European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation

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European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation Paediatric Medicine: The Paediatric Investigation Plan

Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP) European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation Medicine development requires that various studies are performed to ensure quality, safety, and efficacy. These studies require careful planning procedures so that they are ethically and scientifically valid. During the development process of a new medicine, a Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP) is written to ensure that necessary data on the use of the medicine in children is obtained - when it is safe to do so. The aim of a PIP is to support the medicine’s authorisation in children. Once the PIP is agreed, it is kept up-to-date through a modification procedure. 2

The PIP includes: European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation the needs of all age groups of children, from birth to adolescence, and the timing of studies in children compared to adults, the full paediatric age range should be covered unless otherwise justified, an overview of the disease, its diagnosis and treatment, it should highlight any differences between children and adults, 3

European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation an overview of the data available for the medicine including: chemical information on the current formulation non-clinical and clinical study data, proposed strategy including some or all of the following: a description of any additional non-clinical studies plans for a paediatric formulation (if required), including measures to adapt the medicine’s formulation to make its use more acceptable in children, such as use of a liquid formulation rather than large tablets, 4

European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation a description of planned clinical trials or modelling/simulation - using computers to predict how the medicine may act in children, including: details of the timing of studies in children compared to the adult development plan if the studies in children will not be completed in parallel, a deferral may be requested for the completion of the PIP. 5

Paediatric Committee (PDCO) European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation The PIP is submitted by the applicant to the Paediatric Committee (PDCO). Legislation requires the submission of a PIP ‘no later than the completion of adult human pharmacokinetic studies’. Usually, the PIP is submitted once there is adult clinical experience. If a PIP is completed and paediatric data is included in the EU product information, a six month extension to the Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) is granted as a reward. 6

The EMA Paediatric Committee (PDCO) European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation The Paediatric Committee (PDCO) assesses the content of a PIP, for example, any requests for waivers and deferrals, and it provides expert analysis and a critical view in order to adopt an ‘opinion’ to determine whether or not the PIP is acceptable. The PDCO includes patient representatives. 7

The EMA Paediatric Committee (PDCO) European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation On request, the Committee will assess data generated after a PIP has been agreed upon. They also maintain: a list of medicine classes or products for waivers, and an updated inventory of established paediatric needs through collected data. They use this information to advise European paediatric research networks on diseases that need to be studied and where paediatric formulations of existing medicines are needed. 8

EU Legislation European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation The EU legislation is continuously reviewed and revised. This provides an opportunity to optimise the process of getting medicines to patients. Input is requested from all stakeholders including: doctors, healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical companies, patients, and patient organisations. 9

Paediatric Investigation Plan: Assessment Procedure European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation 10

The PIP Procedure European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation A PIP is assessed by the Paediatric Committee of the European Medicines Agency and follows a set procedure with defined timelines. The PIP procedure takes 9 to 10 months from submission to decision. Once the applicant submits an ‘intent to file’, the PDCO will appoint a ‘rapporteur’ to lead the assessment and a ‘peer reviewer’ to check the quality of the assessment from within the Committee. The rapporteur and peer reviewer check the initial PIP and present their findings to the PDCO. 11

Clock Stop European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation The review process takes the form of a 120-day procedure. There is a pause (clock stop) at Day 60 that allows the PDCO to ask questions of the applicant. These clock stops are usually a maximum of three months long, although the length is agreed upon with the PDCO on a case-by-case basis. 12

European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation Once the applicant’s responses have been submitted, the clock begins again at Day 61. The procedure runs again without pause until it finishes at Day 120. This means that any outstanding questions must be addressed during the procedure. If any questions remain outstanding after the third discussion with the PDCO, then the PDCO or the applicant can request an oral explanation. This enables the applicant to speak directly to the whole Committee. 13

PIP Waivers European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation A waiver exempting the sponsor from submitting a PIP may be granted when: the medicine is likely to be ineffective or unsafe in children, the disease or condition occurs only in adults, or there is a lack of ’significant therapeutic benefit’ observed, or there is a justification that there are feasibility issues meaning that significant therapeutic benefit cannot be demonstrated. . 14

There are 3 types of Waivers European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation There are three types of waivers: Class waiver – according to a list issued by the PDCO of conditions that only occur in adults. The PDCO currently considers the removal of all class waivers - mostly related to cancers; Full waiver – for all paediatric subsets and indications; Partial waiver – for one or more paediatric subsets and indications. 15

European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation A waiver may be reviewed and changed. If a waiver is revoked, the requirement to submit data according to an agreed PIP will not apply for 36 months. 16

References European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation European Medicines Agency (2010). Roles and responsibilities of members and alternates, rapporteur and peer reviewers, experts and observers of the Paediatric Committee (PDCO). Retrieved 25 August 2015 from: http:// GB/document library/Reg ulatory and procedural guideline/2009/10/WC5000047 54.pdf European Medicines Agency (2015). PDCO: Overview. Retrieved 25 August, 2015 from http:// pages/about u s/general/general content 000124.jsp&mid WC0b01ac 0580028e9e 17

European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation European Medicines Agency (2014).Questions and answers on the procedure of PIP compliance verification at EMA, and on paediatric rewards. Retrieved 25 August, 2015 from http :// GB/document library/Re gulatory and procedural guideline/2009/09/WC500003 916.pdf 18

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