Principles of Teaching Session 4 Effective Teachers: The Naturals

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Principles of Teaching Session 4 Effective Teachers: The Naturals

BOARDWORK – Think-Pair-Square In what ways is the teaching profession an art? In what ways is the teaching profession a science?

Enjoying Learning Learning by Doing “Goofing Off” – Passing notes – Whispering – Sharpening pencils – Doodling – Gazing out the window

Pair Partner Discussion Describe to your partner a memorable time in which you and/or others in your class were “goofing off.” Describe the reaction of a teacher you had when students were “goofing off” in class.

Working Yourself to Death Hand papers in Pass papers back Get into groups Line up Sit up Sit down Shut up Pay attention Helpless hand-raising Parent conferences Faculty/committee meetings Grading papers Lesson planning

“Natural” Teachers Natural teachers find the profession exhilarating. They do not work themselves to death. “NATURAL TEACHERS WORK SMART, NOT HARD .”

Characteristics of Natural Teachers Good Instincts – Don’t have a clue – Common Sense Make Management Affordable Make Management Look Easy Make Method Out of Magic

Partner Teach Stand and teach the four characteristics of natural teachers to your partner. One minute. Switch. One minute.

Beyond the Naturals Accumulation of many “natural” teachers, not just one

Positive Classroom Management Classroom Structure Limit-Setting Responsibility Training – Omission Training Back-up System

Management Is Leadership Management means getting things done through people. Fundamentals are the same in parenting, teaching, business, industry How to get people to do what you want them to do: – Correctly, – On time, – With a good attitude.

The Three Areas of Classroom Management Discipline Instruction Motivation

5 Elements to Discipline Get students on task Keep students on task Suppression of disruption Building patterns of cooperation Mutual respect within the classroom

You Teach Turn to your partner and teach the five elements to classroom discipline. Switch!

Classroom Rules Assignment Based on what you have read and learned about classroom management thus far, create a list of rules that you will post in your classroom. Remember that rules should be: – Brief – Stated in the positive – Something you are willing to enforce consistently. Due: Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Instruction How do you produce mastery and independent learning in all students without working yourself to death? Effective instruction requires the integration of all modalities of learning at every step of performance: – The Verbal (Say) – The Visual (See) – The Physical (Do)

Partner Teach Turn to your partner and teach your partner how to produce mastery and independent learning in all students. Switch.

Motivation How do you get conscientiousness and hard work from all of your students? Quality control to classroom work Incentives for diligence

Your Turn Turn to your partner and teach him/her everything you have just learned about the three areas of classroom management: – Discipline – Instruction – Motivation Switch.

Metaphor of the Effective Teacher Metaphor - the process of describing one thing as if it were another; figurative language using literal language to suggest an analogy (i.e. the world is a stage; the effective teacher is an oak tree) Write a metaphor for effective teaching using what you have learned from: – – – – – Class Discussion Education, chapter 1 Borich, chapter 1 Martin, chapter 1 Dimensions of Learning (Dimension 1) and – Personal Experience Word processed. One page minimum Two page maximum Criteria for Evaluation – Explicit identification of a metaphor – Explanation of the meaning of the metaphor (multiple facets required) – Connections to the six areas in the left column – Word processed – Adequate length (meaningful prose, not fluff)

Closure Work as a team to WRITE a SUMMARY of the important aspects of Borich, chapter 1. – Divide sections of the chapter equally among team members – Have each member write a two-sentence summary of the section s/he was assigned – Combine each summary (in order), to make up a complete chapter summary – Have each member find a person from another team and compare group summaries.

Principles of Teaching Introduction to Positive Classroom Management

Dilemma How do you get people to do what you want them to do: – Correctly? – On time? – With a good attitude?

Students Manage Teachers Too Students have a head start Switching the Agenda – Instruction – Motivation

Positive Classroom Management Classroom Structure Limit-Setting Responsibility Training – Omission Training Back-up System

Classroom Structure Focuses upon arranging every aspect of the classroom environment so that learning becomes more likely and “goofing off” becomes less likely. The cheapest way to manage any problem is to prevent its occurrence. Classroom structure aims to do just that.

Limit-Setting Typically referred to as “meaning business.” Limit setting is the body language by which teachers convey their control of classroom situations in a relaxed, yet powerful manner.

Responsibility Training Responsibility Training focuses upon the central issue of discipline management in the classroom – cooperation. The idea is to train the class to be responsible for their actions in order to maximize learning time while building group cohesion and mutual respect.

Back-up System A back-up system utilizes negative sanctions to suppress severe behavior problems. The school discipline code. The most expensive and failure-prone portion of any discipline management program.

Partner Teach Stand-up, walk around the room and find a partner who you have not worked with yet this semester. Teach the four parts of Positive Classroom Management to your partner: – – – – Classroom Structure Limit-Setting Responsibility Training Back-Up System One minute. Switch. One minute.

Summary of Positive Classroom Management Clarifying goals; Structuring the environment for success; Imparting necessary skills; Setting limits; Building cooperation; and Creating a sense of shared purpose. These are the basics of leadership. These are the basics of positive classroom management.

Two More Points Keep It Positive – Traditional Wisdom Discipline equals punishment Putting the lid on it – Self Discipline and Cooperation Lessons from rough kids Building patterns of cooperation

Two More Points Keep It Cheap – Basic Objectives Reducing Your Work Load and Stress Adding to Your Repertoire – Choosing the Right Procedure Positive Classroom Discipline Is a System Criteria For Choosing – Always choose the cheapest remedy – If a discipline procedure is working, it will selfeliminate.

Closure Discuss the following questions with your partner – In what ways is the teaching profession both an art and a science? – How does the chapter on “The Master Teacher” in the book Education relate to today’s lesson and the lesson on “The Naturals?”

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