Managerial Strategies for Creating an Effective Work

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Managerial Strategies for Creating an Effective Work Environment March/April 2013 issue of Radiologic Technology Directed Readings In the Classroom

Instructions: This presentation provides a framework for educators and students to use Directed Reading content published in Radiologic Technology. This information should be modified to: 1. Meet the educational level of the audience. 2. Highlight the points in an instructor’s discussion or presentation. The images are provided to enhance the learning experience and should not be reproduced for other purposes.

Introduction Each radiology department has unique characteristics and dynamics that reflect the diverse group of people who make up the medical imaging team. Radiology managers must shape that assortment of individuals into a viable work unit and point staff in the same direction to reach a common goal. To accomplish this task, each manager must create an effective and motivating work environment.

Introduction Several challenges work against the manager. Often, there is the ingrained perception that the status quo must be maintained, and it is difficult to make changes going forward. A misconception persists that it is easier to ignore many issues that arise in the workplace than to address those issues directly. The price for this approach is the loss of imaging departments’ best personnel as staff members seek more healthy working situations. In addition, potential employees almost certainly sense the negative environment when they interview for an open position. Managers must learn to reduce or eliminate negative behaviors that affect morale — and ultimately productivity — to manage effectively. In general, radiology department managers face a complex issue of how to care for the caregivers in imaging departments.

Assessing Employee Performance and Satisfaction Although the general concept of burnout often is used casually in describing employee dissatisfaction, there is empirical research regarding burnout in the radiologic technology profession. Akroyd et al investigated patterns of burnout among U.S. radiographers and found that these professionals exhibited much higher levels of emotional exhaustion compared with other health care workers.Therefore, it is critical for managers to take the time necessary to discover what could be driving poor performance among their staff.

Assessing Employee Performance and Satisfaction Poor performance can be multidimensional. For example, technologists might be performing poorly purely in technical tasks. A technologist who produces high-quality images might have poor interpersonal skills, which requires a different interventional strategy from the manager. Intervening in problematic behavior can be a difficult and overwhelming responsibility, but inaction leads to dysfunction on a larger scale. In the absence of leadership, negative behavior flourishes.

Assessing Employee Performance and Satisfaction Competent managers examine the workplace they lead before developing strategies for improvement. The following questions adapted from Porter-O’Grady and Malloch can assist a manager in beginning a workplace assessment: Why would anyone want to work at your organization? Do employees find location, pay scale, benefits, reputation for quality care, research commitment, affiliation with an educational institute, or something else most attractive? In what type of culture does the work occur? How is the work recognized and valued?

Assessing Employee Performance and Satisfaction Effectively analyzing the imaging department takes a manager’s time and energy. Leaders within the medical imaging community are well aware of the integral role their department plays in relation to the entire health care facility or system, and research is conducted to assess how the medical imaging department interacts with other departments, but communication and workplace effectiveness assessments often are skipped at the departmental level. It is unwise to eliminate department-level evaluations in consideration of the bottom line because failing to identify problems can add to a dysfunctional workplace for medical imaging employees.

Employee Evaluations The information obtained from employee evaluations helps provide a comprehensive review of an imaging department and helps to satisfy a critical requirement of The Joint Commission regarding consistent performance appraisals for all personnel. If not planned and executed properly, this process easily can develop into a meaningless annual activity, fraught with anxiety on the part of supervisors and staff members. Managers should consider the purpose of assessing employee performance when planning for evaluations. Once the process is embedded into a department’s culture as a tool to provide support, continuous improvement, and professional development, attitudes toward performance evaluations tend to be more positive. Attitudes of openness, transparency, and a shared goal of working toward individual and team improvement lead to more successful evaluation processes and results.

Employee Evaluations Framing the performance evaluation experience as a structured opportunity for managers and staff to sit down and communicate in a neutral and nonthreatening environment supports more openness and more successful evaluations. Ideally, staff members are allowed valuable one-on-one time to speak openly with managers about issues that affect their work performance. Managers gain employees’ trust by demonstrating respect and holding confidences shared during the exchange. When a department develops or changes annual evaluation processes, it is important to educate staff at all levels regarding expectations.

Employee Evaluations Managers can use a number of tools for employee performance appraisals. The comparative method, absolute standards, and management by objectives are commonly used types. The comparative method compares employees against one another, resulting in a ranking system. There are several ways that managers can structure feedback from the comparative method, depending on their department make-up and what works best for their team. The absolute standards method evaluates employees according to a designated list of written standards that the department values. In a typical medical imaging department, absolute standards might include patient satisfaction or complaints, number of retakes, and formal performance issues that have resulted in written reprimands. There are multiple ways that managers can capture the information so it can be used most effectively.

Employee Evaluations Use of management by objectives has increased because this method allows managers and staff members to work together to develop a list of goals to accomplish during the period under review. Employees and their managers can review together which goals have been attained, along with goals that need to be adjusted, added, or deleted. This model allows the manager and employee to identify areas for improvement or projects of interest to the radiologic technologist that can benefit the department or organization. For example, a technologist might be a good candidate for the department’s mentorship program. Managers should help employees align goals with the department’s overall organizational structure and strategy, along with the personal and professional goals of the worker.

360 Evaluations A 360 evaluation provides the employee who is being evaluated with anonymous feedback from his or her manager(s), peers, and direct reports. An effective model involves no more than 12 people who can provide their feedback, preferably in an online format. These types of evaluations should be structured in such a way that the questions do not reveal the role of the evaluator and instead maintain anonym Strict adherence to anonymity allows participation from coworkers at as many levels as possible, such as supervisors a chief technologist reports to, the technologists who report to the chief technologist, along with colleagues within the imaging department and professionals outside the department who may have insight and thoughtful feedback. Focusing on areas that reveal identified opportunities for improvement in departmental analyses can strengthen communication, leadership styles, and other issues.

360 Evaluations The purpose of a 360 survey is to measure behaviors and competencies. This evaluation tool is not to be mistaken for an evaluation method that measures performance objectives, such as ensuring the department is under budget for the fiscal year or reaching target staffing goals. As with any employee evaluation, poor planning and poor communication render the 360 evaluation less effective. Beginning the evaluation process without proper buy-in from senior management can make the evaluation process fail. Failure to follow up on the results of the feedback or to hold those evaluated and their managers accountable for findings can seriously undermine morale and confidence in the facility’s administration. Managers can apply a modified version of the 360 evaluation to perform a comprehensive evaluation of how an entire team is performing.

Management Self-evaluation Managers also should participate in 360 evaluations. It is not always easy for managers to examine their personal shortcomings, but feedback from others is necessary for successful leadership. This type of feedback can help open lines of communication between management team members and those who interact with them. A well-conducted 360 evaluation can help a manager understand how he or she is perceived by peers, supervisors, and subordinates, as well as provide an excellent measure for leadership, listening, and other essential skills. Managers must lead by example and demonstrate the types of behaviors they are asking of their employees. Further, by participating in 360 evaluations, managers set the tone for the entire departmental evaluation process and examination of issues that could be undermining the team’s effectiveness.

Effective Leadership Transformational Leadership More than 30 years ago, James MacGregor Burns developed a theory describing effective leaders as transformational. Effective leadership has been identified as a key component to the level of employee satisfaction in the allied health professions. In fact, it follows only a sense of job security in the workplace and salary in determining health care workers’ job satisfaction. In the mid1980s, Bass suggested 4 elements of transformational leadership: Idealized influence capacity to be a role model. Inspirational motivation having a vision. Intellectual stimulation encouraging creativity and ideas. Individualized consideration rating each person uniquely.

Effective Leadership Transformational Leadership Radiology managers can focus on transformational leadership by following these 4 elements. Specifically, managers can promote the sense of professionalism, quality, and culture they want their staff members to emulate by example. Other potential strategies can address specific issues identified in departmental assessments and managers’ 360 evaluations. The transformational leadership theory continues to be explored. Although the positive effect of transformational leadership has been documented in other professions, a study performed by Jeffrey S Legg concluded that radiography leaders’ skills are lacking in this management style. He suggested that attention be given to developing formal programs to help fill the gaps.

Addressing Evaluation Results Even when managers use performance evaluations to overcome a natural tendency to avoid honest assessment, many fail to act on findings. Jim Bolton, CEO of communications consulting firm Ridge Associates in New York, has said of employees with performance problems: “You not only have to manage their performance, but, as chronic offenders, they become problems in your performance.” According to Bolton, executives find workarounds, avoid the employee, provide vague feedback, and often add to their own workloads when they compensate for underperformers instead of addressing issues upfront.

Addressing Evaluation Results A manager can work more easily with results from appropriately designed and conducted performance evaluations. For example, when a manager circles all of the highest values in each category for employees, there is little room for employee feedback or growth. Few employees are at the highest level in every category, and managers should work with those who perform at this level to develop ideas for professional advancement. As mentioned previously, setting expectations for the performance evaluation process can help eliminate employee disappointment or concerns regarding imperfect results. Needing improvement in a few areas can generate discussion and the opportunity to plan radiologic technologist advancement, perhaps leading the employee to share his or her career aspirations.

Addressing Evaluation Results Managers should perform employee evaluations on a regular schedule that is well communicated so everyone has the opportunity to prepare. Evaluations can be stressful for workers, particularly if employees have too little time to prepare. The evaluations are not effective if managers fail to invest the time necessary to review each member of the team thoroughly and provide written assessments to the employees for reflection and review before the personal discussion. Managers should require employees to spend thoughtful, deliberate time processing the evaluation from their perspective; this allows workers the opportunity to outline their concerns and discuss them with their manager if necessary.

Addressing Evaluation Results Honest discussions regarding performance evaluation results, including successes and shortcomings, can lead to employees revealing problems they perceive in the workplace. It is better to address an employee’s dissatisfaction to prevent the situation from becoming worse. For example, some employees might resent what they perceive as unequal time off for vacations or holidays. Managers might make their staffing decisions based on ensuring that the most skilled or trustworthy employees are working at the most critical times, but employees’ perceptions might be that decisions are punitive. Open communication can help employees and managers understand motivations and improve trust and team cooperation to provide quality patient care and lessen employee morale issues.

Addressing Evaluation Results Use of modified 360 evaluations that assess the entire team can help managers identify or improve projects in their departments, such as streamlining patient scheduling or reducing patient wait times. This type of evaluation can help the team develop and implement strategies to achieve departmental goals. It also offers opportunities for measurable assessments of team members who embrace and engage in department goals. As with individual evaluations, the manager must follow through in a timely manner to build confidence in management among employees and to gather support while employees are engaged.

Professional Development When conducting an honest self-assessment and fair, candid employee evaluations, the radiology manager helps establish an environment of trust and openness. These reviews also lay the groundwork for an important management opportunity: the professional development of radiology department staff members. Some Radiologic Technologists are content to maintain the same role in an organization for the duration of their career, but most aspire to develop in their profession. Individuals’ working identities usually change so gradually that they fail to notice the natural course of their professional paths. Some professionals attempt to make rapid changes, or are forced to by circumstances. Some employees need help when trying to make drastic or rapid changes in their skills or roles.

Professional Development Some imaging departments have perpetuated the practice of promoting exceptional technologists into management positions with little or no preparation. Radiologic technologists who stand out technically or in patient care show skill sets that might serve them well as managers; they improvise and work around obstacles to produce high-quality results. Although it seems natural that these technologists would be equally successful as department leaders, supervising and managing roles require different skills as well. A newly promoted manager might have the best intentions when he or she steps in to complete a task assigned to someone else, but delegation is an important management skill, and the employee who was assigned the task originally could feel micromanaged and begin to shut down.

Professional Development Assumptions and lack of training or preparation for technologists promoted to management positions too often lead to their contributing to department dysfunction and perhaps failing at their first managerial position. Departments must examine their internal structure and think carefully about what a particular employee who has been promoted would need to be successful in the transition to management. Such support systems must be put into place well before transitioning an employee to management to ensure success.

Professional Development Radiology managers should not assume that only human resources (HR) staff are responsible for dialogs with employees regarding professional development. Managers should consider employee desires and skills when forming comprehensive succession plans for their medical imaging department’s future. Succession planning occurs when senior management thoughtfully considers what likely will happen when leaders leave positions within their departments and a plan for who could move into the vacant roles. The best succession plans begin by examining if the position remains relevant and, if so, whether the way it is currently structured continues to make sense when the leader departs. Once those questions are answered, a plan for those who might move up and into the roles can be devised.

Management Strategies Before radiology managers can help their employees develop, they must clearly outline and communicate their department’s mission and how they will execute the mission and goals of the organization and department. Only then can the department’s employees fully grasp their place within the team and the larger picture.

Management Strategies One of the defining characteristics of a great manager is the ability to delegate and trust other members of the team to accomplish the tasks assigned to them. If new managers are properly selected and prepared, more experienced managers should be confident enough to allow the new managers to work in ways that are the most comfortable to them. An experienced manager should not insist direct reports adhere to a style that he or she prefers. According to author Marcus Buckingham, managers should not only ensure all of the leaders working for them are on parallel paths, but also should appreciate the value of each manager’s unique abilities and learn how best to integrate the unique skills and personalities of team members into a team model for departmental effectiveness.

Recruitment Strategies Once the HR department has helped screen candidates and presented them to the radiology manager, he or she must evaluate candidates’ qualifications. A trend that has caught a lot of momentum among recruiters is the practice of reading résumés backward. The idea sounds counterintuitive, but can be quite effective. With the large volume of résumés often received and the multiple avenues with which they reach recruiters and managers, it is becoming increasingly difficult to sort through them to determine the best candidates for open radiologic sciences positions. Many candidates possess similar experience, and they frame that information in ways that look identical. Scanning a résumé backward might help prevent discarding a candidate who should stand out, but does not because of weary screeners or automated systems used by many large employers.

Recruitment Strategies It is often toward the end of the résumé that a candidate lists information that could be considered as supplemental. Examples include personal information such as completing a decathlon or starting a business. This type of information can provide a potential employer a more complete view of a candidate and point to unique skill sets that a manager might need for the role being filled within the medical imaging department. Once a manager practices this new method of evaluating résumés, it becomes easier to assess desirable qualities. The method also can help eliminate a candidate who otherwise would appear desirable or prompt interview questions by quickly identifying a lower grade point average or unexpectedly long time to complete professional training.

Recruitment Strategies Author George Anders defined this résumé review process as “sorting out jagged résumés.” He stated that traditionally, interviewers have attempted to place résumés in stacks with labels according to whether the candidates are being considered, not considered, or may be considered for hire. Most often, managers have an unwieldy list of qualities desired in candidates to fill the vacant position. According to Anders, excellent candidates often fall into the group of candidates who may be considered, but are overlooked until someone implements a fresh process to evaluate candidates more thoroughly. For example, exercises such as discovering a candidate’s ability to rebound from failure can be indicators of future success.

Interviewing Strategies Once the best potential candidates have been selected, the manager must plan for interviews. Even when the manager knows the candidate, such as a radiologic technologist who already works in the department, the manager must follow a formal process that allows the candidate and manager to consider carefully the appropriateness of the candidate for the position. Managers should work within the parameters set forth by their HR department to structure the interview and to elicit the information needed while avoiding questions that are too personal or that border on discriminatory or illegal questions.21,24 Because many laws vary by state, managers should first meet with HR and the company’s legal team to understand fully the relevant laws and how they have been translated into departmental policies and procedures.

Interviewing Strategies The radiology manager’s time and attention is stretched with his or her daily responsibilities of running the medical imaging department, and it might be difficult to adequately address the interview process. Up to 3 in-person meetings with a prospective candidate can produce the most effective hiring results. It also is helpful to involve 3 separate managers in the interviews to more objectively and thoroughly evaluate a candidate. Fewer than 3 interviews can cause managers to miss red flags regarding the candidate, and more than 3 meetings might introduce too many opinions, potentially eliminating an excellent candidate.

Interviewing Strategies The ultimate decision regarding a hire should be left to the manager who will supervise the person in the position directly. The supervisor and worker should know in advance whether they perceive that they will have a good working relationship. One of most difficult situations a medical imaging department manager can face is when the recruiting and interview process fails to produce the right candidate. This is less likely to happen in a slow job market, but it can occur, particularly in certain geographic regions or for specialized positions. If a manager fails to identify the right person for a job, he or she should readvertize the position and begin again, perhaps seeking the help of the HR department for a different recruiting or advertising approach if necessary.

Interviewing Strategies This decision can be particularly uncomfortable when internal candidates have applied and the manager decides not to hire or promote them into the position. Managers should avoid the temptation to place the current employee into the new role for fear of losing the employee altogether; in fact, the worker likely would have been lost eventually after being unsuccessful in the new position. Managers must handle the process with discretion and honesty and help the candidates who are not successful understand the reasoning behind the decision.

Addressing Problem Behaviors Beyond assessing the medical imaging department and evaluating employee performance, managers must ensure that their teams continue operating smoothly while addressing employee problems. Employees become disenchanted with their positions and work environment for varied and unique reasons. The disenchantment of a single employee can spread, affecting otherwise satisfied and highly valued employees. Often, an employee acts out in ways that become increasingly difficult for coworkers and managers, but if managers ignore the problem, it becomes more widespread, and the manager might become entangled in a department-wide predicament complicated by legal issues.

Addressing Problem Behaviors Poor employee behavior can assume many forms. Blatant insubordination includes an employee refusing to perform a task, not reporting to work on time, or showing disrespect to the radiologist or others. Such behaviors should be addressed immediately. Highly problematic behavior often is more subtle, but equally serious. Undermining fellow team members and creating an unwelcome or hostile workplace also are behaviors managers should address. Formal documentation is crucial to moving successfully through the process that could end in terminating the employee. The HR department is the radiology manager’s resource for addressing difficult employees. Simply meeting with an HR department representative to discuss the situation serves as a formal step in documenting an employee problem.

Addressing Problem Behaviors Poor employee behavior can assume many forms. Blatant insubordination includes an employee refusing to perform a task, not reporting to work on time, or showing disrespect to the radiologist or others. Such behaviors should be addressed immediately. Highly problematic behavior often is more subtle, but equally serious. Undermining fellow team members and creating an unwelcome or hostile workplace also are behaviors managers should address. Formal documentation is crucial to moving successfully through the process that could end in terminating the employee. The HR department is the radiology manager’s resource for addressing difficult employees. Simply meeting with an HR department representative to discuss the situation serves as a formal step in documenting an employee problem.

Addressing Problem Behaviors Generally, the manager outlines a plan to discuss the problematic behavior with the employee. Once the employee has received the appropriate information regarding what needs to be corrected, the manager should establish a reasonable timeline in which improvements should occur. If the behavior in question is serious enough that it must be remedied immediately, then immediate improvement must be expected. The employee should receive a written document that outlines expectations, along with a summary of the meeting; the employee should be required to sign this document. The goal of the corrective meeting and document is to eliminate any possible confusion between the employee and the manager regarding the problem behavior and expectations of correction.

Addressing Problem Behaviors Dealing with difficult team members is possibly the most important responsibility that managers have in retaining employees. Ignoring problems can inevitably lead to the loss of the most skilled and hardest working members of the team. High-performing employees might seek other opportunities if they cannot trust the medical imaging management team and become frustrated by a workplace made more difficult by 1 or a handful of coworkers. Excellent workers are well aware of the unfairness related to some team members consistently performing better and behaving professionally when others are not required to do the same. In the worst scenarios, ignoring the problem can escalate to bullying or violence in the workplace.

Addressing Problem Behaviors Employees behave poorly for a variety of reasons, which reinforces the importance of involving the HR department. Sometimes, it simply is best that an employee leave the department or organization. The management team can listen to why a departing employee is dissatisfied, evaluate what part management might have played in the loss of the employee, and determine whether other employees might have similar concerns. The individual manager or employer can gather information that might be used to help avoid the same situation with a different employee. For example, the issue might be related to the employee’s generation, so a manager might need to better understand how having a mix of team members from different generations affects workplace dynamics and communication.

Delivering Feedback When delivering difficult feedback it is imperative that the manager frame the information correctly. The manager should make every effort to begin by reflecting on an employee’s positive attributes and by expressing appropriate appreciation and feedback about what the employee is doing right. Next, the manager should turn to negative or problematic issues that need addressing. Author Timothy Butler says that difficult messages should be delivered with respect, but in a direct and detailed manner. Managers should focus on behavioral terms, being specific about the types of behaviors that are causing problems instead of making the problems appear to be personal in nature. The more the manager addresses the behavior and the more descriptive the discussion, the more effective the feedback will be.

Delivering Feedback Managers can assist employees to accept feedback by making certain that they continue to interact with the employee in a “normal” fashion. This means that managers should not avoid the employee and maintain the relationship as it was previously established by asking the usual questions, such as how the employee’s day is going, or how issues important to the employee are developing. Acting normal helps the employee move away from the awkwardness of the negative feedback and allows the worker to again feel comfortable in the job role. This can help employees begin to address the issues that the manager provided feedback about and move forward.

Delivering Feedback Managers also must recognize the need to provide positive feedback, whether part of a formal evaluation process or simply as warranted. The fast-paced, technologically driven radiology workplace can lead to feelings of working in isolation and a disconnect from the work team. Managers should never underestimate how powerful it is to take the time to ensure that the people who work for them understand how valuable their contributions are to the department’s quality of patient care.

Delivering Feedback Authors Amabile and Kramer described 4 major nourishers to ignite joy and creativity at the workplace. The first is respect, which comes in many forms. At its most basic, respect takes the form of civility between employees, both up and down the lines of authority. Respectful environments must be maintained during all meetings. Actively listening to employees or coworkers and being forthright when responding to input demonstrate respect. Feeling disrespected is a catalyst for employees to begin looking elsewhere — including to another employer — for validation.

Delivering Feedback The second nourisher is encouragement. Managers can encourage employees daily. They can bolster morale and productivity by structuring formal and informal ways to help the members of their team to feel empowered to be successful in their roles. Managers must remain aware of the emotional wellbeing of their employees to nourish emotional support, which is the third nourisher. Sometimes, managers must also support employees for personal challenges along with those that are work related. Providing an environment where team members feel they can be honest about matters affecting them and, ultimately, their performance makes it easier for managers to gather information to help them support their direct reports.

Delivering Feedback The fourth nourisher is affiliation; it is crucial for coworkers to develop an affiliation to each other and to their organization. Managers can build events into the work schedule that allow employees to relax around each other. The resulting connections provide a foundation for employee satisfaction and loyalty that improve retention. In addition to nourishing employees to help them remain satisfied and engaged in the workplace, managers can regularly recognize the outstanding contributions of team members publicly and privately. Managers can acknowledge their appreciation openly and encourage others in the team to do the same. The appreciation must be genuine.

Delivering Feedback Delivering any type of feedback to employees should happen with consistency and within legal parameters. Managers should set up a system that rewards positive performance to boost morale and increase retention. Radiology managers should learn how and when to reward employees with recognition, praise, and monetary increases. Reward systems should be distributed and communicated fairly to be effective. For example, if employees are told that overtime or bonuses are being withheld to help defray the rising costs of health care for the patients they serve, they will be upset to learn that members of upper management are not following the same example. If morale and trust are to remain high, consistency is necessary.

Mentoring Programs Once the management team is running smoothly and the right personnel are in the right positions in the department, mentorship programs can help prepare the next group of managers in line. Mentors continue to learn as they go through the process of helping to mold and guide the protégés assigned to them. In addition, establishing a formal mentoring program within the medical imaging department can provide opportunities for communication to flow in both directions. The most important aspect to remember when establishing a mentoring program is to pay particular attention to the relationships established. Mentorship works best when it benefits both parties involved. Given the right combination and structure, each person continues to grow professionally and personally.

Mentoring Programs Many benefits of mentoring might not be evident immediately in departmental function and improvement, but often are manifested in the productivity and retention of employees who feel supported in their jobs. Successful mentoring relationships transcend the department and organization in which they originate and become lifelong relationships. A traditional mentoring relationship, such as a senior or chief technologist mentoring a young or newly licensed technologist, is most common, but there are alternatives. Other examples include pairing a radiologic technology professor with technologists who aspire to teach or a senior manager with technologists interested in the administrative aspect of the field. Leaders from professional groups, might be recruited to mentor those who want to contribute to the profession in a broader capacity.

Mentoring Programs A remote mentor is someone who is removed in a significant way from the protégé, allowing for a perspective that is less influenced by internal issues. Invisible mentors are chosen by the protégé and the 2 might never meet. In fact, a worker might select as an invisible mentor a person who is deceased, but who can be studied and emulated. Co-mentoring is when 2 colleagues at fairly equal points along their career paths come together to help one another reach identified goals. No matter the arrangement, confidentiality between a mentor and protégé is essential for a successful mentoring relationship.

Mentoring Programs Sponsors sometimes are confused with mentors, but the differences between their roles are significant. Sponsors are much more visible in the eye of the organization as they take an active role in promoting those they sponsor along their career pathways. Sponsors also step in and protect employees from harmful politics and other potential issues that can derail professional progress. When appropriate, they “sponsor” their protégé for opportunities, whether they are professionally developmental in nature or nominations for promotion within the department. Sponsorship tends to be identified with more senior employees, but it is not necessarily limited in scope.

Mentoring Programs Research regarding generational differences has produced some important points to consider with regard to mentorship and sponsorship. In any mentor/protégé relationship, the protégé should actively listen and use the information received. For example, workers from generation X (1960 to the late 1970s) prefer to spend their time differently than those of previous generations. Thus, mentors or sponsors should be chosen who enable workers from this generation to demonstrate strengths that most closely align with their short- and long-term career goals. Targeting those who can help them through the transitions that most naturally occur during this stage of career develop and change is crucial.

Leading Teams A new radiology manager might begin working with a team that already is formed, or he or she might have to form a departmental or special work team. Encouraging participation on special teams might require offering monetary or other incentives for participation. Managers can remind potential team members that participation in the team’s work also makes the employees look good internally or on their professional résumés. Finally, when forming teams, managers should consider what level of involvement management will have in the overall process. Management might simply charge the group with a task or participate in the team’s work. If a manager participates, he or she should participate fully; everyone who is a member of a team should be equally accountable for the work that is produced.

Leading Teams A manager’s first meeting with a team is critical to establishing credibility and should be structured carefully. He or she should provide a succinct agenda before the meeting. It is helpful to learn what has worked for colleagues, along with what approaches have failed when they have set up similar work groups. Regular team meetings can ensure that all medical imaging department employees are well informed. Managers should follow rules when establishing the tone for meetings to ensure that meetings are effective. They should be conducted in an environment that welcomes spirited debate and a healthy exchange of ideas, without being disrespectful. Managers who lead team meetings must help everyone involved feel comfortable participating by controlling input from extroverts and encouraging introverts to contribute.

Leading Teams Managers often make 1 of 2 mistakes when setting up or conducting meetings: They present no clear reason why the meeting is being held, or they introduce so many issues and goals that it becomes virtually impossible for the group to agree or produce results effectively in a single area. Managers should instead charge the group with accomplishing particular tasks or goals to maintain productive and meaningful meetings. Innovative managers do not rely on old styles of meetings, but they instead consider how best to help the team add value to the department.

Leading Teams The synergy that develops when a team begins to function at a high level is both exciting and energizing. Team members look to each other for accountability and help in reaching common departmental goals. By setting aside time for productive management team meetings, managers also improve communications and effectiveness as a management team. Meeting times need to have top priority and be protected from alteration or cancellation. This signals to employees that meetings are valued activities.

Leading Teams Some staff might believe that attending meetings of any kind means being asked to do work beyond that already required by daily tasks, which can cause negative reactions. A manager can proactively prevent or mitigate this behavior. One technique is to involve potential detractors in forming the team. Achieving buyin from those who could undermine efforts instead shifts their attitude in a positive direction, and the involved employees can be instrumental in garnering support from others. Managers still are responsible for: Ensuring the meetings are scheduled. Setting a safe environment in which everyone can feel comfortable contributing to the process. Setting meaningful goals for the group and department.

Managing for Employee Retention Having a synergistic team and a process for effective meetings in place can help a department run more smoothly and its workers function more effectively. However, a manager also needs to retain valued team members. Many employees depart the workplace because they feel disengaged. This can happen in 1 of 2 ways. First, the employee might have never formed an attachment to the job and people in the department. The second is that somewhere along the work/life continuum, the employee began to drift away. Dissatisfaction with the employee’s peer group and lack of confidence in the organization’s leadership contribute greatly to the disengagement process.

Managing for Employee Retention Authors Martin and Schmidt examined young top employees (called “stars” by the authors) at many different companies. They noted several observations about a seeming lack of engagement, reporting a likelihood that: About 1 in 4 young stars intends to leave their current employer within the year. Another 1 in 3 admits to not putting all possible efforts into the job. About 1 in 5 believes that their personal aspirations differ markedly from the plans the organization has for them. As many as 4 of 10 have little confidence in their coworkers and even less confidence in the senior team. Although these projections can be quite unsettling to managers, the good news is that medical imaging department leadership can address them. One of the best tools for retention is making open communication integral to departmental administration.

Managing for Employee Retention Communication is one of the most important employee retention methods managers can use, but other strategies also exist. Implementing a program of professional development for existing employees is another excellent method for promoting employee satisfaction and increasing retention. When choosing employees for formalized internal development programs, managers should require that the employees be engaged in the department in positive ways that add value to the entire team. This can be built into the annual performance evaluation process as a goal, and the employee and supervisor can agree to the benchmarks that measure success in this area. Making the process competitive for employees to enter such a program can help to determine which workers are serious about participating.

Managing for Employee Retention Managers also can consider differentiating salary ranges for employees who participate in professional development programs as an incentive. It takes extra effort for employees to work with mentors and actively pursue a defined pathway for professional growth and development. Rewarding that effort monetarily sends a strong signal that the employee’s efforts are valued by upper management and supported throughout the organization. One of the biggest benefits to the organization of retaining and developing top employees is that doing so leads naturally to departmental succession planning. When management evaluates departmental leadership positions, they can identify the skills needed to fulfill the roles effectively. The desired skills then can be emphasized and nourished in the personnel who may move into leadership positions.

Conclusion New and experienced imaging department managers face a number of challenges in their jobs to manage processes and projects. Managing people is one of the most critical and challenging tasks to ensuring that teams are effective and patient care goals are achieved. Imaging department managers can help ensure that they are successful at managing people by carefully assessing their department’s function, performing regular and effective employee evaluations, conducting thoughtful and effective self-evaluations, and carefully managing teams and meetings with the goal of recruiting and retaining highly skilled employees.

Discussion Questions Discuss the some of the ways in which managers can address difficult/problematic employees. Discuss strategies that managers can employ in order to retain “star” performers. Discuss the benefits of the evaluation process.

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