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AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Language, Regional Expertise and Culture Management Office (LRECMO) BG C. Hughes Brief Dr. Mahir J. Ibrahimov Program Manager April 2014 Visit us at

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Agenda Purpose Background Language, Regional Expertise and Culture Enterprise Management Office (LRECEMO) Mission & Key Tasks Language, Regional Expertise and Culture (LREC) Enterprise Responsibilities/Roles Recent Initiatives in Language, Regional Expertise and Culture (LREC) LREC End State Competencies Career Development Way Ahead Guidance Backup Visit us at

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Purpose To provide an overview of Army Language, Regional Expertise and Culture Enterprise assigned tasks and responsibilities To receive guidance/approval for the way ahead Visit us at 3

Background AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Per CAC CG guidance-ACFLS/ALRECS Implementation-continues Governance Refinement AUG2011 Governance Approval from CG CAC published in Implementation Guidance Aug 2013-CAC LD&E LREC Enterprise Management Office established May 2012-ALCC GLOs are developed and approved through Soldier Competency Panel 3 (Culture and JIIM) as the ACFLS education governance Evolving process with multiple stakeholders END JUN 2011 Staffed Governance Recommendations across COEs JUN 2011 Query WG participants for Governance best practices NOV 2011-ACFLS implementation briefed as part of Prepare The Army Forum (ALDF); TRADOC Commander approved as the Way Ahead AUG2011-C-DOT Conference/ Briefed on Army CFLS concept & implementation plan (websites, CFL Resource Centers, CLF Mobile Training Packages, etc.) NOV 2011- CAC CFL Implementation OPORD published OCT 2011- CAC CFL Implementation Guidance published JUN 2011- Army C&FL stakeholder Working Group (develops key tasks for CAC/DLI/TCC/for inclusion into the CAC C&FL EXORD MAY2011- TRADOC ACFLS EXORD published; puts CAC in charge of entire C&FL program authority/resources/oversight/implementation Coordination Decision MAY2011- Mission Analysis/DA/TRADOC/EXORD (Roles, Responsibilities, Authority, Resources) Defined/Issued Major Action Working Complete Visit us at 4 4

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Language, Regional Expertise and Culture Management Office (LRECMO) . LRECMO Mission: Coordinate, synchronize and integrate Army’s LREC capabilities IOT support Generating and Operational Force requirements. Key Tasks of Office: Define TRADOC’s internal governance requirements for integration and synchronization Represent TRADOC’s interest to Army Forums Identify LREC requirements for ALDF decision Continue work with ALCC to finalize GLOs for PME/LREC Coordinate stakeholder input to new strategy (LREC) Coordinate and synchronize T&E support for LREC QA and validation of requirements Visit us at

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO) (Dr. Michael Nugent/Director/advises the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Readiness) on policy and programs regarding LREC. Provides strategic direction and programmatic oversight to the Military Departments, Defense field activities and the Combatant Commands on present and future requirements related to LREC HQDA G3/5/7 (BG Johnson) LREC Policies and Programs Lead author for base ALRECS Revision Life-long learning assignments Lead for ALCE forum FORSCOM (COL Sylvia) Policy and Guidance ASRC (Requirements – Training Solutions – Scheduling) Regionally Aligned Force (RAF) Homestation Training (Learning Products) TRADOC G3/5/7 (BG Shoffner) Provide Policy and Guidance DCG -Co-Chair ALCC GLOs (MG Halverson) TRADOC G2 TRADOC Intelligence Support Activity (TRISA) (Mr. Philips/SES/Director Army Foreign Language Program (Mr. Getzin) CoEs Teach core curricula Develop Branch/MOS LOs Feedback to Proponent/LRECEMO CoE QAO Assessment [ADDIE] Visit us at Language, Regional Expertise/CultureRoles Language, Regional Expertise/Culture Management Office (LRECMO) Coordinate, integrate, synchronize TRADOC’s support (DOTMLPF) to Army LREC Strategy/Implementation Plan Coordinate/synchronize Training and Education support for LREC Lead Army/TRADOC LREC /ALCC SCP3 Chair (Culture and JIIM) /ALDF Lead Agent RAF/ALREC Staff lead DLI FLC TCC Defense Language Institute and Foreign TRADOC Culture Center Language Center Develops and Trains: Teaches: Language, Regional Expertise and 23 languages at Monterey Culture training to deploying units 65 languages at other locations Language, Regional Expertise and Culture material for inclusion in PME Others University of Foreign Military and Culture Studies (UFMCS) - one week program that provides tools for approaching plans and operations through a culturally attuned perspective. Human Terrain System (HTS) – operational application of understanding foreign societies and the human geography of the operational environment J7 – VCATs (virtual cultural awareness trainers) Cultural Knowledge Consortium(CKC) – Source info on social sciences, operationalize access to expertise supporting units’ requirements Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) - Research on unconsidered and understudied topics, regions, issues from the foreign perspective Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) -facilitates rapid adaptation initiatives and conduct focused knowledge sharing and transfer that informs the Army Asymetric Warfare Group (AWG)- provides operational advisory and Solution Development support globally to the Army and Joint Commanders to enable the defeat of current and emerging threats Leader Development and Education for Sustained Peace Program (LDESP) (REC Education) DL Cultural & Country/ Regional Orientation: 38 DL courses (6 being developed) providing overview of culture, geography, history, economy & security of country/region Region Specific Leader Seminars/MTTs/Workshops: POI customized to ASCC mission & Command priorities, based on PMESII – PT framework for each country & COCOM regions

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG LREC Initiatives LRECMO Efforts: 1. Integrating into the 7th Warfighting Function WG to identify and support the LREC requirements WG established on 24 FEB 14 /Way Ahead: To attend the next VTCs on Required Capability Taxonomy activity 2. LRECMO, ARI and TCC completed the first phase of the ALCC GLOs gap analysis IAW CJSCI 3126.01A Conducted internal analysis Currently staffing it with major stakeholders in preparation to the next ALCC WG meeting/Way Ahead: Brief recommended changes at the next ALCC WG MTG 3. Representing LD&E and LRECMO in support of RAF TED WG and the HQDA RAF WG Identified all LREC Stakeholders to WG Identified all current training and education within the Institutional Domain Conducted analysis of FORSCOM’s RAF Training Requirements /Way Ahead: Support TRADOC in identifying means to support FORSCOM’s LREC Requirements 4. Aligning Leader Development and Education For Sustained Peace Program (LDESP) with LD&E The MOU draft is being staffed with TRADOC/CAC LD&E. The approval was received through TRADOC legal channels/Way Ahead: Gain DC’s approval 5. Support to CGSC: Supporting Interagency Concept for J499 JIPSE for role playing per request from DJIIMO along with Interagency Chairs (GAAT scenario with focus on Azerbaijan) Serving on MMAS committee Conducting guest speaking engagements in CGSOC and across TRADOC (through VTC) on the topics of operational and strategic importance to the U.S. Advising CGSS/KU for the upcoming international visits/speaking engagements 6. Support to CoE: Assisting Fort Benning in writing their LREC Strategy/reaching out to other CoEs 7. Participating in Army’s conferences, seminars/training and education events 1st BCT 1st CD training/education program in support of RAF at Ft Hood, Texas on April7-10 Visit us at

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Language ARSOF Linguists Basic Master over the course of a career --- F u l l y P r o f i c i e n t --- Basic --- M a s t e r --- FAO Outcomes B a s i c to Fully Proficient select personnel Basic Culture Regional Expertise Full Career Long Effort Conventional Forces End State Competencies Basic Basic awareness & can apply in simplest situations Individuals still require close & extensive guidance ILR Standard: 0 / 0 ILR Goal: 1 / 1 Full Thorough understanding & can apply in routine & non-routine situations Can work independently with minimal guidance & direction ILR Standard: 1 / 1 ILR Goal: 2 / 2 Master Extensive depth & breadth of expertise & can apply in highly complex & ambiguous situations across range of disciplines Acknowledged authority, advisor, and key resource in the organization ILR Standard: 2 / 2 / 1 ILR Goal: 3 / 3 / 3 (Ref: CJCSI 3126.01A) Visit us at

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Career Development Cross-Cultural and Regional Competencies Army Learning Coordination Council establishes general learning outcomes across cohorts to ensure sequential and progressive learning TCC/LDESP/DLI develop standardized CORE lesson plans (a baseline of Cross Cultural Competency (3C)) and Region Specific Knowledge within the general purpose force Centers of Excellence/Schools develop specific LREC Branch/MOS learning objectives Lesson Plans CoE Coverage LDE Officer USAWC/USASMA Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 (Recruit – End IMT) End of IMT -7th Year 8th Year – 16th Year 17th Year and Beyond BOLC CCC Warrant Officer Enlisted Coverage ILE WOBC WLC AIT Civilian WOAC ALC SLC TBD Character /Presence/Intellect (over the course of a career) Basic to Fully Proficient (over the course of a career) Visit us at SSC SMA

Career Development AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG (ALCC GLOs sequentially/progressively across cohorts) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 (Recruit – End IMT) End of IMT -7th Year 8th Year – 16th Year 17th Year and Beyond Implement knowledge of Inculcate cultural selfawareness and appreciate the impact of culture on operations. (Presence) Recognize the importance of cross-cultural competency. (Character) Describe the relevance of fundamental cross-cultural skills. (Presence) joint force, interagency, & multinational capabilities/limitations, and legal considerations. (Intellect) Apply cultural considerations when interpreting environment in planning and executing operations. (Character) Demonstrate enhanced cross-cultural communication and conflict resolution skills. (Character) Apply knowledge of joint force, interagency, & multinational, capabilities/limitations, and legal considerations in a specific operational environment. (Intellect) Distinguish cross-cultural competency in planning and executing operations. (Character) Apply enhanced crosscultural communication and conflict resolution skills. (Presence) Perform strategic leadership in a multi-cultural, JIIM environment. (Presence) Evaluate cross-cultural competency in synthesizing strategies, estimates, and campaign plans employing Unified Partners. (Intellect) Integrate critical culture elements into all Unified Land Operations. (Intellect) Assess the implications of a unit’s actions and initiate cultural change to operate effectively within a specific environment. (Intellect) Character /Presence/Intellect (over the course of a career) Basic to Fully Proficient (over the course of a career) Visit us at

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Learning Objectives (nested with ALDS/ALC2015) CHARACTER: Demonstrate interaction and cross-cultural communication skills in order to effectively engage and understand people and their environment . Assessment Army Army Culture Culture & & Foreign Foreign Language Language Strategy Strategy Experience Education Training Army Leader Development FM FM 6-22 6-22 Leadership Leadership FM FM 5.0 Process FM FM 3.0 3.0 Operations Operations FM 5.0 The The Operations Operations Process FM 7.0 7.0 Training Training for FSO for FSO Army Capstone Capstone Concept Concept Capstone Army Capstone Concept Concept for for Joint Joint Operations Operations Expertise Advise Army Culture & Foreign Attributes: Experience Character Presence Intellect INTELLECT: Demonstrate a familiarization in a geographic region of current operational significance. Training Understanding Language Strategy Apply Awareness Learn Attributes: Attributes: Character Character Presence Presence Intellect Intellect Education st 21 21st Century Century Soldier Soldier Competencies: Competencies: Character Character and and accountability accountability Comprehensive Comprehensive fitness fitness Adaptability Adaptability and and initiative initiative Lifelong Lifelong learner learner Teamwork Teamwork and and collaboration collaboration Communication Communication and and engagement engagement Critical Critical thinking thinking and and problem problem solving solving Cultural Cultural and and JIIM JIIM competence competence Tactical Tactical and and technical technical competence competence Visit us at Operational Operational Factors: Factors: Unified Unified Land Land Operations Operations Adaptability Adaptability Decentralization Decentralization Mastering Mastering fundamentals fundamentals Culture Culture and and Language Language Capitalizing Capitalizing on on experience experience PRESENCE: Demonstrate communication, influence and negotiation skills essential for leaders to effectively operate in a JIIM environment.

Way Ahead AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Governance Refinement Per CAC CG guidance-ACFLS/ALRECS Implementation-continues AUG2014- Approval from CG CAC/TRADOC Commander the way ahead August/September 2014-Visit to CoEs/Schools to assess ACFLS/ALRECS implementation August - Brief LREC implementation at the next C-DOT/ ALDF Evolving process with multiple stakeholders Developing QAO standard to evaluate CoE compliance with ALCC approved GLOs- ongoing ALCC GLOs gap analysis based on CJCSI 3126.01A LREC Competencies- ongoing Staff Governance Recommendations across CoEs Query WG participants for Governance best practices ) Continue coordinating and synchronizing T&E support for LREC/RAF -ongoing Monitor/assess through ALCC process as the ACFLS education implementation governance- continuous May 2014-Assigning LREC POCs at CoEs/Schools April/May 2014-Establishing LRECEMO LREC WG Coordination Decision April 2014-Identify FRAGO key tasks to CAC CFL Implementation OPORD /CFL Implementation Guidance Major Action Working Complete Visit us at 12 12



Army Leader Development Strategy AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG LREC LT Training Competent in extending influence across cultural boundaries Uses rudimentary foreign language skills Education Achieved through Rosetta Stone online training Understands influence of culture and the fundamentals of mission command and what is expected of individual initiative Expectations CPT Competent in cross-cultural influence Elementary language proficiency; able to satisfy minimum operational requirements Achieved through self development and home station Develop a “culture of engagement” Achieved through additional academic support Advanced culture, language & information skills Experience Confident in JIIM capabilities in small unit operations Desired End-state Achieved through multiple tours and additional training Understands how to apply JIIM capabilities Confident in cultural and foreign language skills Visit us at MAJ COL Competent in coordinating across JIIM entities at the national strategic level Competent in coordinating across JIIM entities at the geo-political level Elementary language proficiency; can initiate and maintain conversation Elementary language proficiency; can initiate and maintain conversation Elementary language proficiency; can initiate and maintain conversation Achieved through self development and home station Achieved through self development and home station Achieved through self development and home station Displays judgment and agility in planning tactical operations in JIIM context Achieved through combination of military experience and professional military education Judgment and innovation in application of design principles to operational art in JIIM context Develops and maintains insight regarding geo-political environment Judgment and innovation in application of design principles to military art at the strategic and geopolitical levels in a JIIM context Achieved through additional education Achieved through additional academic support , self development, and home station Confident of JIIM capabilities at the operational level LTC Competent coordinator and collaborator across JIIM organizations Achieved through combination of experience (deployments), self development, and home station Demonstrates mastery of FSO and ability to leverage JIIM capabilities to achieve operational objectives Confident operating in a JIIM environment Applies culture, language, and information thru actions, words and pictures Confident of cultural, language and information skills Expert at applying culture, language and information Applies culture, language, and information through interpersonal skills and being culturally astute within other cultures Achieved through a combination of experience (deployments), more advanced and consistent self development, and home station Achieved through additional training and education Capable to serve in a JIIM capacity on a TT, S-TT, IA, Joint or MultiNational Staff

Army Leader Development Strategy AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG LREC Expectations WO/CW2 Training Cultural and Language awareness attained on basic level Achieved through institutional, self development and home station training CW3 Technical/tactical systems competence in FSO in JIIM environment Cultural understanding attained CW4 CW5 Rapidly determine innovative, adaptive solutions to address complex, ambiguous problem in a JIIM environment Understands JIIM complexity across cultures and uncertain coalitions Tactical/Operational art understanding in JIIM environment Complex international, multi-cultural ethical dilemmas Achieved through additional training Basic language awareness Achieved through additional self development Education Enhanced awareness of Cultural, Language, and Information effects on indigenous populations Develops creative and critical thinking skills to solve complex problems Experience Actual and Virtual experience Comprehend systems integration & management role in JIIM environment Develop knowledge of culture, language, and information Achieved through institution, self development and home station Continued Actual and Virtual experience Achieved through deployments, role play scenarios, simulations, virtual reality. Visit us at Culture, language, and information Achieved through institution, self development and home station Attendance at foreign and sister service school exchange program Interagency exchange International Officer sponsorship/exchange Achieved through self development and home station Culture, language, and information skills development Achieved through self development Master systems integrator, manager, & advisor at BCT in JIIM operational environment Foreign exchange

Army Leader Development Strategy AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG LREC Expectations CPL/SGT SSG SFC Know how to integrate available JIIM capabilities into mission Common core training with continuing self development, encouraging additional CA and FL training Training Achieved through common core training to obtain TRADOC required Cultural Awareness level Education Understand the Agile enough to move importance of culture effectively through and language and their other cultures impact on tactical Achieved through institution, self operations development, and home station Experience Actual and Virtual experience Achieved through deployments, role play scenarios, simulations, virtual reality. Able to employ JIIM capabilities in support of tactical mission Visit us at MSG/1SG SGM/CSM Continue common core training and self development, with academic support, encouraging additional CA and FL training Continued actual and virtual experience Achieved through deployments, role play scenarios, simulations, virtual reality. Coordinate and synchronize combined arms ops with allied and coalition forces

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Language, Regional Expertise/Culture Program Objectives End states: 1) Soldiers, leaders and units with LREC competencies to prevail in Unified Land Operations with any combination of partners and allies. 2) Army culture which embraces the value of LREC and the requirement of career long development and sustainment of LREC competencies and capabilities as essential components of individual and unit readiness. Concept: To build LREC competencies and improve how units leverage LREC capabilities to effectively operate in the 21st century operational environment Result: An Army with improved LREC competencies and capabilities to effectively operate in the 21st century operational environment. Concept WHAT: WHEN: Current Strategy approved by CSA ( Dec 09) HQDA CFL Pre-deployment Training Standards EXORD (Jul 10) HQDA, TRADOC, CAC ACFLS EXORD (Jan 11, May 11, Nov 11) CAC CFL Implementation Guidance published (Oct 11) (Complete) CFLP Briefed at CDOT/ALDF (Nov 11) 3C Lesson plans development (TCC, CFLAs, CAC CFLMO) (Feb 12) Decision to eliminate stand alone Culture QAO Standard (Mar 13) Decision terminate ACFLA contracts extending into FY14 (Mar13) Monitor through ALCC process as the ACFLS implementation governance ( Continuous) ALCC GLOs gap analysis based on CJCSI 3126.01A LREC Competencies. (Ongoing) RAF mission analysis (Ongoing) Developing QAO standard to evaluate CoE compliance with ALCC approved GLOs (Ongoing) New LREC Strategy (TBD) Visit us at Resources ACFL Program to implement the strategy was validated in POM1519, but only part of the program was identified as critical and funded. The draft strategy includes resource requirements for leveraging all three learning domains to build the Army’s LREC competencies in support of RAF Requirements: M Type FY14 POM15-19 Validated POM16-20 Requested Type POM15-19 Validated POM16-20 Requested FY15 FY16 FY17 7.615 4.507 4.667 4.759 N/A N/A 4.667 4.759 FY18 FY19 FY20 4.851 4.944 N/A 4.851 4.944 5.038 Policy & Issues 1. Policies and processes that align training, education, and experiential learning to prepare Soldiers, leaders and units by developing LREC competencies and capabilities across the institutional, operational, and self-development learning domains. 2. Critical processes are strategy integration and assessments. The Army must leverage existing governance forums (Army Leader Development Forum (ALDF), Training General Officer Steering Committee (TGOSC), Training Integration Forum (TIF), Army Language and Culture Enterprise (ALCE), and Army Learning Coordination Council (ALCC)) to coordinate and manage the implementation of the Army LREC Strategy. 18

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG TCC (Culture Training) TRADOC’s TD Proponent for Culture Offerings include training and education on cross-cultural competency (3C) and region specific knowledge for Soldiers Training delivered through face-to-face instruction or DL Supplemental resources (smart books, smart cards) and learning content available through a CAC enabled portal Develops VCAT DL ICW Joint Staff J7/JKO Blended LREC Enterprise DLI (Language) HEADSTART2 – provides 80 to 100 hrs of instruction on language-specific pronunciation guides, cultural familiarization and orientation modules RAPPORT – provides 6 to 8 hrs of language and culture predeployment training in Dari, Pashto, Iraqi, Swahili, Hausa, Portuguese, French, Modern Standard Arabic, and Korean DL Cultural Orientation - offers interactive materials and LDESP (REC Education) pertinent language IRT religion, traditions, family life and DL Cultural & Country/ Regional Orientation: 38 DL courses (6 being differences in the lifestyle developed) providing overview of culture, geography, history, economy DL Countries in Perspective – provides a country profile & security of country/region containing basic facts on Geography, History, Economy, Society Region Specific Leader Seminars/MTTs/Workshops: POI customized to and Security ASCC mission & Command priorities, based on PMESII –PT framework for each country & COCOM regions Others UFMCS - one week program that provides tools for approaching plans and operations through a culturally attuned perspective. HTS – operational application of understanding foreign societies and the human geography of the operational environment J7 – VCATs (virtual cultural awareness trainers) CKC – Source info on social sciences, operationalize access to expertise supporting units’ requirements FMSO - Research on unconsidered and understudied topics, regions, issues from the foreign perspective CALL -facilitates rapid adaptation initiatives and conduct focused knowledge sharing and transfer that informs the Army AWG- provides operational advisory and Solution Development support globally to the Army and Joint Commanders to enable the defeat of current and emerging threats Visit us at Issues Capturing TD costs for emerging LREC requirement Deconflicting enabler support to units – Who is the lead for coordinating TRADOC support to ensure the right mission goes to the right enterprise agent, instead of to the loudest voice Expectation management on product turn around for emerging requirements and constrained resources How does TRADOC capture the TD load for developing VCAT products

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG RAF Task 4 (Unit Home Station Training Responsibility) Blended LREC Training Approach Description - Combines Distributed Learning PORs, web-based access to TSPs, MTT training in units, access to TRADOC functional courses/CALL and AWG Reports/socio-cultural KM repositories. A network of LREC enablers that can be brought to bear against a given unit’s training requirements. Enablers – DLIFLC (LTDs, BLTS, VTT, Rapport, Headstart2), JKO VCAT, TDC/DTMS, TCC CAC enabled learning content portal, TCC MTT program, Cultural Knowledge Consortium, University of Foreign Military and Culture Studies, Human Terrain System, LDESP, CALL, AWG. Benefit – Efficient and effective; replicates PDT Best Practices from OIF and OEF; DL delivers foundational knowledge and sets the conditions for hands-on, practical and performance oriented unit training designed to change a Soldier’s behavior. Units additionally have research access to a global network of LREC SMEs and Lessons Learned. Risk – Units must be sensitized to a multitude of programs and seize the initiative to leverage these LREC enablers; participation will likely be uneven across formations; planning/scheduling may be problematic for unit staffs. Cost – Medium cost; must leverage existing PORs; MTTs will be fee-for-service (reimbursable). Visit us at

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG POINTS OF CONTACT TCC- MTT POC : 520-533-5225 DLI FLC- 913- 684-7362 LDESP- 831-238-1455 UFMCS - Ops Off: 913-684-3857 HTS – 913-684- 7761 J7 - 757-203-7481 CKC - Director: 913-684-5963 FMSO - Director: 931-684-5958 CALL – http;// SFA Senior Mil Analyst: 913-684-9518 AWG - Plans OFF: 301- 833-5154 Visit us at

Army LREC Program Self-Assessment Current military experiences Follow-on assignment Educational background Learning style Assessment Experiential Learning Army Leader Development Education Training Expected Outcome: A comprehensive and balanced strategy that reflects best practices and is informed by emerging requirements for Foreign Language Proficiency, Regional Expertise & Cultural Capability that supports Army 2020 force structure / mission and “Future Force ARFORGEN Experience AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG FM FM 6-22 6-22 Leadership Leadership Self-awareness Situational Training Dilemma Exercises Key Leader Engagements FTX FM FM 3.0 3.0 Operations Operations FM FM 5.0 5.0 The The Operations Operations Process Process Army Army Capstone Capstone Concept Concept FM FM 7.0 7.0 Training Training for for FSO FSO Capstone Capstone Concept Concept for for Joint Joint Operations Operations “What to do” ALRECS expectations: Emphasis on cultural awareness and understanding; less on language proficiency Experience L Training Translate trained skills into actions Skills Development C Expertise “How to think” Advise Education Understanding Situational Application Apply Awareness Learn Visit us at Analytical understanding of environment Critical thinking / problem-solving Cultural / geo-political / JIIM awareness Embedded in Army / functional tasks Doctrinal understanding Elemental language proficiency (Level 0 / 1)

AMERICA’S ARMY OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Learning Objectives 1 (Character) Assess cultural perspectives and values different from one’s own; compare differences and sensitivities in order to modify one’s behavior, practices and language, and operate in a multi-cultural environment o Cross-cultural skills building o Cultural influence and military operations o ISD briefs “Know Your World” Apply cross-cultural communication skills o Army 360 Cultural Trainer Example of Captains Career Course (CCC) Learning Objectives 2 (Presence) Develop communication skills that enable effective cross-cultural persuasion, negotiation, conflict resolution or influence o Local University media training o Cross-cultural negotiations Apply communications skills during cross-cultural negotiations o Role-play exercises o Key Leader Engagement exercise Develop confidence in learning and applying language skills o Introduction to a language through Rapport/Headstart 2 software o Additional language training Learning Objective 3 (Intellect) Apply culturally relevant terms, factors, concepts and regional information in the development of mission plans and orders o Insurgency overview and theory o Pattern and social network analysis and PE o COIN IPB and planning Assess and describe the effect that culture has on military operations specific to countries or regions of operational significance to the US o SWOT analysis country brief o Writing requirement: Analytical paper o Analytical paper presentation / discussion o CoE CFLP Lecture Series o Professional reading program Prescriptive [P] Reinforced / Integrated [R/I] Professional Development [PD] – optional Visit us at 23

Army Language, Regional Expertise and AMERICA’S ARMY Strategy Means: Organizations, systems, programs and processes which identify, develop and sustain OUR PROFESSION – STAND STRONG Culture Strategy (ALRECS) Outline LREC competencies Doctrine: Threaded throughout Organizations: REC proponent: Supporting training, education, and operational requirements (DLI, TCC, LDESP, Army Language Program, Academia, Pre-commissioning, and In Region Programs) Training: Individual and collective (Soldiers, Leaders, and Units); Accurate replication of the OE in the Integrated Training Environment; Implemented across the three learning domains Materiel: Automated Translators; TADSS; Knowledge Management Programs Leadership & Education: Sequential and Progressive PME across all cohorts; Advanced schooling and other broadening opportunities Personnel: Resource language incentive pay; Develop LREC ASI and assignment policy for linguists, Intel Analysis, ARSOF, and FAO ISO regional alignment; Recruit personnel with LREC capabilities/attributes Facilities: Solutions to support building, sustaining and executing LREC Strategy Integrations: The ALCE is the governance to assess current and emerging LREC requirements across the DOTMLPF domain. LREC DOTMLPF decision requirements are executed through the ALDF, TIF or TGOSC respectively. ALCC Soldier Competency Panel 3 (Culture and JIIM) is Educational Governance for sequential and progressive learning across all Cohorts Visit us at

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