Built For this Moment Impact Report

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Built For this Moment Impact Report

Overview On behalf of all of the constituents we serve, the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond (JCFR) thanks you for your tremendous and longstanding support. Together we have protected, sustained and grown our community, helped Jews throughout the world and built the system which enables flourishing Jewish life. We acknowledge that your family has broad interests and wants to be assured that your investment of both time and money is making an impact. We are very confident that our stewardship of your financial commitments provides the type of impact you want to achieve locally, in Israel and throughout the Jewish world. Further, few other agencies impacts the full spectrum of Jewish and Non-Jewish lives as efficiently and effectively as the Federation. The following materials provide important context of Federation’s work over the past year and demonstrate clearly our relevance, fundraising success, and outlines our strategy for the future.

Relevance: Leading through the Pandemic Federation plays a critically unique role in the community by identifying gaps in service and either filling those itself or driving efficient collaboration across its beneficiary agencies and partners. Federation has built a robust partnership with funded agencies and programs and, as a result of a robust needs assessment process has identified, convened and secured critical resources to support our partners and community. The Covid-19 Pandemic provides an excellent example of the impact JCFR has; When schools, offices, and public spaces closed, Federation took immediate and decisive action. See following slide for the timeline of action In partnership with generous donors, leaders and our historic partners, Federation worked swiftly to address our community's most immediate and urgent concerns, while remaining focused on sustaining the foundations of vibrant Jewish life for the future. “Federation convened calls that were vital to accelerating and assisting our response to COVID. Often we would hear critical information well in advance of the news or other organizations. They were a wonderful resource.” Wendy Kreuter JFS Richmond CEO “THANK YOU! THANK YOU so very much for getting us appointments! My parents and I all received vaccines this morning and they say a big thank you as well! I can’t say it enough thank you again, Federation made it happen!!!!” Megan Ferenczy

Relevance: Timeline of Support March 16th, 2020 – Federation launches COVID Community Resource Website providing up to date information on agency and synagogue closures, resources and virtual connections. March 17th, 2020 – JFS Richmond and Federation partner to personally call and connect with over 300 elderly members of our community, providing check ins, resources and connection to the Richmond Jewish Care Line. March 20th, 2020 – Federation launches COVID Emergency Response campaign raising 183,000 in just over 7 days the vast majority from non traditional Federation donors. Federation, building on the strength of our existing Impact and Planning operation launched a community needs assessment process. Provided 20 IPADS to Beth Sholom and JFS, allowing Beth Sholom families to continue visitations safely. Additionally the IPADs provided critical opportunities for enrichment, stimulation and entertainment to the seniors. JFS Ipads allowed for virtual therapy and remote check in on homebound and frail elderly. Federation collected and distributed thousands of pounds of food, medical and basic household supplies to Beth Sholom Woods low income housing, Feed More and other members of the community experiencing economic hardship. April 2020 - Federation assists local Jewish organizations in securing Federal Paycheck Protection Program loans, infusing our community with a total of 4.89 million at a critical time. May 2021 – Federation completes a record breaking Fundraising drive. This includes over 240,000 in additional COVID specific funding to our agencies and the Richmond Jewish Care Line run by our partners at JFS Richmond.

Relevance: Deploying critical resources Federation deployed over 303,000 in additional COVID relief funds to agencies, in addition to our annual support. Federation also accelerated allocations to agencies infusing critical cash at a critical time. Federation secured over 350 Vaccine appointments in a period of 4 hours when a Henrico County line failed. Among those whose lives we improved are Holocaust survivors, home bound and isolated elderly, Jews, Catholics, and Muslims. Federation Emergency Fund Allocations begin four weeks into pandemic with first infusion of over 100,000 in grants to agencies and synagogues. Additional funding provided to our Overseas partners at JDC and JAFI to assist with COVID response in Zaporozhe, Ukraine and Hadera, Israel. Weinstein JCC received over 65,000 in additional scholarship resources, 10,000 to hire a nurse for Summer Camp 2020 and 18,000 to assist in Camp Hilbert preparations. Distributed 4,000 equally among each of our community Synagogues to allow for the dignified and confidential distribution of immediate food insecurity and economic support of their congregants. Through JFS Richmond Jewish Care Line, distributed 77,000 to families: Operated by JFS, the Care Line harnesses the resources of the community to provide support to Jews in economic, mental or other crisis. These dollars support basic human needs, including food, utility bills, rent and emergency assistance. The Care Line experienced a significant increase in requests for assistance over the past twelve months. Funding was used to support emergency direct financial assistance to those in need and support JFS administrative costs.

Relevance: Beyond the dollars The Jewish Community Federation Community Security Initiative provided hundreds of hours of consultation to agencies and synagogues around security, safe reopening, during the racial Justice protests in the summer and effective cleaning. In partnership with Henrico County and Richmond Health Department Federation launches Jewish Volunteer Center connecting our community to opportunities throughout the region. Federation’s Community Security Initiative provided hundreds of hours of webinars, resources and consultations on Vaccines, personal and organizational safety, and provided and connected numerous agencies with PPE. Over the next month Jewish volunteers assist in making hundreds of vaccine appointments for thousands of elderly in our region. Federation kept the community connected during crisis. Federation held hundreds of hours of virtual programming connecting Richmond to the Jewish world. Through our Community Calendar and communication efforts thousands of hours of partner programming was also shared, showcasing Jewish experiences and virtual opportunities throughout Richmond. The Jewishrichmond.org covid site experienced thousands of unique hits.

Fundraising Success 2021 Financial Resource Development efforts resulted in over 3.4 million in fundraising. Additional 183,000 raised in late 2020 to support immediate COVID response. 80% of these dollars from non traditional JCFR donors including a match from Hebrew Fund for the Elderly. 367 new or recovered donors thanks to a strategic and focused approach for community ( 1- 999) campaign. Average increase of 22% with donors at the under 5,000 level of the campaign, on average these donors increased their gifts by 31%. Donors in the 50k- 99k level increased by 50% Costs of fundraising continues to decline as percentage of dollars raised. Our Jewish Community Security Initiative, which JCFR has invested 130,000 in over the last two years has secured over 1.6million in grant funding for our agency and synagogue partners to enhance their security.

Looking forward - 2022 Goals 2022 Fundraising Effort focused on sustaining the record breaking Fundraising of 2021 ( 3.4 million) Secured Schwartz Family 10K match for all new and recovered under 40 donors in 2022 Campaign. Goal: Secure long term funding for Community Security Initiative ( 75k/year) Goal: Vision, build and fundraise in support of new Regional Hillel Model to best serve students at VCU, Randolph Macon, J Sarge, Mary Washington and possible inclusion of the University of Richmond Strategic approach includes: Personal relationships, additional engagement of young and new donors, continuing impact communication and strategic approaches across campaign. Convene community leadership to address professional fatigue, attrition and build city wide cohort of support Goal: Secure 100,000 in support of ongoing additional scholarship requests for Weinstein JCC, Overnight Camps, Aleph Bet, Day Camps and others as needed. Chabad/Hillel partnership evaluated and moved to a collaborative model after discussion with both parties Build Federation as Convener, Connector and on ramp to Jewish life

Honeymoon Israel While COVID challenged us, our Honeymoon Israel group is going January 6-16th, 2022 with 15 couples! With Rachel Peters on board we have seen an increase in connection and participation from our local Honeymoon Israel Families. Richmond alumni and current couples were active participants in both national Honeymoon Israel programs and local activities. During the Israel/ Palestine Conflict HMI supported meaningful conversations including with Michal Granot and Yishay Shavit, two of HMI's Israeli tour educators, Rabbi Sarah Bassin, who has led HMI trips, serves as the Associate Rabbi at Temple Emanuel in Beverly Hills and is the former executive director for NewGround: A Muslim-Jewish Partnership for Change. The virtual event was attended by more than 300 alumni On June 6, we hosted a second panel discussion with Uri Feinberg, long-standing HMI Israeli tour and Jewish educator, Leah Solomon, Chief Education Officer of Encounter, a nonpartisan educational organization cultivating more informed and constructive Jewish leadership on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and Rabbi Rami Schwartzer, HMI DC Rabbi and Jewish educator. Honeymoon Israel has been integral to our alumni and postponed trip couples in ensuring they feel part of a community during this challenging time as everyone navigated the unexpected. As we enter a new period of transition and even more change is upon us, HMI will continue to serve the needs of our community and is eager to welcome new couples into the fold. OUR HOPE IS TO BUILD TWO MORE HONEYMOON ISRAEL COHORTS PRIOR TO 2025

Building for the Future – Strengthening JCFR Launched Effective Governance Committee to update and modernize JCFR governance structures and operating procedures as we aspire to continuously improve the board’s work as fiduciaries of JCFR. Federation continuing to build focus on Jewish Engagement, Jewish Futures, Jewish Impact and Community Building. Continued investment in building Jewish on ramp and engagement with welcome of new Community Engagement Director focused on identifying, engaging and connecting under 40’s and young families: Advocacy Efforts to increase in areas of Holocaust Education (VHM partnership), Community Security, multi faith dialogues. First 3 months - 40 young people at VHM for Violins of Hope, New Mentor program for young women, 15 Honeymoon Israel couples, 25 families for reverse Tashlich, Community Leadership Initiative with representation from all facets of community. Strategic Planning Process will launch in October under leadership of President Elect Amy Nisenson Investing in deepening connection between Richmond and Israel and global Jewry Benny Winkelman selected to participate in “Reverse Shaliach” program spending a year in Israel connecting southeast Jewry to our P2G community and Richmond to Israel through Blogs, Social Media and visits with RVA schools and Synagogues. 200 Participated on virtual Israel Mission Programs with Zaparozhye, Hadera, Israel, AIPAC, ADL, Members of Knesset

Appendix: Our Collective Story Richmond Together- Our original Song - An example of community building and unity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v Au9bqq0UEXk A thank you from UVA Hillel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v jvIKwugwRd4&t 39s Message from Wendy Kreuter CEO – JFS https://www.facebook.com/73529621132/videos/132664465111634 Weinstein JCC- How you make impact https://www.facebook.com/73529621132/videos/143198730570714 JCFR Work with JAFI - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v -40TBYar uc&t 10s JCFR Town Halls with local and National political leaders Community Connections – Interview with local organization leaders and community members A time of Healing and Unity – Community service of support


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