IBM Global Services Siebel Practice Strategic SIEBEL Business Partner…

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IBM Global Services Siebel Practice Strategic SIEBEL Business Partner

The IBM-Siebel Alliance Total business solutions. Data Management Middleware Global Services Servers Global Financing Industry Solutions IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.”

IBM Differentiators. End-to-End Business Solutions (business consulting/IT/hosting/ services) IBM Global Services Global Financing (platform independent) (IBM & OEM content) IBM Presence (160 countries / 70% repeat business) IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.”

By focusing on customer satisfaction and providing a full spectrum of industry and business solutions, IBM Global Services has emerged as the largest IT services provider in the world. With a 20% growth rate*, IBM Global Services continues to grow 50% faster than the industry. in billions Services-only revenue Services revenue (incl. maintenance) 30 20 10 0 1993 1994 1995 55,000 65,000 1996** 80,000 90,000 1997** 1998** 110,000 126,000 IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.” 1Q99 130,000

The IBM & Siebel team approach helps achieve project success. The team shares knowledge, skills, experience, and responsibility Client Leadership and vision Crucial knowledge of business practices and culture Participation in system configuration and operation IBM Siebel Practice Experienced project management Siebel application & technical consulting skills Knowledge transfer IT infrastructure support Siebel Application software and industry best practices IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.”

IBM Global Services is the fastest growing services company in the world and the fastest growing organization in IBM. Global Reach IBM Client Teams IGS S.O. Accounts IBM Install Base Dedicated Services/Sales Global Reach; 160 countries Client Satisfaction Net Satisfaction Index of 90 on engagements since 1992 70% of clients are repeat customers Team Approach Strong Client Sponsor Key Client Participants IBM Siebel Practice Siebel Product Team Siebel Services IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.” Seasoned Professionals 6-10 years IT Siebel, CRM, ERM, package implementation Industry skills & alignment Proven Methods Proven End-to-End methodologies Siebel “RAD” Methodology & IBM “MethodBlue” Module Major Deliverable Activity Deliverable Section Task Work Product Methodology Release 1.2 Estimating Guide Tool Guide Technique Guide Currently in Development Work Product Template Work Product Component Complete Solution Provider Industry focus Integration Services Siebel, ERP, CRM. Services Business Consulting Business Transformation IT Consulting & Integration Solution Centers

IBM Global Services is a premier global integration services provider offering a broad scope of business, technical and operational services that span the entire services value chain. ASSESS BUSINESS Business Consulting PLAN DESIGN IMPLEMENT Business Transformation Services e-business Services IT Consulting Total Systems Integration Services IT IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.” RUN Strategic Outsourcing Services

IBM Global Services provides End-to-End solutions across all your business and technical requirements. ASSESS BUSINESS Business Consulting Business Transformation Knowledge Management e-business Advisory Services PLAN IT IMPLEMENT RUN Business Transformation Services Business Management Services/ERP Business Intelligence Services Supply Chain Management Services CRM Services Global Transformation 2000 EMU Transition Services Custom Systems Integration Services e-business Services e-commerce Services e-business Enablement Services Services Hosted Business Application Distributed Learning Services IT Consulting IT Strategy Business Recovery Consulting Network Consulting Systems Management Consulting DESIGN Total Systems Integration Services HW and SW Support Services Systems Management and Networking Services IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.” Site and Connectivity Services Business Recovery Services IT Product Training Services Strategic Outsourcing Services Business Process Management Services Application Management Outsourcing Services IT Outsourcing Services Network Outsourcing Services

IBM & Siebel execute a proven end-to-end Methodology. Prepare Design Configure Deploy Engagement Manage Relationship, Project, Risk, Quality and Communication Business Assess, Define best practice, Redesign processes, Define ROI Application Organization Design, Configure, Integrate, Document, Test and Migrate data Assess readiness, Redesign organization/roles, Manage changes, Train IT Infrastructure Assess, Specify needs, Design, Install and Train IS resources

The Siebel Practice Represents the Largest Startup Investment in a Practice that IBM has Made to Date. Developed from experienced integration professionals Siebel CRM ERP SFA Aggressive Resource Growth Plan 300 by 4Q 1999 800 by 4Q 2000 Aggressive Certification Plans Alliances with Siebel Professional Services and other integration partners. Multiple Solution Centers Worldwide Significant Market Development Funds committed for 1999 and 2000 IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.”

IBM and Siebel are committed to a joint partnership that leverages our respective strengths toward furthering our common goals of promoting eBusiness and ensuring high customer satisfaction. Siebel and IBM Alliance Teams Sales Services Product Product integration opportunities DB2 MQ CallPath Websphere Industry solutions Use of each others tools Shared intellectual capital (methodology, engagement results) Communications, education and disclosures IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.” One Partnership Commitment to eBusiness & Customer Satisfaction Total ERM Solution Best of Class Components

IBM Siebel Practice Solution Centers Demonstrations Enhances Focused definition of business needs Solution Briefing Centers Demonstration of Siebel and Solutions Agreement on Client Solutions and Delivery Customization of complex Solutions Hosted development

Marketplace Coverage and Operations N a n c y G re e n VP B u s in e s s O p e ra tio n s S a le s & A llia n c e In t 'l P r a c t i c e E x e c . C o m p e te n c y N o rth e a s t E x e c u tiv e D a v id M ille r & & P ra c tic e E x e c u tiv e K e n n e th C a m u t B u s in e s s O p e ra tio n s M anager R ic h a r d S to ltz P ra c tic e O p e ra tio n s M anager B o b V a s in a R e s o u rc e D e v e lo p m e n t P a m N o w ic k i P ro fe s s io n a l D e v e lo p m e n t M a n a g e rs M ic h a e l D a le P o r te r S c o g in Q u a lity A s s u ra n c e L o u G a llu c c i IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.” T ra in in g D e liv e ry S ta c ia B e d fo r d R ic h a r d H e n n e s s e y In te r n a tio n a l C o o r d in a tio n E M E A /A P C a n a d a /L A T r a in in g K a r e n R e g in e M e th o d s K im G ia n n ity T e c h n ic a l Q A S o lu tio n C e n te r s D e liv e r y S o u th e a s t P ra c tic e E x e c u tiv e P e te r M c C a ll C e n tra l P ra c tic e E x e c u tiv e M ik e B a r ic h S o u th w e s t P ra c tic e E x e c u tiv e D a le Y o u n g k ra n tz W est P ra c tic e E x e c u tiv e K a th le e n M c C a n n

Competency & Delivery C o m p e te n c y & D e liv e ry R ic h a rd H e n n e s s e y M e th o d s & T o o ls T e c h n ic a l Q A Sales & Alliance S o lu tio n C e n te rs D e liv e ry K n o w le d g e N e tw o rk M e th o d o lo g y IBM SIEBEL Practice D e liv e ra b le T e m p la te s D e liv e ry T e m p la te s P ro je c t P la n s “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.” SOW S S o lu tio n C e n te rs P r o p o s a l /S a l e s C o n te n t

IBM Siebel Practice US Coverage Map Central Practice Executive Mike Barich 847-236-1088 West Northeast Practice Executive Ken Camut 704-595-3375 Practice Executive Kathleen McCann 415-545-5851 Southeast Southwest Practice Executive Peter McCall 404-238-7690 Practice Executive Dale Youngkrantz 303-464-7602 IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.” PUERTO RICO

Global Coverage Canada /EMEA/AP/LA Practice Executive Stacia Bedford 401-851-4122 IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.”

Meeting our customers’ needs. Keep Customer Satisfaction as the primary goal Ensure open, two way communications Provide our customers with the solutions that achieve THEIR business objectives. IBM SIEBEL Practice “A global alliance integrating strategy, technology, and people.”

IBM Global Services Siebel Integration Practice S IE BEL

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