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Ce-Classes.com We make staff training requirements easy and affordable

Fire Safety Fire Safety Training for Staff

Training on Fire Safety After completing this course the participant will be able to: – Learning Objective # 1 – Learning Objective # 2 – Learning Objective # 3

Training on Fire Safety This course covers training for fire safety

Training on Fire Safety Most employees come to work with knowledge about fire safety.

R.A.C.E. Fire Response Procedure


R.A.C.E. You must follow the R.A.C.E. fire procedure before attempting to extinguish any fire.

R.A.C.E. RESCUE/REMOVE Rescue or remove any persons from the immediate scene

R.A.C.E. ALERT/ACTIVATE Pull the nearest ALARM and call 911

R.A.C.E. CONFINE Close area all doors to the hazard or fire

R.A.C.E. EXTINGUISH/EVACUATE Extinguish using the closest fire extinguisher if the fire impedes your evacuation. Evacuate to your designated meeting location.

IF YOU’RE IN A FIRE CRAWL IF THERE’S SMOKE If you get caught in smoke, get down and crawl, taking short breaths through the nose. Cleaner, cooler air will be near the floor. Get Low – And Go.

IF YOU’RE IN A FIRE FEEL THE DOORS BEFORE OPENING Before opening any doors, feel the door knob. If it is hot, don’t open the door. If it is cool, open it slightly, and if heat or heavy smoke are present, close the door and stay in the room

IF YOU’RE IN A FIRE GO TO THE NEAREST EXIT OR STAIRWELL If the nearest exit is blocked by fire, heat or smoke, go to another exit. Always use an exit stairwell, not an elevator.

IF YOU’RE IN A FIRE GO TO THE NEAREST EXIT OR STAIRWELL Elevator shafts may fill with smoke or the power may fail, leaving you trapped. Stairwell fire doors will keep out fire and smoke-if they are closedand will protect you until you get outside.

IF YOU’RE IN A FIRE IF YOU GET TRAPPED: KEEP THE DOORS CLOSED. Seal cracks and vents if smoke comes in. If you’re trapped in a room and there’s no smoke outside, open the windows from the top to let out the heat and smoke from the bottom to let in fresh air.

IF YOU’RE IN A FIRE SIGNAL FOR HELP. Hang an object at the window (a bed sheet, jacket, shirt) to attract the fire department’s attention. If there is a phone in the room, dial 911 and report that you are trapped. Be sure to give your address, room number and exact location.

IF YOU’RE IN A FIRE SOMETIMES IT’S SAFER TO STAY IN PLACE! If all exits from a floor are blocked, remain calm, go back to your room, close the door, and seal the cracks. Open the windows if safe, wave something at the window, and shout or phone for help to alert the Fire Department.

IF YOU’RE IN A FIRE IF YOU ARE ON FIRE: STOP, DROP, AND ROLL. Rolling smothers the fire. If your clothes catch on fire, stop, drop, and roll, wherever you are. Cover your face with your hands to protect face and lungs.

IF YOU’RE IN A FIRE COOL BURNS Run cool (not cold) water over burns, immediately, for 5-10 minutes. Don’t use ointments. Notify medical personnel immediately.

IF YOU’RE IN A FIRE PARTICIPATE IN FIRE DRILLS. Fire drills are typically conducted regularly to familiarize you with safe procedures. It is important, before the emergency occurs; to familiarize yourself with the location of additional means of egress should your primary exit be blocked.

H0W TO USE A FIRE EXTINGUISHER Follow the link to watch the video and finish this course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v ONUI EMSbrog

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