Business Plan Presentation Template growthink

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Business Plan Presentation Template growthink

Problem On this slide, describe the major problems that your target customers are experiencing. Try to express the problem in simple language so that investors can grasp it quickly, especially if they aren't within your target customer segments. growthink

Solution Once you've successfully convinced the audience that there's a problem, it's time to present them with your company's product or service. So on this slide, explain how your firm intends to address the issue you highlighted. Emphasize how scalable your solution is. Scalability refers to a business's ability to expand as demand for its services grows. growthink

Product and/or Service Demo On this slide, you'll detail your product(s) and/or service(s). If you have a working prototype of your invention, it should be shown here. If a prototype isn't feasible, attempt to convey your offering to the investors as best as possible. Offer pictures or screenshots of your product/service in use from customers. growthink

Market Describe the real or predicted size of your target market in this slide to back up your claims about the scale of the problem and your company's scalability. This section of your presentation will pique the interest of potential investors. They want to know if the market is big enough and whether you can grow big enough to pay them a good return on their investment if you achieve a significant share of the industry. So, describe the size of your market, key trends, and how big your business may develop if it achieves a major market share. This slide will be highly data-driven and is frequently evaluated by investors. Make sure your data is from trustworthy, verifiable sources and that all of your estimates are accurate. growthink

Business Model On this slide, you need to describe how your business generates revenues. You can include things like your business's pricing plan, how much it costs to acquire each customer, the business channels you'll use, etc. Your target audience must find your business credible and pricing feasible. If you're targeting large enterprises with big budgets, mention that in this slide. growthink

Competition On this slide, you'll describe your rivals — those firms or solutions that are currently addressing the issues you described above. Clearly show how various options to your company exist in the market. Competition is generally a good thing. Investors frequently believe a market or issue does not exist if there are no competitors. Perform a SWOT Analysis for similar organizations and emphasize their distinct qualities. How does your firm distinguish itself from the competition? What makes your product or service stand out? What is it about your company that gives it an edge over the competition? State what gave you a competitive advantage. growthink

Go-To-Market Strategy The goal of the Go-To-Market approach is for your company to communicate its unique value proposition to specific target consumers. On this slide, you'll explain how you intend to attract consumers to your product or service. If some aspects of your marketing plan are already in place, note them and the outcomes. The goal of this presentation deck's slide is to demonstrate to investors that you have the capacity to expand your business into a global market. growthink

Team On this slide, name the individuals on your management team. To demonstrate how and why they are the ideal individuals to manage your project, describe their skills and prior accomplishments. Investors will be particularly interested to learn who will be in charge of executing the company ideas outlined in the presentation. Due to bad execution, a lot of wonderful business ideas never get off the ground because there are not enough competent individuals in the correct positions. growthink

Traction The term "traction" refers to evidence or proof that consumers desire your firm's goods or services. On this slide, you should include the following information: annual growth rates for your business based on relevant measurements such as sales, website traffic, users, sign-ups, downloads, and so on. If your business is growing at a consistent rate, add a graph to the slide. Include indicators that are most easily measurable in your company's success and expansion. growthink

Financial Projections Here you'll include a three to five-year projected income statement for your company. If you're a startup, make sure your estimates are reasonable since you won't have any prior data. Investors will use your projections to determine the potential future scale of your business and whether it may satisfy their desired ROI. On this slide, indicate when you anticipate breaking even and begin generating profits. Also note where additional fundraising is required, which advances to the following slide. growthink

Funds Being Raised The final slide of your business plan presentation should detail the amount of money you'll require to reach your objectives. Rather than providing a fixed figure, you may wish to provide a range and demonstrate what you can accomplish with various amounts of money. Importantly, emphasize the core benefits of the funding. Is it for staffing, product development, marketing strategy, or something else? To grow your company, where and how will the investor's money be utilized? growthink

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