Participatory Governance Evaluation Survey Fall 2022 S A N D I E G O
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2 Participatory Governance Evaluation Survey Committee Role & Meeting Attendance 61 10 6 1 A total of 77 respondents participated in the survey Most respondents were voting members Most respondents attended nearly all the meetings 59 16 1 One or two meetings At least half the meetings Nearly all the meetings Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
Goals Strongly Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree 46% 49% 38% 62% 42% 42% 39% 33% 5% 0.01 5% Q1 1% 4% Q2 7% 0.05 Q3 12% 0.08 Q4 Q1. The Committee establishes goals Q2. The Committee’s goals are aligned with the College’s strategic goals Q3. The Committee’s goals/charge are regularly reviewed and updated Q4. The Committee regularly assesses the achievement/progress towards its goals Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness 3
Feedback on Questions Q1-Q4 4 Mostly positive remarks from respondents about their committees: Efficient Welcoming Organized Some critiques: “Needs to do a better job” “Should do better” Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
Planning/Organization Strongly Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree 42% 65% 65% 55% 56% 57% 48% 66% 6% Q5 57% 21% 32% 19% 43% 30% 4% 1% Q6 30% 4% 1% Q7 37% 35% 7% 1% Q7.1.a 8% 1% Q7.1.b 30% 9% 3% 0.01 Q7.2 35% 22% 5% 4% 0.03 Q8 30% 32% 12% 3% 0.03 Q9 3% 0.01 Q10 7% 5% 0.01 Q11 5. The Committee regularly reviews meeting dates and times to provide appropriate accommodation of members' schedules. 6. The Committee posts an agenda 72 hours before each committee meeting. 7. The agenda sufficiently describes what will be covered in the upcoming meeting. 7.1.a. The agenda items are well aligned with the College’s strategic goals. 7.1.b. The agenda items are well aligned with the accreditation standards. 7.2. There are agenda items that intentionally address strategic goal V (DEI) 8. The Committee has a dedicated note-taker. 9. The Committee posts minutes in a timely manner. 10. The Committee's website is well maintained. 11. Minutes are clear, concise, well-organized, and provide sufficient details. Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness 5
Feedback on Questions Q5-Q11 6 Several respondents mention that their committee does not have a website or were unaware of one Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
Committee’s Role Strongly Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree 18% 43% 48% 53% 27% 30% 32% 34% 41% 39% 39% 34% 43% 42% 46% 4% 5% 1% Q12 35% 17% 3% Q13 9% 1% Q14 18% 5% 5% Q15 47% 43% 36% 14% 26% 6% Q16 8% 1% Q17 34% 26% 3% Q18 5% 1% Q19.1 38% 13% 11% 1% 1% Q19.2 9% Q19.3 12. Voting members of the Committee adequately reflect the constituency groups on campus most likely to be impacted by its recommendations and/or decisions. 13. The Committee provides its members with mentoring, training, or both. 14. The Committee establishes expectations/norms for its members 15. The Committee’s function is clearly defined 16. The Committee’s process is regularly reviewed and updated. 17. Committee functions and processes are aligned with/in service of achieving the Committee’s goals. 18. The Committee successfully fulfilled its stated charge the previous year. 19.1. The Committee makes data-informed decisions based on careful and thoughtful analysis of current research data 19.2. The Committee makes decisions timely. 19.3. The Committee facilitates a relatively quick turnaround moving from decision to action. Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness 7
Feedback on Questions Q12-Q19 8 Differences in training among committees “Not sure that there is training” “Does a great job in mentoring new members and guests” Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
Committee Relations Strongly Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree 26% 44% 47% 61% 53% 55% 57% 60% 52% 36% 41% 44% 28% 6% 1% Q20 43% 34% 4% 1% Q21 31% 17% 4% 1% Q22 5% 1% Q23 39% 5% 1% Q24 36% 6% 1% Q25 39% 30% 3% 1% Q26 8% 1% Q27 32% 40% 32% 12% 3% 1% Q28 18% 3% Q29 23% 4% Q30 42% 38% 21% Q31 20. The Committee communicates its process effectively to its members 21. The Committee communicates its process effectively to outside constituency groups 22. The Committee consistently serves its specified purposes in the best possible manner with the least amount of time and efforts wasted. 23. The Committee is collaborative, inclusive, and respectful of diverse opinions/inputs. 24. Members feel comfortable contributing ideas. 25. Ideas are treated with respect, whether or not others agree with them. 26. Members have sufficient opportunities to provide input into committee recommendations. 27. The Committee often conducts meaningful, structured, and productive dialogues. 28. The Committee regularly considers how its recommendations and/or decisions may impact constituency groups and seeks input and buy-in before proceeding. 29. The Committee maintains effective information flow to constituency groups. 30. The Committee maintains effective communication with the campus community as a whole. 31. The Committee follows up with responsible constituency groups on turning decision to timely action. 9 Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
Feedback on Questions Q20-Q31 10 Respondents would like improvement in communication: To share information outside committee To be able to share ideas in a respectable manner Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
Meeting Satisfaction Strongly Disagree Agree 61% 32% 3% 1% 3% Q32 56% 35% Disagree Strongly Agree 52% Neither Agree Nor Disagree 53% 64% 34% 33% 29% 5% 1% 3% Q33 10% 11% 4% Q34 4% Q35 5% 1% Q36 32. The meeting room/virtual meeting room/tool (e.g., Zoom) is conducive to an effective committee meeting. 33. The features in the meeting room/virtual meeting room/tool facilitate the overall effectiveness of each committee meeting. 34. Overall, I am satisfied with the amount of time and effort I expend on this Committee. 35. Overall, I feel like the time and effort I expend on this Committee is worthwhile. 36. Overall, this Committee plays an important role in helping the college achieve its goals and 11 mission. Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
Feedback on Questions Q32-Q36 12 Mixed feelings on using Zoom: Easier to share resources “allows some members to dominate the discussion and shut down alternative viewpoints” “still prefer face-to-face” Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
13 Participatory Governance Evaluation Survey Time spent preparing the agenda and reviewing minutes Wide variation in time spent preparing materials AND reviewing materials 15 minutes to 10 hours, among five respondents Time spent reviewing materials to prepare for meeting 15 15 10 5 3 Less than 15 minutes 15 - 30 minutes 0.5 - 1 hr 1 - 2 hrs Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness More than 2 hrs
14 Participatory Governance Evaluation Survey Time spent per month on activities on behalf of the committee 11 26 respondents gave feedback on time spent on committee activities 8 11 respondents spent at least 5 hours per month 4 3 1hrs 1-2hrs 2-5 hrs Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness 5 hours
Accomplishments of the Committee 15 Foster collaboration and inclusion Disseminate information Review student petitions Embrace diversity and equity Receive, review, and update college-wide plans Guided Pathways Setting goals/benchmarks/KPIs Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
Recommended Changes for the Committee 16 Increase membership/participation/invite guests Encourage communication/open discussion Clarify or assign roles Expectations Note-taker Secretary Provide minutes in advance Hold meetings on Zoom Spread awareness of committee’s work Longer term lengths Miramar College Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness