AUTOPILOT DEMO 13th ITS European Congress Helmond This project has

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AUTOPILOT DEMO 13th ITS European Congress Helmond This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731993 Week 23, 2019

The AUTOPILOT Challenge Demonstrate added value of Internet of Things for Automated Driving Internet stuff ? Internet of Things: Information beyond reach of sensors Data in context (e.g. trustworthiness) Anything connected as source Automated Driving: Travel planning Decision making Steer and speed control Automated Valet Parking - Intertraffic 2018 2 15/07/2024

The AUTOPILOT project H2020 EU Project Large Scale IoT Pilots in 6 countries about Connected and Automated Driving with 44 partners under coordination of ERTICO TNO coordinates Pilot in the Brainport NL involving 15 partners 3 Years Innovation Action: 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2019 Project costs: 25 m - EU contribution: 20 m AUTOPILOT DEMO 3 15/07/2024

Brainport In the Brainport area (Eindhoven-Helmond), 5 use cases are considered: CAR SHARING Automotive campus AUTOMATED VALET PARKING Eindhoven Airport University campus HIGHWAY PILOT A270 Test site PLATOONING Urban Driving 20 km High-Tech campus IoT sources: connected vehicles, road-side cameras, traffic lights, drones smartphones and wearables AUTOPILOT DEMO 4 15/07/2024

AUTOPILOT project (Automated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things) Internet of Things (IoT): connecting anything, anytime, anyplace, using any service over any network Aim: develop a range of driving services, which take advantage of the potential of IoT to improve automated driving 4 different driving modes in various configurations Urban driving AUTOPILOT DEMO Automated valet parking Platooning Highway pilot 5 15/07/2024

Àutomated Driving functions in summary Automated Valet Parking Vehicles driving automatically to parking spots, and collect from the parking Highway pilot Detection of road incidents to ensure safe automated driving on highways Platooning Automated (short-distance) following of vehicles for more efficient traffic and comfort Urban Driving Detection of pedestrians and cyclists, and managing traffic lights with automated driving AUTOPILOT DEMO 6 15/07/2024

7 Tampere, FI Brainport, NL Automated Valet Parking Urban Driving Automated Valet Parking Highway pilot Platooning Urban Driving Versailles, FR Europe Daejeon, KR Urban Driving Automated Valet Parking Urban Driving Platooning Korea Vigo, SP Livorno, IT Urban Driving Automated Valet Parking Urban Driving Highway pilot 6 pilot sites Automated Valet Parking - Intertraffic 2018 7 15/07/2024

What will we demonstrate The benefits of using Internet of Things 1. Make AD available earlier (accelerating by lower cost, connect to IoT devices that are widespread, e.g. Smartphones) 2. New AD possibilities (enabling new functions: AVP knows route and parking, platoon formation due to coordinated scheduling over long distance) 3. Improve AD (enhancement of existing functions: Anticipation to information ahead (i.e. planned routes of vehicles) allows improvement of comfort/confidence in AD, reduces energy need and improve traffic flow AUTOPILOT DEMO 8 15/07/2024

Driving modes and new services by AUTOPILOT IoT enabled Services Vulnerable Road User sensing Driving Modes Automated driving route optimisation Urban Driving Highway pilot Real time car sharing Platooning Driverless car rebalancing Automated Valet Parking HD maps for automated driving vehicles 6th sense driving Dynamic eHorizon 9

Driving modes and new services demonstrated IoT enabled Services Vulnerable Road User sensing Driving Modes Automated driving route optimisation Urban Driving Highway pilot Real time car sharing Platooning Driverless car rebalancing Automated Valet Parking HD maps for automated driving vehicles 6th sense driving Dynamic eHorizon 10

Today’s demonstration: 2 parallel sessions Part A Mobility Service demo Platooning & AVP (TNO, IBM, DLR) pick-up platoon formation & platooning Q&A AUTOPILOT demo Explanation AUTOPILOT demo Part B Automated Valet Parking (AVP) Road Hazard Detection VRU Anticipation (DLR, NEVS, TU/e, VALEO, VTT) 15 mins AUTOPILOT DEMO 40 mins 5 mins 11 15/07/2024

Part A: Mobility service demo – Public road U1 Integrated services AVP 1. Book a car from a car sharing service U1 Platooning U2 2. Get it using the AVP service U2 3. Find another vehicle for platooning using Platooning service 4. Drive in platoon supported by Platooning Platooning service User 1 Platooning service User 2 User 2 User 1 service IoT platform & services IoT sources: connected cars, roadside cameras, traffic lights IoT platform & services Guiding vehicles to become a platoon V2V Guiding vehicles while platooning Automated driving modes: Platooning, AVP AUTOPILOT DEMO 12 15/07/2024

Part B: On-campus demonstrations Individual services Automated Valet Parking Urban Driving Highway Pilot (low speed) AUTOPILOT DEMO 13 15/07/2024

Automated Valet Parking - NEVS L B1 L B2 L B3 2014 Plattegronden, Erwin 14

Urban Driving (Guided AVP) - VTT L B1 L B2 L B3 2014 Plattegronden, Erwin 15

Highway Pilot (Road Hazard Anticipation) - Valeo L C0 L C4 L C1 L C3 L C2 2014 Plattegronden, Erwin 16

Urban Driving (VRU Anticipation) – TU/e L C1 A C4 A C3 A C2 2014 Plattegronden, Erwin 17

Splitting up now Part A (Mobility service demo): Part B stay in this room Part B (AVP, road hazard Part A detection, VRU anticipation): follow AUTOPILOT staff to other room AUTOPILOT DEMO 18 15/07/2024

Thank you for your attention [email protected] @autopilot eu This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731993

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