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Social Studies Chapter 8 section 8.2 “Ancient Egypt and its rulers” Ancient Egypt and Its Rulers Ancient Egypt enjoyed three long periods of stability and unity under the rule of pharaohs. Historians call these periods the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom. The Old Kingdom lasted from about 2700 to 2200 B.C.E. During this time, early pharaohs set up a strong central government. They also had great pyramids built as tombs for themselves. Some historians call this time the Age of the Pyramids. The Middle Kingdom (about 2000 to 1800 B.C.E.) is sometimes called the Period of Reunification because it followed years of chaos and disunity. During this era, Egyptians enjoyed many great achievements in literature, art, and architecture. The New Kingdom (about 1600 to 1100 B.C.E.) is often called Egypt's Golden Age. During this time of peace and stability, ancient Egypt's power reached its height. Pharaohs increased trade and had huge monuments built. As in Mesopotamia, religion played a central role in Egypt's social and political order. Pharaohs were believed to be gods They owned all the land and were responsible for their people's well-being. They were kings, generals, and religious leaders, all combined. After they died, pharaohs were thought to enter an afterlife that would never end. Their tombs were built to last. Many objects were buried with the pharaoh for use in the next world. The pharaohs built other monuments to glorify their power and Main Idea: Ancient Egypt had 3 long periods in its history that were ruled by pharaohs Notes: Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom Old Kingdom Strong government Pyramids built as tombs for the pharaohs Historians call this “Age of the Pyramids” Middle Kingdom Period of Reunification followed years of chaos Great achievements in literature, art, and architecture New Kingdom Golden Age Peace and stability Power reached its height Increased trade and built monuments Religion played role is social and political order Pharaohs were believed to be gods Owned land and responsible for people’s well being Kings, generals, leaders combined Afterlife (objects buried with them to be used in next world)

Social Studies Chapter 8 Section 8.3. Pharaoh Khufu: The Pyramid Builder The pharaoh Khufu (KOO-foo) ruled from about 2551 to 2528 B.C.E., during the Old Kingdom period. Today, he is best known as the builder of a famous pyramid. Not much is known about Khufu. Some stories describe him as a cruel, harsh ruler. Others say that he was powerful but kind. We do know that Khufu helped establish the pharaoh as a central authority. For example, he kept strict control over Egypt's food supply. He oversaw the harvest and the storage of extra grain. He also controlled a large network of government officials who carried out his laws. Khufu emphasized his supreme power by declaring himself a god. Khufu and other Old Kingdom pharaohs had magnificent pyramids built as tombs for themselves and their families. Khufu was responsible for the building of the Great Pyramid at Giza. It is one of the wonders of the ancient world. The Great Pyramid sat at the center of a huge complex of temples, statues, monuments, and smaller tombs. It was made of more than 2 million stone blocks, perfectly fitted together. Inside, tunnels led to several burial chambers. The king's chamber had six roofs to hold up the weight of the stone layers above it. Building the Great Pyramid was an amazing feat. No one knows exactly how the Egyptians did it. The pyramid took about 20 years to complete. Khufu had strict control of the building project. He organized and fed thousands of workers. The finished pyramid was a stunning monument to Egyptian engineering. Main Idea: Khufu was an important and powerful leader in Ancient Egypt who was responsible for building the Great Pyramid. KHUFU Khufu ruled from about 2551 to 2528 B.C.E., during the Old Kingdom. Some people say Khufu was a cruel leader. Some people say that he was kind. Khufu made that the Pharaoh as the most important leader in Egypt Khufu was in charge of all of the government officials Khufu wanted control over Egypt’s food supply and declared himself a god. THE GREAT PYRAMID: The Great Pyramid is over 450 feet tall It is made of more than 2 million stone blocks. There were tunnels under the pyramid that lead to burial chambers It took about 20 years to build the Great Pyramid There are different theories about how the Great Pyramid was built The Great Pyramid is is located in Egypt and is one of the most important monuments in the world.

Social Studies Chapter 8 Section 8.3 Pharaoh Khufu: The Pyramid Builder Main Idea: Khufu was an important and powerful leader in Ancient Egypt who was responsible for building the Great Pyramid. #1- KHUFU Create a title for your top ten list Go back to your facts for section three. Khufu ruled from about 2551 to 2528 B.C.E., during the Old Kingdom. #2 Some people say Khufu was a cruel leader. #6 COMBINE: Khufu was a cruel, but kind leader Some people say that he was kind. Khufu made that the Pharaoh as the most important leader in Egypt #3 Khufu was in charge of all of the government officials #4 Khufu wanted control over Egypt’s food supply and declared himself a god. #5 THE GREAT PYRAMID over Cross off/eliminate facts that aren’t as important or combine similar facts Decide on order the of importance #8 COMBINE: The Great Pyramid is The Great Pyramid is over 450 feet tall million It is made of more than 2 million stone blocks. There were tunnels under the pyramid that lead to burial chambers #9 It took about 20 years to build the Great Pyramid #10 There are different theories about how the Great Pyramid was built 450 feet tall and made of 2 blocks and number your facts (least important fact will be #10) Your last fact or #1 can be your main idea Remember to write your list in your own words or paraphrase as best as you can

Pharaoh Khufu and The Great Pyramid “Top Ten List” 10. It took about 20 years to build the Great Pyramid 9. There were tunnels under the pyramid that lead to burial chambers 8. The Great Pyramid is over 450 feet tall and is made of 2 million blocks 7. The Great Pyramid is located in Egypt and is one of the most important monuments in the world. 6. Khufu was a cruel, but kind leader 5. Khufu wanted control over Egypt’s food supply and declared himself a god. 4. Khufu was in charge of all of the government officials 3. Khufu made that the Pharaoh as the most important leader in Egypt 2. Khufu ruled from about 2551 to 2528 B.C.E., during the Old Kingdom. 1. Khufu was an important and powerful leader in Ancient Egypt who was responsible for building the Great Pyramid.

Directions for Independent Activity You will be creating a “Top Ten List” for the Nefertari’s Tomb article Go to the Reading section of your class OneNote You will be using the “Nefertari’s Tomb” article that you read yesterday Review the 15 notes that you determined were important from the article Create a title for your top ten list Cross off/eliminate facts that aren’t as important or combine similar facts Decide on order the of importance and number your facts (least important fact will be #10) Your last fact or #1 can be your main idea Remember to write your list in your own words or paraphrase as best as you can This work is mandatory and must be submitted for a grade. If you do this on OneNote that counts as submitting work because I will be able to see it there.

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