6 Best Practices That Engage High Capacity Leaders

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6 Best Practices That Engage High Capacity Leaders

6 Best Practices That Engage High Capacity Leaders CA RE Y N I E UWH O F

1 . M a ke T h e C h a l l e n g e B i g g e r People with significant leadership gifting respond best to significant challenges. THE LEADER’S CIRCLE

2. Clarify The Mission, Vision And Values Where the mission, vision and values are fuzzy, high capacity leaders disappear.

3 . B e O r ga n ize d Few things are more demotivating to a high capacity leader than a disorganized team. THE LEADER’S CIRCLE

4. Refuse To Let Leaders Off The Hook High capacity leaders die a thousand deaths when a team member excuses someone’s laziness or irresponsibility.

5 . Pl ay Favo r i te s Spend 80% of your time with the leaders who give you 80% of your results. THE LEADER’S CIRCLE

6. Surround High Capacity Leaders With Other High Capacity Leaders As soon as you find a high capacity volunteer, your next step should be to recruit more and move others alongside them.

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