Information Security CS 526 Topic 14: Key Distribution

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Information Security CS 526 Topic 14: Key Distribution & Agreement, Secure Communication Topic 14: Secure Communication 1

Readings for This Lecture On Wikipedia Needham-Schroeder protocol (only the symmetric key part) Public Key Certificates HTTP Secure Topic 14: Secure Communication 2

Outline and Objectives Key distribution among multiple parties Kerberos Distribution of public keys, with public key certificates Diffie-Hellman Protocol TLS/SSL/HTTPS Topic 14: Secure Communication 3

Symmetric Key Agreement among Multiple Parties For a group of N parties, every pair needs to share a different symmetric key – What is the number of keys? – What secure channel to use to establish the keys? How to establish such keys – Symmetric Encryption - Use a central authority, a.k.a. (TTP). – Asymmetric Encryption – PKI. Topic 14: Secure Communication 4

Needham-Schroeder Shared-Key Protocol Parties: A, B, and trusted server T Setup: A and T share KAT, B and T share KBT Goal: – Security: Mutual entity authentication between A and B; key establishment, Secure against active attacker & replay – Efficiency: Minimize the involvement of T; T can be stateless Messages: A T: A, B, NA T: E[KAT] (NA, B, k, E[KBT](k,A)) (2) E[KBT] (k, A) (3) (NB) (4) (5) (1) A A B: A B: E[k] A B: E[k] (NB-1) What bad things can happen if there is no NA? Another subtle flaw in Step 3. Topic 14: Secure Communication 5

Kerberos Implements the idea of NeedhamSchroeder protocol Kerberos is a network authentication protocol Provides authentication and secure communication Relies entirely on symmetric cryptography Developed at MIT: Used in many systems, e.g., Windows 2000 and later as default authentication protocol Topic 14: Secure Communication 6

Kerberos Overview One issue of Needham-Schroeder – Needs [KAT] to talk to any new service. – Kerberos solution: Think about a login session with KAT derived from a password; either the password needs to be stored, or user needs to enter it every time Separates TTP into an AS and a TGS. The client authenticates to AS using a long-term shared secret and receives a TGT [SSO]. Use this TGT to get additional tickets from TGS without resorting to using the shared secret. AS Authentication Server SS Service Server TGS Ticket Granting Server TGT Ticket Granting Ticket Topic 14: Secure Communication 7

Kerberos Protocol - 1 AS TGS (authentication (ticket-granting server) server) 2 1 3 4 C 5 SS (client) 6 (server) Topic 14: Secure Communication 8

Kerberos Protocol – 2 (Simplified) 1. C AS: TGS NC 2. AS C: {KC,TGS C}KAS,TGS {KC,TGS NC TGS}KAS,C (Note that the first part of message 2 is the ticket granting ticket (TGT) for the TGS) 3. C TGS: SS N’C {KC,TGS C}KAS,TGS {C T1}KC,TGS 4. TGS C: {KC,SS C}KTGS,SS {KC,SS N’C SS}KC,TGS (Note that the first part in message 4 is the ticket for the server S). 5. C SS: {KC,SS C}KTGS,SS {C T2}KC,SS 6. SS C: {T3}KC,SS Topic 14: Secure Communication 9

Kerberos Drawback Highly trusted TTP: KS – Malicious KS can silently eavesdrop in any communication Single point of failure: Security partially depends on tight clock synchronization. Useful primarily inside an organization – Does it scale to Internet? What is the main difficulty? Topic 14: Secure Communication 10

Public Keys and Trust Public Key: PB Public Key: PA Secret key: SB Secret key: SA How are public keys stored? How to obtain the public key? How does Bob know or ‘trusts’ that PA is Alice’s public key? Topic 14: Secure Communication 11

Distribution of Public Keys Public announcement: users distribute public keys to recipients or broadcast to community at large. Publicly available directory: can obtain greater security by registering keys with a public directory. Both approaches have problems, and are vulnerable to forgeries Topic 14: Secure Communication 12

Public-Key Certificates A certificate binds identity (or other information) to public key Contents digitally signed by a trusted Public-Key or Certificate Authority (CA) – Can be verified by anyone who knows the public-key authority’s public-key. For Alice to send an encrypted message to Bob, obtains a certificate of Bob’s public key Topic 14: Secure Communication 13

Public Key Certificates Topic 14: Secure Communication 14

X.509 Certificates Part of X.500 directory service standards. – Started in 1988 Defines framework for authentication services: – Defines that public keys stored as certificates in a public directory. – Certificates are issued and signed by an entity called certification authority (CA). Used by numerous applications: SSL, IPSec, SET Example: see certificates accepted by your browser Topic 14: Secure Communication 15

How to Obtain a Certificate? Define your own CA (use openssl or Java Keytool) – Certificates unlikely to be accepted by others Obtain certificates from one of the vendors: VeriSign, Thawte, and many others Topic 14: Secure Communication 16

CAs and Trust Certificates are trusted if signature of CA verifies Chain of CA’s can be formed, head CA is called root CA In order to verify the signature, the public key of the root CA should be obtain. TRUST is centralized (to root CA’s) and hierarchical What bad things can happen if the root CA system is compromised? How does this compare with the TTP in Needham/Schroeder protocol? Topic 14: Secure Communication 17

Key Agreement: Diffie-Hellman Protocol Key agreement protocol, both A and B contribute to the key Setup: p prime and g generator of Zp*, p and g public. ga mod p gb mod p Pick random, secret (a) Pick random, secret (b) Compute and send g mod p Compute and send gb mod p a K (gb mod p)a gab mod p K (ga mod p)b gab mod p Topic 14: Secure Communication 18

Authenticated Diffie-Hellman ga mod n gc mod n gc mod n gb mod n Alice computes gac mod n and Bob computes gbc mod n !!! ob’ B b ? e t a ific t r e sc Is C Al i c o Is C B e Alic e’s c ertif ic ate? CAlice, ga mod n, SignAlice(ga mod n) CBob, gb mod n, SignBob(gb mod n) Topic 14: Secure Communication 19

Forward Secrecy Compromise of long-term keys does not compromise past session keys. – I.e., a session that is secure now remains secure in future – Violated in secret-key based protocols such as NeedhamSchroeder and used in Kerberos Can be satisfied by ephemeral Diffie-Hellman – Do not store secrets such as a, b after computing gab. – Long-term secret (digital signature signing keys) used only for authenticity Stealing a key cannot compromise authenticity of past sessions Topic 14: Secure Communication 20

Secure communication Topic 14: Secure Communication 21

Transport Layer Security (TLS) Predecessors: Secure socket layer (SSL): Versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 TLS 1.0 (SSL 3.1); Jan 1999 TLS 1.1 (SSL 3.2); Apr 2006 TLS 1.2 (SSL 3.3); Aug 2008 Standard for Internet security – Originally designed by Netscape – Goal: “. provide privacy and reliability between two communicating applications” Two main parts – Handshake Protocol Establish shared secret key using public-key cryptography Signed certificates for authentication – Record Layer Transmit data using negotiated key, encryption function Topic 14: Secure Communication 22

Usage of SSL/TLS Applied on top of transport layer (typically TCP) Used to secure HTTP (HTTPS), SMTP, etc. One or both ends can be authenticated using public key and certificates – Typically only the server is authenticated Client & server negotiate a cipher suite, which includes – A key exchange algorithm, e.g., RSA, Diffie-Hellman, SRP, etc. – An encryption algorithm, e.g., RC4, Triple DES, AES, etc. – A MAC algorithm, e.g., HMAC-MD5, HMC-SHA1, etc. Topic 14: Secure Communication 23

What Goes Wrong in Real World? Heartbleed software bug in OpenSSL – Improper input validation (missing bounds check) – Buffer over-read: Exploitation is able to read data in memory, including private key, etc. SSL Certificate validation errors Non-random private keys in RSA n pq (the same primes are occasionally generated) Pre-computation can be used to break Diffie-Hellman used in TLS – (Optional) See “Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice” in CCS 2015 Topic 14: Secure Communication 24

Viewing HTTPS web sites Browser needs to communicate to the user the fact that HTTPS is used – E.g., a golden lock indicator on the bottom or on the address bar – Check some common websites – When users correctly process this information, can defeat phishing attacks – Security problems exist People don’t know about the security indicator People forgot to check the indicator Browser vulnerabilities enable incorrect indicator to be shown Use confusing URLs, e.g., – https:// [email protected]/ Stored certificate authority info may be changed Topic 14: Secure Communication 25

Coming Attractions Malware Defense & Intrusion Detection Topic 14: Secure Communication 26

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