Putting Our New Traditions Workbook to Work – Tradition 1 Unity

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Putting Our New Traditions Workbook to Work – Tradition 1 Unity

Each chapter contains introduction introductory exercises main sections

Suggested Ground Rules (inspired by our Primary Purpose) Stay open-minded Listen and share the time Remember to play well with others Don’t forget why we are here To agree and disagree . That is the process!

Tradition 1 Workshop Questions and Feedback 1: What does NA unity mean to me? How does my personal recovery depend on it? To Belong – feel part of To communicate with others To feel connection, equality Not to be judged Reminds me to change me Avoid isolation Everyone is equal Same message – same literature all over the world Everyone works together Being Together Not alone Not feeling less than Inclusive environment Be welcomed Guidance from sponsor & group No unity – no group – no meeting – no recovery Helps carry the message Without NA I/We cannot stay clean

2: Do my actions match my beliefs about unity? How do I contribute to unity or disunity? Service after the meeting can help continue unity Attraction rather than promotion No judgement Don’t over do it Don’t be impulsive Can question programme Be mindful of others Respect everyone Let people do service in group Give literature to newcomers Group Conscience very important Keep /Stop coming to meetings Keep doing/stop doing service Be welcoming Do Service Going to meetings

3. How does anonymity contribute to unity? Trust – whatever is said in the room stays in the room Protect everyone and ensure everyones safety at all times Attraction rather than promotion Everyone is equal All Anonymous Don’t take things personal How does practicing unity help me to place principles before personalities? Provides equal opportunity for all Helps me to grow up Become more mature

4. What additional actions might I take to foster unity in personal recovery, in service and in social settings Not excluding members because of the drugs they used Using Tradition 1 for a group issue Don’t leave anyone out Avoiding sub-groups Be open & honest Try interact more When ego gets in the way – try to lead by example Principles before personalities Make sure everyone is included Be mindful Practice principles in all our affairs

5. How do I place our common welfare first? Carry the message not the mess Principles before personalities Always remember the groups best interests not your own Use guidelines Always remember who’s in charge – GOD. To except group decisions Group is very important How do I demonstrate a commitment to this? Where do I have room to grow? Be a good member Be responsible Listen to people who have experience Learn to listen and listen to learn Do suggested things Room to grow – offer sponsorship Participate in group Look for opportunities to carry the message

6. What are my responsibilities as a member of Narcotics Anonymous? To carry the message Principles before personalities If you are in the public arena you are representing NA Kindness to others Honest Non-judgemental To be honest Carry a message Continunity Openmindedness Do these responsibilities change over time? Yes in a positive manner Yes of course as we grow up and mature in NA

7. How do I show my gratitude? Take part in meetings Sharing a positive message Get down on knees and thanking Higher Power By giving back by taking up service Showing up Connection with other addicts outside meetings Inviting people to social events Keeping regular meeting attendance Sharing the solution Have I reached out to another addict today? Yes we are at this workshop Giving someone a lift Texting another addict Sponsorship

8. How can I sense when my heart is open or closed to newcomers? I spoke to the newcomer before I spoke to my friends after the mtg. Giving my phone number Being mindful of the newcomer when I’m sharing Having empathy Being open minded When we listen to new comers Open & non judgemental Offer of support What can I do better to help the still-suffering addict? Doing some PR work Reaching out into the community Passing the programme through sponsorship Contacting members who have relapsed to let them know we are still here to help and support Reaching out by calling old timers as well as new comers

9. Do my opinions about fellow members separate me – or them – from the group? Yes if I get involved in Gossip & carrying stories – this causes disunity and hurt/harm to others. Keep my opinions to myself – I don’t always have to share everything in my mind – use my sponsor instead of dumping on the meeting or other members. Yes as opinions are very like judgements We need to be tolerant and open minded not the opposite Some opinions should be kept to yourself as they impact the group in a negative way

10. How am I of service to NA? Showing up Participating in the group Staying clean Sharing our experience Service positions for everyone Being warm & welcoming What types of service work am I most comfortable doing? What service would I like to take on? Secretary or anything at group level Would like to do more PR or get more involved in Area

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