FIPS Validation Process for Assignments and Claims

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FIPS Validation Process for Assignments and Claims

Content Assignment Validation Day 1 – 15 Day 25 – 30 Rejected Assignments Claim Validation Negative Responses “Unconfirmed – Investigation Required” Points to Note

Assignment Validation When an MA assignment is created in FIPS, the status of the record goes to “Unconfirmed” once approved. Immediately, an email or SMS (depending on the preferred method of contact selected) is sent to the participant asking them to reply to the message with “Yes” or “No” to verify that they have commenced training If no response is received after 30 days, the assignment is set to “rejected” by FIPS and if any claims were made, these will be undone If the participant has deleted the validation message(s), they should wait for the next scheduled message – SDS should not manually resend messages if there are reminder messages outstanding. If the PMOC details are changed, the next scheduled reminder will be sent to the updated details SDS can manually resend assignment validation messages only when the assignment is at “unconfirmed”. If an assignment is at “unconfirmed – investigation”, internal users e.g. SIA's cannot resend validation. They only have the functionality to approve/reject assignments when at "Investigation" status

Validation: Day 1 - 15 Day 1: Status of the claim or assignment shows as Unconfirmed Start payment is paid, if relevant Email or SMS sent to participant for them to validate the assignment / claim When a positive reply is returned, the assignment / start payment is updated to confirmed or for claims, this will be set to confirmed if no reply is received by Day 15 Follow-up sent to participant via their preferred method of contact and an email is sent to the employer contact email address – the employer is now able to reply on behalf of the participant to complete the validation process If either the Participant or Employer responds Yes to either of the messages Assignment or Claim is updated to confirmed and validation is complete

Validation: Day 25 - 30 If no reply is received by day 25 (25 days after initial message is sent) A third reminder email or SMS is sent to the participant. This is the final reminder message If no reply is received by day 30 Assignment or claim automatically rejected / undone in FIPS Start payment and any milestones claims are automatically undone Once an assignment is Rejected, it is no longer counted against contracted volumes or starts. It will be inactive and show in the Rejected / Inactive system views

Rejected Assignments Training Providers can reactivate an Assignment after it has been rejected – this can only be done within 15 days of the date of rejection. After 15 calendar days, the rejected assignment becomes locked, and the Training Provider will be required to input the assignment again in full (if relevant) To reactive a rejected assingment, click into the “Actions Canvas App” tab of the assingment. The “Reactivate for Resubmission” button will be shown here Once the reactivated assignment is sent for approval to SDS, a notification is created that the start was previously rejected due to the participant not replying within timescales Once approved, the validation process will commence again, and the start will be recounted Training Providers will receive Alerts on the FIPS dashboard in relation to milestone and assingment validation timescales / reminders

Claim Validation When milestones and outcomes are claimed they go from “available to claim” to “unconfirmed” status. These claims show in the “Payments” entity on FIPS under the “Pre-posting” view Each Friday SDS finance processes the claims for that week and this initiates the 30-day validation cycle Claim validation process does not begin until SDS finance have completed the claims processing (Friday afternoon of each week) note: if a claim is processed on a Monday for example, a validation message in relation to this claim will not go out until SDS have processed the payments on Friday of that week Claims are paid to Training Providers regardless of the status – “Investigation Required" "Unconfirmed" etc does not mean that the payment for the claim has not been made. When a positive response is received the claim status is updated to “Confirmed” on the IPP. If no response is received by day 30, at this point the claim automatically undone by FIPS To summarise – claims are paid weekly, validation goes out on a Friday, payment is received the following week; only when no reply is sent to the validation messages does FIPS recover the funds Good practice for Training Providers to wait until the assingment is confirmed before claiming milestones

Validation: Negative Response If a Negative response is returned (“No”, “N”) If the participant or employer responds negatively, it will set the assignment or claim to “Unconfirmed – Investigation Required”. The validation cycle will end, and manual intervention is required SIA 's can confirm or reject an assignment or claim after discussion with the TP and evidence supplied If accepted, SIA adds reason for acceptance and the assignment or claim is updated to “Confirmed” If rejected, SIA adds reason for rejection. Assignment is rejected and any claims processed automatically undone. For milestones / outcomes, the claim gets auto undone and goes back to “available to claim” status If undone, the Training Provider is still able to resubmit the claim at a later date

Points to Note Assignment and Claims follow the same validation cycle – the reminders etc are the same for both Assignment validation begins on the day an assingment is approved. For claims, validation begins after SDS have processed the payments in the weekly posting run. Claim validation does not go out on the day a claim is submitted by the Training Provider in FIPS If an out of office is on when a validation message goes out when the PMOC is email, FIPS does not register this and the assignment / claim will remain at Unconfirmed. The next reminder will go out on schedule As soon as any response is sent to any of the validation messages, the validation cycle ends, and no additional reminder messages will be sent If any reply other than “Y/Yes/N/No” is sent, FIPS disregards this and the validation cycle continues If a change is made to the PMOC details during the 30-day cycle, the next reminder will go to the updated details Claim and assignment validation is not linked to the Email Address Validation process – these are seperate. However, claims cannot be made when the Email Address Validation is still outstanding

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