Reform and Innovation in Higher Education A Literature Review Prepared

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Reform and Innovation in Higher Education A Literature Review Prepared by the National Center for Postsecondary Improvement: Project 5.3 1

Distinguishing Distinguishing Features Features of of this this Literature Literature Review Review This This review review takes takes aa broad broad view view of of teaching teaching and and learning learning improvements improvements by by identifying identifying the the nature nature of of links links (if (if any) any) with with assessment assessment ItIt focuses focuses on on practices practices that that evolve evolve from from grassroots grassroots movements, movements, state state reform reform efforts, efforts, and and individual individual initiatives initiatives within/across within/across disciplines disciplines ItIt also also identifies identifies patterns patterns and and themes themes across across aa wide wide range range of of teaching, teaching, learning, learning, and and assessment assessment practices practices 2

Purpose Purpose of of the the Literature Literature Review Review To To determine determine the the process process by by which which innovations innovations emerge emerge To To identify identify reform reform and and innovation innovation pioneers pioneers To To examine examine how how institutions institutions identify identify problems problems related related to to teaching teaching and and learning learning (and (and then then make make fundamental fundamental changes changes as as aa result) result) To To explore explore how how assessment, assessment, student student diversity, diversity, and and the the use use of of new new technologies technologies are are incorporated incorporated into into reform reform and and innovation innovation movements movements 3

Importance Importance of of the the Literature Literature Review Review Many Many innovative innovative practices practices have have no no scholarly scholarly literature literature base base because because information information about about reform reform and and innovation innovation activity activity is is difficult difficult to to find find Little Little has has been been done done to to capture capture national national conversations conversations about about practices practices used used to to improve improve teaching teaching and and learning learning There There is is little little documentation documentation of of activities activities that that have have taken taken place place since since the the call call for for undergraduate undergraduate teaching teaching reform reform in in the the midmid1980s 1980s 4

Key Key Resources Resources Journals Journals focusing focusing on on teaching, teaching, learning, learning, and and assessment assessment practices practices (e.g. (e.g. College College Teaching) Teaching) ERIC ERIC searches searches using using keywords keywords linked linked to to reform reform and and innovation innovation Conference Conference programs, programs, newsletters, newsletters, and and association association publications publications (e.g. (e.g. Washington WashingtonCenter Center Newsletter, Newsletter, AAHE AAHEBulletin, Bulletin, Change, Change, Liberal Liberal Education). Education). 5

Background Background of of Current Current Reform Reform and and Innovation Innovation Efforts Efforts In In response response to to aa national national call call for for reform reform in in undergraduate undergraduate education education during during the the mid-1980s, mid-1980s, many many colleges colleges and and universities universities began began to to change change institutional institutional practices practices related related to to teaching, teaching, structured structured learning, learning, curricular curricular and and co-curricular co-curricular initiatives, initiatives, and and multi-level multi-level assessment. assessment. 6

Discussions Discussions among among stakeholders stakeholders led led to to the the creation creation of of Definitions Definitions and and distinctions distinctions among among reforms, reforms, innovations, innovations, and and initiatives/projects initiatives/projects Templates Templates (or (or descriptions descriptions of of practices) practices) and and Internet Internet sites sites with with links links to to ongoing ongoing conversations conversations Characteristics Characteristics and and models models to to understand understand institutional institutional practice practice 7

Distinctions Distinctions between between Reforms Reforms and and Innovations Innovations Type Type of of Process: Process: Top-down Top-down versus versus bottom-up bottom-up Impetus Impetus for for Change: Change: Internal Internal versus versus external external to to the the institution institution (some (some involve involve both) both) Scope Scope of of Participation: Participation: Local Local versus versus national national 8

Definitions Definitions Reform: Reform: Described Described as as aa “top-down” “top-down” approach; approach; either either system-wide system-wide or or anchored anchored within within several several different different institutions; institutions; based based on on external external processes processes Innovation: Innovation: Characterized Characterized as as aa “bottom“bottomup” up” or or “grassroots” “grassroots” approach; approach; based based on on internal internal processes processes 9

Definitions Definitions (continued) (continued) “Educational “Educational Innovation Innovation Movement:” Movement:” An An overarching overarching term term that that includes includes both both reform reform and and innovation. innovation. Primarily Primarily functions functions as as the the “grassroots” “grassroots” level; level; frequently frequently national national in in scope; scope; based based on on both both internal internal and and external external processes processes Project/Initiative: Project/Initiative: Localized, Localized, internal internal activity; activity; usually usually lacks lacks capacity capacity to to spread spread across across institutions institutions 10

Applying Applying the the Terminology Terminology Change Change is is often often used used in in aa very very general general sense sense when when discussing discussing efforts efforts to to improve improve undergraduate undergraduate education. education. When When change change is is used used as as part part of of aa technical technical definition, definition, one one must must continually continually specify specify whether whether the the term term is is being being used used in in the the general general or or technical technical sense. sense. Innovative Innovative use use of of assessment assessment can can also also be be regarded regarded as as aa reform, reform, or or movement movement 11

Important Important Questions Questions to to Consider Consider How How do do reforms reforms and and innovations innovations spread? spread? How How are are reforms reforms and and innovations innovations adopted? adopted? What What commonalities commonalities do do the the various various reforms reforms and and innovations innovations share? share? What What are are the the unique unique aspects aspects of of each each initiative? initiative? 12

Types Types of of Reforms Reforms and and Innovations Innovations Active Learning Collaborative Learning Cooperative Education Critical Thinking Cultural Pluralism Examination Reform Faculty Peer Review First Year Seminar General Education International Education K-16 Learning Communities New Wave Calculus Science Reforms Service Learning Student Peer Teaching Standards Technology Undergraduate Research Writing Across the Curriculum 13

Table: Table: Reforms Reforms and and Innovations Innovations Innovation/Reform Definition Target Role of Faculty Member Ins titutional Type Conceptual S hift Active Learning Faculty utilize techniques such as "the Students & one minute paper," asking students to Faculty develop questions related to the lecture material being reviewed. Pedagogical Reformer Multiple Moves away from memorization of facts to using and applying knowledge. Collaborative Learning Student discussion and active work with Students & course material is emphasized. Faculty Shift from “sage on Multiple stage” to “guide on side.” New assumptions about learning include: learning is an active, constructive process, learning depends on context, learners are diverse, learning is inherently social. Cooperative Education The development of interpersonal skills is as important as the learning itself; learning to cooperate is key to high quality work, group process skills are developed. Teaches students to work well in group settings. Process directly tied to outcome. Shift from lecturer to facilitator Students, Faculty, & Pedagogy Multiple 14

Table: Table: Reforms Reforms and and Innovations Innovations (continued ) (continued ) Innovation/Reform Definition Target Role of Faculty Member Institutional Type Cultural Pluralism Reform aimed at helping students to Students, learn and respect other cultures; also Faculty, & aimed at helping institutions create Institution communities where diversity is valued and accepted. This reform is viewed as an essential component of maintaining a democracy, economic empowerment, and justice. Shifting syllabi, inclusion of multiple perspectives Multiple Faculty Peer Review Student evaluations and program review are conducted at the departmental and institutional level. Faculty Rewards Mentor and/or mentee Research Universities First Year/ Senior Year Seminar Adding a course during the first year and senior year, addressing, at least in part, issues that are not explicitly addressed in the formal curriculum; a major focus of these courses is the transitional challenges students are likely to face. Curriculum Communicate expectations of institution Research University; Comprehensive General Education Central to general education reform are the concepts content, coherence, and comprehensiveness. Institution No definitive change in role Multiple Conceptual Shift The idea of content relates to what students should know and be able to do after graduation. 15

Table: Table: Reforms Reforms and and Innovations Innovations (continued ) (continued ) Innovation/Reform Definition K-12 systems Target Role of Faculty Member and Students & No definitive Curriculum change in role Institutional Type K-16 Collaboratives Links with education. Learning Communities Learning communities evolved out of the concept of living and learning environments. What makes this reform distinct is that it focuses more on curricular and pedagogical changes that enhance linking and coordinating of curriculum and out-of-classroom experiences. Students & Faculty Faculty take on a range of new roles N ew Wave Calculus New Wave Calculus involves multilevel efforts including: faculty development, assessment, encouragement of risk taking, cooperative homework groups, development of community in class, standards which emphasize problem solving, geometric visualization, and quantitative reasoning. Students, Faculty, Curriculum, & Structures Facilitator of group Research projects and active Universities learning S cience Reforms The emphasis on interdisciplinary Students, Shifting of the teaching and curriculum is meant to Faculty, & curriculum toward foster students understanding of Curriculum problem-oriented connections between various ways of assignments and looking at the world through different group work disciplinary lens. There is an emphasis on examples and process other than simply memorizing facts. Conceptual S hift Research Universities Multiple Multiple 16

Table: Table: Reforms Reforms and and Innovations Innovations (continued ) (continued ) Innovation/Reform Definition Target Role of Faculty Member Ins titutional Type Integrating outside experience into the classroom Multiple S ervice Learning Service-learning utilizes experience and practice to teach students in areas that may be difficult to teach through abstract reasoning such as empathy. S tudent Peer Teaching Peer teaching helps students feel more Students & Teaching role is comfortable taking educational risks as Curriculum extended to students try out ideas with each other students rather than in front of the faculty member initially. Technology/Dis tanc e Learning Conceptual S hift Multiple Curriculum & Structures Community builder All U ndergraduate Res earch Undergraduates (recently shifting toward first and second year students) are involved in faculty research in a similar fashion to graduate research assistants. Students & Faculty Supervisor of undergraduate researchers Comprehensive Writing Acros s the Curriculum Institutes writing in virtually all university courses in order to improve students' writing and critical thinking skills Curriculum Creating writingbased class work Multiple 17

Leadership Leadership Roles/Goals Roles/Goals Key KeyIndividuals: Individuals:Individuals Individualswho whostart startmovements, movements,or or who who“spread “spreadthe theword” word”across acrosscampuses campuses Associations: Associations: Organizations Organizationsthat that disseminate disseminate information informationabout aboutvarious variouseducational educationalinnovation innovation movements movements Funding Fundingagencies: agencies: Governmental Governmentalsources sources(NSF (NSFfor for sciences, sciences, FIPSE FIPSEfor forothers) others)that thatprovide providefunding, funding, with with the thegoal goalof ofstimulating stimulatingfundamental fundamentalchanges changes in inthe the way wayeducation educationisis delivered deliveredand andreceived received Campuses: Campuses:Institutions Institutionsthat that strive striveto tocreate create“smaller” “smaller” environments, environments,or orunique uniquecampus campuscultures/identities cultures/identities 18

Targeted Targeted Areas Areas Reform Reform and and innovation innovation efforts efforts often often target target more more than than one one group, group, or or issue: issue: Students: Students: Behaviors; Behaviors; levels levelsof of engagement engagement Faculty: Faculty: Approaches Approachesto to teaching teachingand and learning learning However, However, long-term long-term change change does does not not happen happen without without fundamental fundamental institutional institutional change change Curricula: Curricula: Reinforcing Reinforcingnew newteaching/learning teaching/learning behaviors behaviors Structures: Structures:Rewards; Rewards;physical physicalenvironment environment 19

Teaching Teaching and and Learning Learning Outcomes Outcomes New New assumptions assumptions about about learning learning (e.g., (e.g., active active and and collaborative collaborative learning) learning) New New regard regard for for teaching teaching (e.g. (e.g. peer peer teaching) teaching) New New regard regard for for the the student student (e.g. (e.g. science science reform, reform, calculus calculus reform) reform) 20

The The Role Role of of Faculty Faculty From From “sage “sage on on the the stage” stage” to to “guide “guide on on the the side” side” or or facilitator facilitator (e.g., (e.g., collaborative collaborative learning, learning, cooperative cooperative education) education) Mentor Mentor (e.g., (e.g., faculty faculty peer peer review, review, undergraduate undergraduate research) research) Sharing Sharing role role of of teaching/learning teaching/learning (e.g., (e.g., faculty faculty peer peer review, review, student student peer peer teaching) teaching) No No definite definite change change in in role role (e.g., (e.g., general general education, education, K-16 K-16 collaboratives) collaboratives) 21

Models Models for for Adoption Adoption of of Innovation Innovation INDIVIDUAL INDIVIDUALLEVEL LEVEL (Bennis, (Bennis,1973) 1973) Stage Stage11 Opposition Opposition Stage Stage22 Stage Stage33 Stage Stage44 Stage Stage55 Stage Stage66 Resistance Resistance Toleration Toleration Acceptance Acceptance Support Support Embrace Embrace Related Relatedmodels: models:Gilbert, Gilbert,1995; 1995;Hall Hallet etal al1984, 1984,Hamelink, Hamelink,1984; 1984; Havelock, Havelock,1971; 1971;Rogers, Rogers,1983. 1983. 22

Models Models for for Adoption Adoption of of Innovation Innovation (continued) (continued) INSTITUTIONAL INSTITUTIONALLEVEL LEVEL (Harvey (Harvey& &Miller, Miller,1970) 1970) Stage Stage11 Stage Stage22 Stage Stage33 Stage Stage44 Stage Stage55 Issue Issue Perception Perception Formation Formationof of Goals Goals Search Search Choice Choiceof of Solution Solution Redefinition Redefinition Related Relatedmodels models::Fung, Fung,1992; 1992;Hage Hage& &Aiken, Aiken,199 199 2; 2;Levine, Levine,1980; 1980; Mann Mann& &Neff, Neff,1961; 1961;Milo, Milo,1971; 1971;Rogers, Rogers,1981. 1981. 23

Examples Examples of of Assessment Assessment Practices Practices Student-centered Value-added Value-addedassessment assessment Portfolio Portfolioassessment assessment Performance-based Performance-basedassessment assessment Multiple Multipleevaluators evaluators of ofstudent student performance performance Classroom Classroomassessment assessmenttechniques techniques Assessment Assessment“101” “101” (training (trainingfor forfaculty) faculty) Department Department//Program ProgramBench-marking Bench-marking Faculty/Department-centered 24

Implications Implications for for Institutional Institutional Researchers Researchers Participate Participate early early in in the the planning planning process process to to assist assist in in the the development development of of useful useful assessment assessment models models Stay Stay abreast abreast of of reform reform activities activities on on campus campus Remember Remember that that involvement involvement may may require require evaluation evaluation of of standard standard as as well well as as innovative innovative educational educational practices practices Involve Involve more more individuals individuals in in the the assessment assessment process process as as the the results results of of the the innovation innovation reach reach aa broader broader audience audience 25

Implications Implications for for Educational Educational Researchers Researchers Work Work to to extend extend research research on on reform reform and and innovation innovation -- examine examine how how such such efforts efforts affect affect undergraduate undergraduate teaching, teaching, learning, learning, and and assessment assessment Modify Modify existing existing theoretical theoretical frameworks frameworks using using current current reform reform and and innovation innovation efforts efforts as as the the bases bases for for empirical empirical inquiry inquiry Develop Develop new new theories theories and and conceptual conceptual frameworks frameworks to to guide guide future future reform reform and and innovation innovation efforts efforts in in higher higher education education 26

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