European Exploration c. Explain reasons for European exploration

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European Exploration c. Explain reasons for European exploration and settlement of North America, with emphasis on the interests of the French, Spanish, and British in the southeastern area.

Renaissance- Rebirth Exploration of the New World began when merchants focused on making a profit began to look for a shorter route to Asia a water route that went west, instead of the land route to the east.

Columbus hoping to find Asia sailed west and instead found the Americas Columbus’ explorations began an era of great wealth and power for Spain.

Why did the Spanish explore and settle North America?

Spanish Exploration Spanish interest in exploration can be summed up with the three G’s God- Spain wanted to convert Native Americans to Christianity Catholic Gold- Spanish monarchy wanted to bring as much gold into their treasury as possible Glory- Conquistadors were looking for personal fortune and fame

The Conquistadors Conquistadors wanted to destroy and take over new cultures that they encountered. They used superior weapons such as guns, horses, and attack dogs to defeat Native Americans. Millions of Native Americans were killed by European diseases.

Spanish Explorations Francisco Looking for City of Gold Hernando Looking Juan de Soto for City of Gold Rodriguez Cabrillo Looking for City of Gold Juan Vasquez de Coronado Ponce de Leon Looking for Fountain of Youth Found the Gulf Stream All three failed to find any cities of gold. Instead they stole treasure from the tribes they encountered

Hernando de Soto Treated Native Americans cruelly Often captured the chief In present-day Alabama, Native American’s attempted to massacre de Soto’s expedition, but were no match for the Spanish weapons, attack dogs, and horses of the Spanish. Possibly from his injuries in this battle, de Soto died near the Mississippi River. His treatment made Native Americans suspicious of other European explorers.

Spanish Colony Built the first Spanish colony in North America in Florida St. Augustine Spanish Missions Attempted to convert Native Americas to Christianity Try to teach Native Americans to live like Europeans Also, were used to keep the French off the coast of Florida and South Georgia

Why did the French explore and settle North America?

France Hoped to gain riches by exploring and settling in North America. Wanted to establish a colony on the Atlantic Coast From which they could attack Spanish ships traveling north on the Gulf Stream.

Jean Ribault Was sent to explore the Southeast and find a place to start a colony. Brought 3 ships with 150 new colonists. The colonists were called Huguenots. France was officially Catholic. Many Protestants living in France wanted the freedom to worship their own way. Built fort in present-day South Carolina and named it Charlesfort. Returned to France for supplies. Huguenots and Roman Catholics were fighting a religious war. Went to England to ask for help, but was imprisoned. Colonists returned to France.

France Abandons Southeast After another failed attempt to start a colony in Spanish controlled Florida, the French left the Southeast and began to explore the interior of North America. Claimed Louisiana, Ohio River valley, the Mississippi River valley, and the Great Lakes region. New France had a population of 80,000 and controlled most of the land in the interior.

French in North America Primary focus exploring and settling in North America was the fur trade. The French needed Indians to bring in and process the furs for shipping. They needed to keep the peace and they relied on diplomacy rather than threats and fighting like the Spanish. The French officially recognized Native American sovereignty as political entities They did not try to impose French law on the Indians, but rather modified their own laws when they conflicted w/ Indian interests The French try to change Indian culture; rather, they made an effort to understand it

Why did the English explore and settle North America?

Spain Loses Power Spain and England had fought for many reasons. Spain was Catholic and England was Protestant Spain tried to remove Queen Elizabeth I England was able to defeat the powerful Spanish Armada. England remained independent and Protestant Showed Spain could be beaten England could now attack Spain’s overseas territories and make their own claims in North America.

Conditions in England Cities were crowded Countryside could not produce enough food Some people felt oppressed by the Church of England England looked for a new place for new economic opportunities and religious freedom.

English Exploration English were interested in permanent colonization in North America due to the economic policy of mercantilism. In a mercantilist economy, a country sought to export more than it imported. Often the “mother country” sought out colonies that could produce raw materials which would then be sent back for production. The colonies would then purchase the finished products.

Why the colonists came Some only had a small area of farming land in Europe and expected to get bigger farms in America. Some thought it would be easy to make money and get rich quickly in America. Farmers in the south saw a chance to earn a lot by growing and selling tobacco. Others were fed up with wars and rebellions that went on in Europe and made it unstable. They wanted peace and a quiet life. Most people came for religious reasons. Kings and queens forced their people to have the same religion that they had. Most settlers came to America because they wanted religious freedom.

Colonies First permanent English colony was established in 1607 in Jamestown, VA. It was initially unsuccessful, but turned it around after John Rolfe developed a new form of tobacco. Other English colonies were created and encouraged to produce agricultural products such as rice, tobacco, and indigo for England.

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