THE INTERWAR PERIOD The Changes of Life Between the World Wars

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THE INTERWAR PERIOD The Changes of Life Between the World Wars

Disillusionment “Lost innocence”, “Disheartened”, “Brought Down” Because of all the political, economic, & social problems that happened during WWI (especially the mass amount of death & destruction) people felt disillusioned. The reality of war & death greatly affected the people & it changed the way they viewed life.

“The Lost Generation” Authors who wrote about disillusionment of everything after the war F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (1925) Ernest Hemingway A Farewell to Arms (1929) Gertrude Stein T. S. Eliot The Waste Land (1922)

Searching for meaning in an uncertain world Existentialism: Jean Paul Sartre There is no universal meaning to life. Each person create his/her own meaning in life though choices made and actions taken.

Art: Rebellion Against Tradition Focused on dream-like qualities because of psychology becoming more studied Surrealism: beyond or above reality. Depiction of the inner world of emotion and imagination Marc Chagall: Self Portrait

Salvador Dali: The Persistence of Memory

Pablo Picasso: Cubism & Abstract Guernica

Picasso: Three Musicians

Piet Mondrian & Marcel Duchamp

Music: The move away from tradition Big Band Era – Duke Ellington Satin Doll – Benny Goodman Sing, Sing, Sing

Music Cont. Jazz Louis Armstrong St. Louis Blues & Weather Bird

Technology/Science Albert Einstein Theory of Relativity Sigmund Freud – Psychology Treated patients with psychological problems How does Freud’s idea of the “psychological” echo “surrealism”?

Women’s Suffrage: U.S., GB, Germany, Sweden, & Austria U.S. 1920: The 19th Amendment passes The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex Susan B. Anthony Elizabeth Cady Stanton Margaret Sanger Emma Goldman

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