PMATS Project Overview Product Management and Tracking System-Phase

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PMATS Project Overview Product Management and Tracking System-Phase 1 SAPbiz Presentation December 10, 2003

Charter The PMATS Team was chartered to determine the feasibility, required effort and resources, benefits and costs of using SAP to manage and track hardware and software resources for various Information Systems teams. The IS teams involved currently use a variety of software packages, including ServiceWorks, Filemaker, and Excel, to manage their product inventories. A primary focus of this project was the Hardware Services and PC Services business processes. However, the team collected data from various other teams in IS, including Software Libraries and Software Distribution, to determine whether similar solutions might scale to their business process.

Phase 1 Project Goals Consolidate the current product management and tracking software systems. This includes the decommission of Service Works, which is nearing obsolescence. Disseminate the options for improving business processes related to product management and tracking. Ensure the scalability of the implementation to other groups, internal and external to IS . Ensure the solution we recommend for equipment tracking will be flexible enough to dovetail with a future Property solution.

Current Implementation Overview Current Equipment Master implementation includes computers: In the Athena Environment In the Mobile Computing Initiative On IS administered Hardware Maintenance Contracts On IS administered Software Maintenance Contract On MITcare Hardware Maintenance Contracts Current implementation also includes services and loaner programs provided by the following groups: Academic Computing Mobile Computing Initiative Hardware Maintenance Services Software Libraries PC Service Facilities

Potential Future Implementation Overview Computers serviced by DITR Equipment in Audio Visual Software Licenses Fleet management Lab Instrumentation Buildings and so on .

PMATS’ Firsts Successful collaboration with the dfka IS as our client Comprehensive use of the dfka IS project methodology process Prototype business process implemented in Plant Maintenance Extensive use of the Classification system for computer-related services Use of CAT scripts to load computer equipment data into production “Go live” during a major reorganization of the dfka FSS and IS MIT Property requesting computer information which was easily generated from a PMATS pilot in SF5

Equipment Master Record SAP functionality for maintaining the Equipment Master Record, a technical object in Plant Maintenance. The Equipment Master Record enables you to manage an object individually. The current PMATS configuration: Tracks non-depreciable computer equipment by MIT Tag Number and Manufacturer’s Serial Number. Provides an interface for recording IS services on this equipment, including customer information, service level, and financial data. This is achieved through the SAP classification system.

Reporting and Billing A custom user interface for MIT internal billing, Reporting, and Equipment Master Record maintenance. Facilitates MIT internal billing through the existing SAP journal voucher functionality based on the financial data provided in the Equipment Master Record. Provides reporting capability through the existing SAP ABAP List Viewer (ALV) based on data in Equipment Master Record and the related service data. Provides drilldown capability to the Equipment Master Record for data display and maintenance. Provides drilldown capability to the Journal Voucher document. Facilitates renewal process through email notification. Potentially centralizes the process for sending annual renewal requests to customers.

Loaner Tracking A custom user interface for managing MIT Community based loan programs. The loaned objects can be , but are not limited to, the data in the Equipment Master Records. Facilitates MIT internal loan programs by assigning objects to people in the MIT community (faculty, students, staff) for a specific period of time. Automatically sends an email “receipt of loan” to loaner and loanee Provides reporting capability through the existing SAP ABAP List Viewer (ALV) based on data in the Loaner Program Records. Provides drilldown capability to the Equipment Master Record and the Loaner Program Records for data display and maintenance.

PC Service Work Order Solution A custom user interface for reporting and MIT internal billing on computer repair work performed by PC Service. The repaired computers can be, but are not limited to, the data in the Equipment Master Records. Tracks repairs performed on Institute and personal computers. Facilitates MIT internal billing through the existing SAP journal voucher functionality based on the financial data provided in the Work Order. Provides reporting capability through the existing SAP ABAP List Viewer (ALV) based on data in the Work Order. Provides drilldown capability to the Equipment Master Record for data display and maintenance. Provides drilldown capability to the Journal Voucher document.

PMATS Accomplishments The PMATS Phase 1 team determined and implemented a management and tracking system for selected Information System computer hardware and its related services. The team consolidated the computer equipment and services into SAP, eliminating three peripheral equipment-tracking databases: Serviceworks (computer repairs, hardware and software maintenance contracts), Filemaker (Athena), and Excel (MCI). The result is a real time, central location for accurate, consistent computer data. Reporting and administrative efficiencies are also realized through ease of use, automation of processes, and consolidation of efforts. The PMATS solution can be applied to many other business areas in the Institute with cost saving results. The potential benefits include consolidation of efforts, reduction in legacy systems, and a common and consistent process for tracking equipment and its related services. The PMATS team has been approached by other organizations, including IS DOST, IS DITR, and the Department of Facilities.

Before-Staffing & Systems: Information Systems Service Process Support Process Academic Computing Athena Services Contracts Hardware Maintenance Contracts MITcare Contracts & PC Service Comuter Repairs Software Maintenance Contracts Moble Computing Initiative Contract Administrator Contract Administrator Contract/Financial Administrator Contract Administrator Technical Personnel Financial Administrator Financial Administrator 4D ServiceWorks Filemaker Excel Excel SAP Financial Administrator Excel

Proposed-PMATS Staffing & Systems: Infor m ation Ser vices and Technology Su p p o rt Pro c e s s PMATS Ad mi n i stra to r Ac a d e mi c Co m pu ti n g Fi n a n c i a l Ad mi ni stra to r Mo b l e Com p u ti ng In i ti a ti ve Ath e n a Se rv i c e s Co n tra c ts Ha rd wa re Ma i n te n a n c e Co n tra c ts MITc a re Co n tra c ts & PC Se rv i c e Co mu te r Re p a i rs SAP So ftwa re Ma i n te n a n c e Co n tra c ts Te c h n i c a l Pe rs o n n e l

Recommendations PMATS Phase 1 “Expanded” Discovery Project The scope of this initiative would be to 1) identify other potential areas for implementation, 2) assess resources and effort required to implement, and 3) determine cost savings and the extent of the reduction in current resources that may be realized through an expanded implementation of PMATS. In addition to the current functionality, a bar code scanning system consistent with the MIT Property solution needs to be implemented to ensure data accuracy. Other considerations should include an investigation and possible implementation of receiving electronic feeds from equipment vendors and/or conversion of data via hand held devices or scanners. The Property Office would be a major win! PMATS Phase 2 Implementation: Implement Notifications and Work Orders in the SAP Plant Maintenance module to capture service requests, labor, materials, and overhead costs. This should be done in collaboration with the current Plant Maintenance Discovery Project already underway for Facilities to ensure a scalable solution not only in Facilities and IS, but across the Institute.

Team Sponsors: Phil Long and Roger Roach/Greg Anderson Core team: Lorraine Rappaport, Steve Roach, John-Marc Quilter QA Analyst: Sharron Sawyer IS Stakeholders: Glorisel Carabella, Mary Files, Cynthia Finney, JJ Hewitt-Morey, Robert Lang, Juan Vargas Project Leaders : Brian Murphy and Debra Sears

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