Defensive Driving

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Defensive Driving

Defensive Driving Defensive driving is driving to save lives, time and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others. Defensive driving is the responsibility of everyone who operates a vehicle in our roadway community. 2 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

The DDC Collision Prevention Formula: Recognize the hazard – Scan ahead and around your vehicle – Check mirrors every 3-5 seconds – Always stay alert – Use the “what if” strategy to keep you alert 3 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

Understand the Defense Know what to do to prevent a traffic hazard from becoming a collision Know the consequences of your driving choices Know the basic defenses of: – Scanning in all directions – SLOW DOWN – Use a safe following distance 4 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

Act Correctly – Act In Time Choose the safest driving maneuver to prevent a collision Remember ---- Other drivers may act in time, but they may act incorrectly. 5 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

Preventable Collision A PREVENTABLE COLLISION is a collision which the driver fails to do everything REASONABLE to avoid the accident. 6 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

What Are Your Driving Behaviors? Do you drive the posted speed limit regardless of what the traffic is doing and how fast it is going? Do you plan ahead for weather conditions and construction hazards when planning your daily routes? Do you alert other drivers to your actions using your turn signals? Do you wear a safety belt and require all passengers to do the same while in a vehicle? Do you practice safe driving behavior by not talking on the cell phone or texting? 7 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

Distracted and Impaired Driving What examples do you have? 8 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

Distracted and Impaired Driving Eating in the car Talking on the phone Texting Putting on make-up Shaving Reading the paper Thinking about things other than driving Reaching for other things in the car Reading a map Cleaning the inside of the window Changing clothes 9 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

Responsibilities of Drivers Register and license your vehicle Vehicle maintenance Hold an appropriate driver’s license Automobile insurance availability Refrain from driving if you have any type of disability or impairment that would affect driving Wear appropriate eyewear Understand and follow the rules of the road Operate a vehicle safely When involved in a collision - stop at the scene and follow your organizations reporting rules 10 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

Conditions In Roadway Work zones Light and weather Traffic Blind spots of semis Emergency vehicles Mover over law School buses Trains Slow-moving vehicles Pedestrians Motorcycles Bicyclists Animals 11 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

Fatal Four Driving Behaviors Speeding Right of Way Driving left of center Tailgating/following too closely 12 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

The Three Second-Plus Rule For every poor condition, add 1 more second of following distance to the baseline of 3 seconds. For rain or ice - add 2 seconds 13 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

Remember Your World and Our Roadway Community No one wants to lose someone important to them YOUR driving choices - including a choice to be a defensive driver - will have lifelong consequences for you, your loved ones and those around you!!!! 14 17GGB 2017 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. AJG.COM

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