Is it a Sin?       Drink? Dance? Gamble? Pre-marital sex?

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Is it a Sin? Drink? Dance? Gamble? Pre-marital sex? Homosexuality? Wear short attire?

Is it a Sin? To Gamble?

What Constitutes Sin? Sin is a violation of God’s law 1 John 3:4 Rom. 4:15 It does not have to be specifically stated

Is it a Sin to Gamble? What constitutes gambling? Is it a sin? Can we prove it is a sin – even though not mentioned specifically in the Bible? How can betting 2 a horse or 5 on lottery be wrong, but losing 1,000 in stock market is not? Can it be justified on basis of revenue?

A Widespread Problem 500,000,000,000 (500 billion) a year in United States (More than combined expenses of Medicare & Medicaid) 1963 Lotteries were banned in every state. Now most states have lotteries. Storeowners in CA reported decline in grocery sales equivalent to the sale of lotteries tickets where stores sold tickets. 75% of all high school students have gambled.

The amount bet in sports gambling varies depending on the location and the event. In February 2023, bettors in Arizona wagered 609 million on sporting events, including on mo bile apps and in person at sportsbook facilities and off-track betting locations 1 . According to a UN report, the amount wagered on illicit betting markets has been pegged som ewhere in the ballpark of between 340 billion and 1.7 trillion annually 2

Not A New Problem Greeks in Homer’s time used knucklebones of sheep and goats and used them as dice. Gambling boards found in Crete date back to 1800 -1900 BC Babylon - headless arrows were used for making wagers. “The ancient Egyptians played atep, a game of guessing the number of upheld fingers. The classical Greeks are known to have played with astragals, the forerunner of modern dice, and Jews in biblical Israel gambled by throwing dice. The Romans were reportedly obsessed with gaming and bet heavily on gladiatorial fights and chariot races. The Roman historian Tacitus noted that the ancient Germans gambled not only wealth but liberty as well” (Grolier).

Is it a Sin to Gamble? I. What is Gambling?

I. What is Gambling? “To bet money on the outcome of a game, contest, or other event” (AHD, p. 546) “Gambling is the wagering of money or other valuables on the outcome of a game or other event” (Grolier Multimedia Ency.) “Gambling is betting on the outcome of a future event. Gamblers usually bet money or something else of value as a stake on the outcome they predict. When the outcome is settled, the winner collects the loser’s stakes” (World Book Ency.)

Event (uncertain) 1 Stake / Wager 2 Money or anything of value Agreed upon before 3 Gambler # 1 (Winner) Gambler # 2 (Loser)

Card Game Ball Game Horse / Dog Race Roll of Dice Drawing of ticket Bet Matching Price of ticket numbers

I. Risk What is Gambling? Gambling Is Not: Insurance Farming Stocks Business Prizes

I. What is Gambling? Not Determined by Size or Degree “Gambling, for the compulsive gambler is defined as follows: Any betting or wagering, for self or others, whether for money or not, no matter how slight or insignificant, where the outcome is uncertain or depends upon chance or ‘skill’ constitutes gambling.” (Gambler’s Anon. Web page)

Is it a Sin to Gamble? I. What is Gambling? II. Different Forms

II. Different Forms Cards (Poker) Horse race Dog race Lottery Bingo Raffle tickets Slot machines Roulette Pitching / Matching coins Betting on sports Buying chances – games at fair

Is it a Sin to Gamble? I. What is Gambling? II. Different Forms III. It Violates Bible Principles

Luke 7:18-22 18 Then the disciples of John reported to him concerning all these things. g n i m disciples to 19 And John, calling two of his o c u saying, "Are You o y him, sent them torJesus, e A “ : or do n ” the Coming One, we look for o ? i t e s n e o u another?" Q 20 When the men had come to Him, they said, "John the Baptist has sent us to You, saying, 'Are You the Coming One, ors!do le c a ir nse: Wor"ked M poanother?' we look Resfor 21 And that very hour He cured many of infirmities, afflictions, and evil spirits; and Conclus to many blindio He n:gave He issight. the said 22 Then Jesus answered and to c o m ing o n e ! them, "Go and tell John the things you have seen and heard: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, No Direct Statement Rather Evidence From Which To Draw Conclusion

III. It Violates Bible Principles A. Addictive [email protected]

Crime it breeds to support the addiction 1-2% of the population are compulsive gamblers “For many of these problems gamblers, the source of their trouble is the lottery. Of the 40,000 calls to the Council on Compulsive Gambling’s national hotline in 1996, fully 52% were from adults addicted to playing the lottery” (Theft by Consent, p. 15)

Addiction Is Wrong Not to be under the power of any (1 Cor. 6:12) Violates Self Control (2 Pet. 1:5)

III. It Violates Bible Principles A. Addictive B. Covetousness Inordinate desire for gain Wants gain without giving or work Seeks to win at expense of others Willing for others to loose – so I can gain Col. 3:5 1 Tim. 6:10

III. It Violates Bible Principles A. Addictive B. Covetousness C. Violates Principle of Love Unloving toward those with whom wager If able – take all at loser’s expense Is stealing with consent (ill: dueling) Golden rule (Matt. 7:12) Love (Matt. 22:39)

III. It Violates Bible Principles A. B. C. D. Addictive Covetousness Violates Principle of Love Violates Stewardship

Stewardship We are to be good stewards Luke 12:42 1 Pet. 4:10 1 Cor. 4:2 Gambling is poor stewardship Would want your money manager to handle your money that way? Odds in state lottery are 1 in 12-14 million (by comparison – chances of struck by lightening 1 in 1.9 million)

III. It Violates Bible Principles A. B. C. D. E. Addictive Covetousness Violates Principle of Love Violates Stewardship Violates Legitimate Means of Transfer

Legitimate Means of Transfer 1. Labor a. Money paid & earned for effort extended b. Eph. 4:28; 2 Cor. 11:8; 2 Thess. 3:10; Luke 10:7 c. Gambling doesn’t involve gain by labor

Legitimate Means of Transfer 1. Labor 2. Exchange a. A commodity is exchanged for something of value (money or other goods) b. Matt. 13:44, 45; Lk 22:36; Acts 4:32-37; 16:14 c. Stocks & Insurance fit here d. Gambling doesn’t involve exchange

Legitimate Means of Transfer 1. Labor 2. Exchange 3. Love / Gift a. Money or something of value given without any expectation of any return b. Help needy (Eph. 4:28; Acts 2, 4, 6, 11) c. Inheritance (Num. 27:1-11; Deut. 21:15-17) d. Gift (Eph. 4:28; Matt. 2:11) e. Prizes fit here

Is it a Sin to Gamble? I. II. III. IV. What is Gambling? Different Forms It Violates Bible Principles It Breeds Other Sins

IV. It Breeds Other Sins “ by their fruits ye shall know them” (Matt. 7:20). Suicide To Support Gambling General population 1.1% Members of Gamblers Anon. - 13% General Crime -in Gambling Areas Check forgery, Prostitution, Tax Evasion, Embezzlement, Illegal Drugs, Drunkenness, Robberies, and Credit Card Forgery

Is it a Sin to Gamble? I. II. III. IV. What is Gambling? Different Forms It Violates Bible Principles It Breeds Other Sins

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