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MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology PDS Build 11.0 Test Readiness Review Richard Chen/Gary Chen Jordan Padams/Thomas Loubrieu/Emily Law 10/26/2020

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Review Board Work Product Status System Package Delivery Status Test Objectives Test Environment Security Scan Results Known Security Risks Summary of Test Cases Key Test Cases Agenda Test Personnel Test Effort Testing Constraints and Risks Action Item Status Deviations – Waivers – Liens – ECRs – Other 2

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Review Board Chair Scott Markham Chief Engineer Costin Radulescu Board Assurance Engineer Eva Bokor Security Systems Engineer Mike Pajevski Task Manager Jordan Padams Test Engineer Richard Chen / Gary Chen Customers N/A 3

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Work Product Status Work Product DMS Doc and Revision ID DMS Document Status Test Plan Build%2011.1%20Deliverables/testPlan.20201022.pdf Draft PDS General System Software Requirements Document (SRD) version 1.1 Released Test Procedures, as found on nssdc a delivery design 20191219.docx and To be developed after TRR UknYSZUQ/edit#gid 1170315169 Test Anomaly & Issues (GitHub Issues) Issues are tracked under each individual component repository, e. g. See Release Description for links to specific repositories. Anomalies found during system test cycles. Task tracking. Test Support Tools N/A N/A Test Report To be developed after testing is completed N/A System Deployment Guide See individual tool Installation Guides. N/A Release Description N/A N/A JPL/Caltech PROPRIETARY - Not for Public Release or Redistribution. The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization. 4

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology System Package Delivery Status Software delivered for I&T as described in Release Description Document: rdd-11.0.0.html 5

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Test Objectives Ensure modified tools are – Functioning correctly – Meeting user needs – Meeting requirements 6

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Test Environment The software tested can be run on any machine with sufficient resources. At EN: – macbook running macOS 10.14.6, 32GB memory –, Linux 3.10.0, 8GB memory 7

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory Modified Components California Institute of Technology PDS operator LDD, metadata LDD lddtool validate metadata registry / harvest AIP, SIP DOI registration deeparchive doi service any machine Component Description Modifications information-model (lddtool) creates a local data dictionary (LDD) for a specialized domain such as a mission like Mars2020 or a discipline like Imaging, PDS’s base dictionary manifests the PDS Information Model. A dictionary takes the form of a schema and schematron rules. 19 improvements, 7 fixes validate verifies the syntactic correctness of product labels against the base dictionary and optional local data dictionaries. 4 improvements, 10 fixes, 9 requirements registry / harvest receives and serves metadata about PDS products 11 improvements, 5 fixes, 17 requirements deep-archive creates Archive and Submission Information Packages (AIP, SIP) to be sent to NSSDC to archive data. 7 improvements, 12 fixes, 10 requirements doi service manages DOIs, which have been requested for products such as PDS4 bundles and PDS3 data sets 26 improvements, 2 fixes, 14 requirements 8

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Summary of Test Cases For this delivery, EN has separated the Test Plan from the Test Procedures, due to the large number of Modifications. Each item in the Test Plan, referenced earlier, maps 1to-1 with an improvement, a fix, or an altered requirement in the RDD. 9

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Key Test Cases pds-registry-app#38: the registry’s core functionality has moved from Solr to ElasticSearch, which should affect every test of the registry pds-registry-app#8 and #9 each also introduces another technology and layer into the registry software pds-doi-service#33 and any others that communicate with OSTI: this is a new interface for PDS. validate#215: the functionality of checking the data’s number of records keeps coming back for fixes. 10

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory Test Personnel California Institute of Technology Person Role(s) Assignment(s) FTE / Days Richard Chen Lead EN Tester PDS EN I&T Lead 1.0/15 Gary Chen System Tester PDS EN I&T 1.0/15 Total ? 11

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Test Effort # Test ID Mission Tester Days to Perform Test 1 information-model (lddtool) PDS GChen 10 2 validate PDS GChen 10 3 registry / harvest PDS RChen 15 4 deep-archive PDS GChen 5 5 doi service PDS RChen 10 Total days 50 12

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Testing Constraints & Risks IF installation and configuration of external software packages goes poorly THEN testing of the registry will halt until solved WITH LIKELIHOOD OF 50%. IF OSTI’s interface works poorly THEN many components of doi service will halt WITH LIKELIHOOD of 10%. IF software changes and fixes come in THEN those tests will need to be rerun WITH LIKELIHOOD of 90% and CONSEQUENCE OF resetting the number of days needed for testing. 13

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Action Item Status None 14

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Deviations New “CCB” process defined with PDS Software Working Group – Build 11.0 Deviations: is%3Aissue label%3AB11.0 Deviations New PDS User Experience Tasks – Validate improvements deferred to build 11.1 – PDS4 SCRs not received from DDWG – Note: Working towards improved automated tracking of these for future builds 15

MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Task realization metrics Component Task Planned Task Planned realized Total Tasks realized Comment PDS4 Information Model (lddtool) 13 6 20 Work dependent on receivables from DDWG* LDD tools 4 4 N/A Validate 7 3 14 Deferred PDS4 jparser 1 0 0 Deferred Registry 13 10 16 Deep archive 2 2 19 DOI service 11 10 28 Search 2 2 2 API 4 4 8 UX/Web Design 0 0 7 Repos at New task *DDWG – PDS Data Design Working Group 16


MULTIMISSION GROUND SYSTEM & SERVICES OFFICE, INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Known Security Risks Known Security Vulnerabilities (java) Need to update scan Info – Thomas to provide 18

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