representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school. F.S. 1001.452, (1)(a).
WHO IS A PART OF THE SAC? Principal Teacher Education Support Parents Members who perform professional job functions which are nonadministrative and or noninstructional in nature Secretary Bookkeeper Security Guard Nurse Custodial Staff Resource Officer Anyone who has a student currently enrolled at the school and not a staff or faculty member of that school School Employees School Principal – The only school administrator on the SAC *APs are only to assist the administrative head of the school if they are unable to attend, but should not serve on the SAC Classroom teacher Coach Guidance Counselor Media Specialist Certified student services personnel Students Community Members Non- School Employees Required at the high school level, optional at the middle school level Business and community members shall be selected by the principal who shall use school publications and other means to provide wide notice of vacancies and who shall receive input on possible members from local businesses, area chambers of commerce, community and civic organizations and the public at large.
HOW IS THE SAC COMPRISED? Teachers Teachers shall be elected by teachers Education Support Education support employees shall be elected by education support employees Parents and Students Parents shall be elected by parents Students shall be elected by students Election The election timeline should be spelled out in the School’s SAC By-laws. Vacancies on the council after initial selection shall be filled in the same manner. All changes should be submitted to the OSI Office. Each SAC should vote on a Chair, a Vice-Chair, and a Secretary and review the roles of each officer in the SAC by-laws.
WHAT DOES THE SAC DO? School Advisory Council Provide Public Voice Develop Initiatives Provide Recommendations Post notice of meetings (date, time, place, and topics) and prepare minutes of the meeting (Follow Sunshine Law) Initiate activities or programs that generate greater cooperation between the community and the school. Recommend various support services and resources. Vote on SRF and SIF Adopt By-laws School Improvement Plan (SIP) Vote on how the school should spend School Recognition Funds (if applicable) for the following school year, Vote on School Improvement Funds (if available) Each school advisory council shall adopt bylaws establishing procedures. Assist in the preparation and evaluation of the school improvement plan (SIP).
NEXT MODULE Florida Sunshine Laws