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Objectives Discuss and Summarize the Basic Elements of Investment Policies of Counties Discuss the Investment Reports Discuss the 1995 Modifications to the Public Funds Investment Act Discuss Investment Strategies

Basic Investment Policy for Counties Legal Requirements Government Code, Chapter 2256 Local Government Code, Chapter 116 Elements Written List Authorized Investments

Basic Investment Policy for Counties Elements Investment Strategy Safety of Investments Liquidity and Availability Yield Investment Training

Basic Investment Policy for Counties Elements Designation of Investment’s Officers Brokers Affidavit Investment Training 12 Months Components

Basic Investment Policy for Counties Elements Security and Internal Controls

Investment Reports Legal Requirements Public Funds Investment Act Quarterly Reports Investment Position Summary Book Market Maturity Dates Compliance

Investment Reports Legal Requirements Operational Need Planning Financial Condition Authorized Investments

1995 Modifications To Act Investment Related Maximum Allowable Restricting Credit Union Reverse Purchase Agreements Money Market Mutual Funds

1995 Modifications To Act Investment Related County’s Monthly Average Investment Pools Pools

1995 Modifications To Act Procedure Related Investment Strategy Suitability Safety Liquidity Marketability Diversification Yield

1995 Modifications To Act Procedure Related Annual Review Personal Business Relation Registered Principal Review Reasonable Controls Written Statement Annual Audit Required Training

Investment Strategy Objectives Required Elements Written Strategies Operating Funds and Commingled Funds Debt Service Funds

Investment Strategy Written Strategies Operating Funds and Commingled Funds Debt Service Funds Debt Service Reserve Funds Special Project or Special Purpose Funds

References Linda Patterson 38th Annual County Judges and Commissioners’ Conference

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