Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Police Leadership, Systems

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Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Police Leadership, Systems and Turnaround Strategy Division: Forensic Services 11 November 2020 1

Outline Section 1: Purpose Section 2: Leadership Section 3: Systems Section 4: Turnaround Strategy (Corporate Renewal Strategy) Section 5: Progress Report: Implementation of the Turnaround Strategy (Corporate Renewal Strategy) Section 6: Way forward 2

Purpose The purpose of this presentation, is to brief the Portfolio Committee on Police, with regard to the leadership, systems and turnaround strategy of the Division: Forensic Services. 3

Leadership DIVISIONAL COMMISSIONER: FORENSIC SERVICES LIEUTENANT GENERAL MM MOTLHALA Section Commander: MISP Colonel Rababalela Component Head: Forensic Science Laboratory Major General Ngokha Component Head: CR & CSM Major General Mangale Component Head: Quality Management Major General Manamela Acting Section Head: Support Services Colonel Pinkoane 4

Governance Structure (Leadership) COMPONENT: CR & CSM Section Criminal Heads: Explosives/Centralised Record/Decentralised Criminal Record/Crime Scene Management/Criminalistic Bureau and Investigative Psychology. Nine (9) Provincial Heads: Criminal Record and Crime Scene Management Ninety-one (91) LCRC’s operating across Provinces Twenty-seven (27) Explosives Units5

Governance Structure: Forensic Science Laboratory COMPONENT HEAD: FSL Section Heads: Ballistics/Chemistry/Scientific Analysis/ Question Documents/Biology and Victim Identification Centre Regional Heads: FSL - Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape 6

Governance Structure: Quality Management COMPONENT HEAD: QM Section Heads: Quality Management – FSL/Forensic Database Management/ Development Facilitation/ Quality Management – CR & CSM and Technical Management 7

Governance Structure: Support Services SECTION HEAD: SUPPORT SERVICES Section Commanders: Supply Chain Management/Financial Management and Administration/Personnel Management/Human Resource Utilisation and Skills Development Facilitation 8

Systems Information Systems/ Solution Description of System Current Status Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) Establish a more effective solution for the capturing and storing of fingerprints on AFIS and maintain the procured solution. Operational. Current AFIS maintenance ends 15 May 2021. AFIS replacement contract awarded to a supplier for 5 years (from 16 Sept 2020 to 16 Sept 2025). The year 1 of the new AFIS solution refers to a development processes with a migration process of current AFIS to new AFIS solution planned from 20 December 2020 to May 2021. Automated Ballistic Identification System (ABIS) Enable the electronic analysis and matching of discharged cartridge cases and bullets in order to match/link them to specific firearms and crime scenes. Operational. Current ABIS maintenance awarded to a supplier for 3 years (from 04 July 2020 to 04 July 2023). Judicial Document Image Storage System (JUDISS) Enable storing of judicial records in an electronic format for back-up purposes. Operational. JUDISS a SAPS system maintained through SITA. National Forensic DNA Database (NFDD) To establish a database for DNA profiles for purposes Operational. NFDD a SAPS system maintained of comparative searches through SITA. and determining of forensic leads. Property Control and Exhibit

Systems Information Systems/ Solution Description of System Current Status Decentralisation of the Criminal Record Information Management (CRIM) System Operational. CRIM a Enable the updating of the profile for previous SAPS system maintained convictions and issuing of SAPS 69’s forms. through SITA. Forensic Service Laboratory (FSL) Admin System Support case-related administrative processes within the FSL environment. Operational. FSL Admin a SAPS system maintained through SITA. Commercial Explosives System/Bomb Disposal System Support the issuing of permits and licenses for explosives, in terms of the Explosives Act. Operational. CES & BDS are SAPS systems maintained through SITA.

Turnaround Strategy (Corporate Renewal Strategy) Purpose of the Strategy The National Forensic Services, Corporate Renewal Strategy, is aimed at the following: Sustained capacitation and modernisation of the Division: Forensic Services; Providing quality forensic products that are optimally used by detectives and the CJS; To improve turn around time on exoneration of innocent people and prosecuting of perpetrators; To achieve the vision of the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030, which states that “All people in South Africa are and feel safe”; To support the National Drug Master Plan; To support the strategic plan of the SAPS, 2020 – 2025; To support the value chain within the Crime Detection environment; and To support National Cyber Security Policy Framework. 11

Turnaround Strategy (Corporate Renewal Strategy) Strategy Objectives and Priorities Strategic Objective 1: Facilitate the optimal use of forensic services and products by clients (Visible Policing, Detectives, Courts); Strategic Objective 2: Optimise the financial and SCM process supporting the provision of forensic services; Strategic Objective 3: Capacitate forensic services with adequate staff to meet the demands for forensic products; Strategic Objective 4: Modernise and maintain specialised forensic equipment & methods; Strategic Objective 5: Establish specialised forensic process optimisation and development capacity to support the need for forensic products; Strategic Objective 6: Enhance management of forensic items, exhibit and record storage; Strategic Objective 7: Maintain forensic facilities in accordance to ISO standards and OHSACT in order to ensure value for money; and Strategic Objective 8: Modernise IT systems to support optimal processing of forensic exhibit material and records. 05/23/2024 12

Progress Report Implementation of the Turnaround Strategy (Corporate Deliverables Renewal Progress Strategy) Facilitate the optimal use of forensic services and products by clients (Visible Policing, Detective Service, Courts) 2x Quarterly forensic services awareness conducted through internal communication nodal point. Optimise the financial and SCM process supporting the provision of forensic services Additional R250m allocated to operational baseline budget. Funding certificates submitted to Division: SCM for activation of procurement processes. Number of contracts awarded 11. Number of contracts to be awarded 3. Number of contracts advertised 5. Number of contracts to be advertised 2. Number of contracts in evaluation stage 3 Capacitate the Division: Forensic Services with adequate staff to meet the demands for forensic 05/23/2024 products 175 post promotions were advertised. 13 posts were advertised (3 internal and 10 external). 17 general worker posts were advertised and filled. 40 lateral explosives posts were advertised. 69 re-enlistment applications considered. 4 Senior Management Posts needs submitted for13

Progress Report Implementation of the Turnaround Strategy Deliverables (Corporate Renewal Strategy) Progress Modernise and maintain specialised forensic equipment & methods Contracts for maintenance, service and calibration of equipment being prioritised by Division: Supply Chain Management. Task Team established to benchmark and piloting of Mobile DNA Laboratory capacity. (3x Rapid DNA equipment validated and procurement of consumables activated) Eastern Cape DNA Laboratory contract was advertised for 14 days and currently under consideration by BAC . Establish specialised forensic process optimisation and development capacity to support the need for forensic products Technical Advisory Committee established to benchmark on new modern and specialised forensic equipment and methods to meet International and National standards. Enhance management of 05/23/2024 forensic items, Store managers appointed. Compliance inspections conducted. Duty Officer concept implemented. 1st and 2nd level inspections conducted. 14

Progress Report Implementation of the Turnaround Strategy (Corporate Renewal Strategy) Deliverables Progress Maintain forensic facilities in accordance with ISO standards and OHSACT in order to ensure value for money Health Risk Management Contract awarded and currently personnel is prioritised for medical surveillance and vaccinations. SHE Compliance Representatives appointed. Compliance inspections conducted. Fumigation of facilities conducted on quarterly basis. Decontamination of facilities affected by COVID19 conducted. Waste Removal Contract in place. Modernise IT systems to support optimal processing of forensic exhibit material and records Forensic Services has 20 systems to provide the modernised IT systems support to the environment. FSL Admin system enhancement by Division: TMS underway to provide electronic track and trace capacity. Governance Structures to Support Turnaround Strategy Corporate Renewal Strategy 05/23/2024 Finance Committee established Contract Management Committee established Human Resource Committee established Performance Review Committee established 15 Irregular and Wasteful Committee established

Way Forward The Division: Forensic Services is committed to providing quality forensic products to support the Criminal Justice System and victims of crime, especially gender-based violence incidents. The Division: Forensic Services is committed to maintain effective and efficient, financial, risk management and internal control measures, to support service delivery to the victims of crime. The Division: Forensic Services will continue to cooperate with and support internal and external stakeholders, in an integrated and multidisciplinary approach, to address 16 serious and violent crimes, including any priorities of the

Thank you 05/23/2024 17

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