Artificial Intelligence How A.I. Benefits People and Society

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Artificial Intelligence How A.I. Benefits People and Society & it’s Legal Challenges, Opportunities and Ethics

Shawnna Childress, Cognitive Legal Co-Leader & Global Business Advisor, Cognitive & Analytics Center of Competency, IBM 2

Brian Kuhn, Esq. Cognitive Legal Co-Leader, IBM Watson 3

Natalie A. Pierce, Esq. Co-Chair, Robotics, AI and Automation Industry Group Shareholder, Littler Mendelson P.C. 4

Dr. Zev J. Eigen, Esq. Global Director of Data Analytics, Littler Mendelson P.C. 5

Andrew M.J. Arruda, Esq. CEO/Cofounder, ROSS Intelligence

A.I. According to Hollywood Deus Ex Machina (Matrix) Roy Batty (Blade Runner) HAL 9000 (2001, A Space Odyssey) T800 / T850 (The Terminator) V.I.K.I. (I, Robot)

Everything you think you know about A.I. is wrong "What is not talked about much in the media is that AI is really a portfolio of technologies” Guruduth Banavar, Chief Science Office, Cognitive Computing, and VP, IBM Research

Three capabilities differentiate cognitive systems from traditional programmed computing systems Learning Reasoning Understandin g Cognitive systems understand like humans do. They reason. They understand underlying ideas and concepts. They form hypothesis. They infer and extract concepts. They never stop learning getting more valuable with time. Advancing with each new piece of information, interaction, and outcome. They develop “expertise”.

Artificial Intelligence Today Tay (Microsoft) Watson (IBM) SIRI (Apple) Echo (Amazon) DeepMind (Google)

Tomato, Tomatoe “Artificial Intelligence” “Machine Intelligence” “Machine Learning” “Cognitive Computing” “Smart Machines”

A.I. forges a new partnership between man and machine. Humans excel at: Common Sense Morals Imagination Compassion Abstraction Dilemmas Dreaming Generalization Cognitive Systems excel at: Locating Knowledge Pattern Identification Machine Learning Eliminate Bias Endless Capacity

AI, the Legal Profession & the Law


Be afraid, be very afraid: the robots are coming and they will destroy our livelihoods 15


Thank You! Keynote Speakers: Moderator: Shawnna Childress, Cognitive Legal Co-Leader & Global Business Advisor for the Cognitive & Analytics Center of Competency, IBM Panelists: Brian Kuhn, Esq. Cognitive Legal Co-Leader, IBM Watson Natalie A. Pierce, Esq. Co-Chair, Robotics, AI and Automation Industry Group Shareholder, Littler Mendelson P.C. Zev J. Eigen, Esq. Global Director of Data Analytics, Littler Mendelson P.C. Andrew M.J. Arruda, Esq. CEO/Cofounder, ROSS Intelligence

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