2018 Network Updates chris zane czane@hawaii

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2018 Network Updates chris zane [email protected]

Interisland Upgrades Fall 2017 : Upgraded Interisland capacity, Shared with ETS 200 Gbps : Oahu - Maui - Big Island 100 Gbps : Oahu - Big Island 100 Gbps : Kalanimoku - UH Manoa Oahu-Maui-Big Island : 40 Gbps Ring Kauai : Dual 10 Gbps Molokai & Lanai : 10 Gbps each Collaboration with ETS for redundant circuits from key locations

Trans-Pacific - 100 Gbps Jan 2018 : 100 Gbps on SEA-US 100 Gbps : UH Manoa - Los Angeles 100 Gbps : UH Manoa - Guam 100 Gbps access to Internet2 in LA GOREX - Guam Open Research & Education eXchange Connectivity to Asia-Pacific University of Guam at 10 Gbps

UH GigaPOP 100G Upgrades UH GigaPOP upgraded to 100 Gbps Internet2 (Los Angeles) @ 100 Gbps AARNet (Australia, Seattle) @ 100 Gbps GOREX (Guam) @ 100 Gbps 10 Gbps to Seattle & Los Angeles SciDMZ Upgraded to 100 Gbps SciDMZ users access @ 10/25/40/50/100 Gbps

Annual IPv6 Plug Annual Reminder for IPv6 UH Manoa WiFi network usage is 60% IPv6 Start with networks All network subnets should have IPv6 on them Application & Developers Use DNS names, don't use IPv4 addresses

Thank You!

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