Lab Safety Rules With help from Sponge Bob and the Bikini Bottom Gang

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Lab Safety Rules With help from Sponge Bob and the Bikini Bottom Gang

Rule 1: No horse play in the classroom. Never run, push, or play jokes/pranks on someone else in the lab. This rule applies at all times!

Rule 2: Read and follow all directions exactly as they are written. If in doubt, ask your teacher for help!

Rule 3: Do not touch any equipment, supplies, animals, or other materials in the science room without the teachers permission.

Rule 4: Never mix chemicals (or perform tests) without your teacher’s permission and do not conduct any experiments when the teacher is out of the room.

Rule 5: Never eat, drink, chew gum, or taste anything in the science room unless instructed to do so.

Rule 6: Keep hands away from face, eyes, and mouth while using science materials or when working with either chemicals or animals. Wash your hands with soap and water before leaving the science room.

Rule 7: Wear safety goggles when instructed. Never remove safety goggles during an experiment. There will be no exceptions to this rule!

Rule 8: Always keep your work area neat and clean. Equipment must be returned to its proper place at the end of each class period. Follow your teachers directions for disposal of equipment and chemicals.

Rule 9: Report any accident (fire, spill, breakage, etc.), injury (cut, burn, etc.), or hazardous condition (broken equipment, etc.) to the teacher immediately.

Rule 10: Never smell a chemical directly from the container. Wave your hand over the opening of the container and “waft” the fumes toward your nose.

Rule 11: Handle animals with care and respect. – Open animal cages only with permission. – Never handle any animals when the teacher is out of the room. – Do not tease or handle animals roughly. – Keep animals away from students’ faces. – Report any animal bite or scratch to the teacher immediately.

Rule 12: Never open storage cabinets or enter the prep/storage room without permission from the teacher.

Rule 13: Handle glassware with care and never use broken or chipped glassware.

Rule 14: Dress properly—long hair must be tied back, no dangling jewelry, and no loose or baggy clothing.

Rule 15: Learn where the safety equipment is located and how to use it. Know where the exits are located and what to do in case of an emergency or fire drill.

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