Dr. A. Gannet Hallar Director ghallar@dri 970.819.0968 Ian

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Dr. A. Gannet Hallar Director [email protected] 970.819.0968 Ian McCubbin Site Manager [email protected] 970.819.2842 Unique, high elevation, mountain-top atmospheric research facility readily accessible under all weather conditions!!!

STORM PEAK LABORTORY MISSION STATEMENT: To ensure that Storm Peak Laboratory will continue to integrate climate research and education by advancing discovery and understanding within the field of aerosol, pollution, and cloud interactions.

Located on Steamboat Ski Resort – NW Colorado Elevation: 3.2 km (10,530 ft) In cloud 25% of time Mixed Phase Clouds Free Tropospheric Air Year-Round Access 9 Person Bunkhouse Full Kitchen Facility Instruments

Field Courses – Past and Present Atmospheric Science Winter Field Courses – Currently used by Major Universities for atmospheric science field courses (Graduate and Undergraduate): Univ of Nevada, U of Wisc., Colo State, CCNY, U of Calgary, Colorado Mtn College, U of Wyoming

Geoscience Research at Storm Peak (GRASP) Awarded NSF Grant from Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in Geosciences (OEDG) – Undergraduate Course for 9 students – Field Course During June 2008 Collaborating with UCAR SOARS Program Tour of NCAR EOL Facilities (HIAPER, Mesa Lab, Etc.) – Year Long Mentoring via web-based tools (Moodle – free software) – Reunion Event at Howard University and NASA Goddard Atmospheric Science Laboratories in December 2008

GRASP GeoScience Research at Storm Peak Collaboration Desert Research Institute (DRI), Storm Peak Lab – Dr. Hallar and Mr. McCubbin Bay Area Environmental Research Institute – Dr. Jimena Lopez, Co-Investigator Howard University – Dr. William Stockwell, Co-Investigator Tennessee State – Dr. Sujata Guha Colorado State at Pueblo- Dr. Kristina Proctor National Center for Atmospheric Research Dr. Vidal Salazar, Mentor Partnering with Significant Opportunities for Atmospheric Research (SOARS) University of Georgia – Assessment - Dr. Julie Kittleson, Co-Investigator

Application now closed for GRASP Online Application at: www.grasp.stormpeak.dri.edu Brochures Available Today Due Date: February 28th

GRASP - Schedule October – December, 2007 – Recruitment and Website Design January – Feb, 2008 – Acceptance of Applications March 2008 – Inform accepted participants April 2008 – Students Information and Short course at home institution June 2008 – Field Course at Storm Peak Laboratory and NCAR visit July – Sept, 2008 – Students communicate with mentor, perform data analysis and final paper and presentations – Assessment by UGA December 2007 – Reunion event for all participants at Howard University – Students present work

GRASP Evaluation First phase – On-line dialogue forum between course developers and faculty Second phase – Administer pre and post course exams Lower and higher order cognitive thinking skills Attitude survey – – – Daily journals Focus Group Interviews Continue on-line dialogue forum Third phase – – – – Summary reflection Continue on-line dialogue forum Collection of artifacts Individual interviews at organized reunion

Acknowledgements: Randy Borys, Melanie Wetzel, Ward Hindman for support at SPL outreach for the last 20 years. Funding provided for GRASP by: – NSF Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity GRANT # 0703801 Support provided by: – USFS Rangers of the Routt National Forest

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