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AIM Give you a greater understanding of the audit process Review of the standards What classes as CPD Gain knowledge of what is required if you are selected How you can evidence your CPD Advice

THE BASICS If selected for CPD audit you will receive notification around 1st February 2018 with a CPD deadline of 30th April 2018. Random sample of 2.5% selected for audit. You will only be selected if you have been on the register for at least two years.

IF SELECTED You must ensure that you renew and submit your profile by the renewal deadline in order to remain registered. If they have not received your audit in two months they will send a reminder.

THE PROCESS IS NOT THAT SCARY If you submit an incomplete profile - they will contact you, explain why and ask you to complete and return. If you fail to meet a standard - they will contact you and may ask for further info. If you only partially meet standard they may contact you, giving you further time to undertake CPD to meet the standard.

DEFERRAL If you cannot complete the profile i.e. Maternity, bereavement, or illness. You can defer your audit. Automatically selected next time round.


To maintain a continuous up-to date and accurate record of their CPD activities. Demonstrate that there learning activities are mixture of learning activities relevant to current or future practice. Seek to ensure that the CPD has contributed to the quality of their practice and service delivery. Seek to ensure that their CPD benefits the service user; Upon request present a written profile explaining how they have met the standards for CPD.

WHAT CLASSES AS CPD? HCPC groups CPD into five categories Work based learning Professional activities Formal/educational Self-directed Other

WORK BASED LEARNING Learning in action Audits Learning from experience Reflective practice Secondments Work shadowing Job rotation Case studies Journal club Peer review In-service training Supervision Expanding your role Analysing significant events Project work or project management Evidence of learning activities undertaken as part of your progression on the Knowledge and Skills Framework

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Involvement in a professional body Membership of a specialist interest group Lecturing or teaching Mentoring Organising journal clubs or other specialist groups Maintaining or developing specialist skills Being an expert witness Network meetings Being an examiner Giving presentations at conferences Being a tutor Organising accredited courses Supervising research

FORMAL/EDUCATIONAL Course Further education Writing articles or papers Going to seminars Research Distance learning Attending conference Courses accredited by professional body

SELF-DIRECTED Reading journal/article Review books/articles Updating knowledge through internet or TV Keeping file of your progress

WHAT'S EXPECTED? Summary of your practice history for the last two year (500 words). A statement of how you have met the standards (1500 words). Evidence to support.

EVIDENCE Evidence to back up what you said in the statement. Your first piece should be a dated list of all your CPD activities over the past two years. This should be no more than a page or two long with a brief description of the activities and dates.

ADVICE FROM THE ASSESSORS Evidence should be well set out Number the pages Evidence should be about quality not quantity DO NOT use plastic wallets or staples as it will be photocopied. DO NOT send any original documents.

SUBMITTING YOUR PROFILE By email: [email protected] max file 10MB if profile exceeds this send in multiple emails, clearly labeled in parts. Example CPD Profile (insert your CPD Number) Part 1 CPD Profile (insert your CPD Number) Part 2 Post: CPD Audit, Registration Department, Health and Care Professions Council, Park House, 184 Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4BU.

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