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2018 MICROBE MISSION(B/C) KAREN LANCOUR National Rules Committee Chairman – Life Sciences GREG PALMER National Event Supervisor

Event Rules – 2018 DISCLAIMER This presentation was prepared using draft rules. There may be some changes in the final copy of the rules. The rules which will be in your Coaches Manual and Student Manuals will be the official rules.


TRAINING MATERIALS Training Power Point – content overview 6 Training Handouts - content area information and Microscope Review – Review of use light microscope and kinds of microscopes Practice Activities – sample stations with key 2 Sample Tournament – sample problems with key Event Supervisor Guide – event prep tips, setup needs and scoring tips Internet Resources & Training Materials – on the Science Olympiad website at www.soinc.org under Event Information A Biology-Earth Science CD, a Microbe Mission CD and the Division B and Division C Test Packets are available from SO store at www.soinc.org

MICROBE MISSION(B/C) Event Description - laboriented competition to answer questions, solve problems and analyze data pertaining to various microbes Event – lab practical in stations Event Parameters – be sure to check the rules for resources allowed, type of goggles

MICROBES The term microbe is short for microorganism which means small organism – observed with a microscope Over 99% of microbes contribute to the quality of human life A small minority cause disease – in humans by sheer numbers or producing powerful toxins The major groups of microbes are bacteria, Archaea, algae, fungi, protozoa & viruses In terms of numbers, microbes represent most of the diversity of life on Earth and are found in every environment.

Content Handouts General Overview Major Groups of Microbes Microbes and Ecology Microbes and Industry Microbes and Food Microbes and Disease

2018 Microscope Review A special training handout covering Relative Size of Microbes Types of Microscopes – their uses, advantages and disadvantages Parts of a Light Microscope and their function


Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Prokaryotic – single cell with nuclear material but no nuclear membrane or membrane bound organelles Eukaryotic – most cells – with organized nucleus and membrane bound organelles

Cellular vs. Acellular Acellular – Viruses do not have cellular components, nor do they grow or metabolize organic materials. They generally consist of a piece of nucleic acid encased in protein which must use the cellular components of a living cell to reproduce. Prions (proteinaceous infectious particles) are infectious agents composed primarily of protein which induce the existing polypeptides in host cells to take on its form. Cellular – bacteria and Archaea are prokaryotic cells while algae, fungi, and protozoa have eukaryotic cells.

Animal Cell

Plant Cell Special Features Cell wall – protection and support Chloroplast - for photosynthesis Large central vacuolefor storage and increase surface area

Organelles of Microbial Origin Mitochondria – have DNA similar to that of a Prokaryotic cell and can reproduce independent of the rest of the Eukaryotic cell. Chloroplasts – also have DNA similar to that of a Prokaryotic cell and can reproduce independent of the rest of the Eukaryotic cell. It is believed that both chloroplasts and mitochondria were one independent Prokaryotes who took up residence in the Eukaryotic cell and have developed a special symbiotic relationship


BENEFICIAL VS HARMFUL MICROBES Over 99% contribute to the quality of human life Live in every environment on earth Important in ecological systems Important in biogeochemical cycles Human digestion depends upon them Important to the food industry and the productions of many products Help with wastewater and oil spill cleanup

MAJOR GROUPS OF MICROBES Prions Viruses Archaea Bacteria Algae Protozoa Fungi

PRIONS proteinaceous infectious particles, associated with a number of diseases characterized by loss of motor control, dementia, paralysis, wasting and eventually death Mad Cow Disease in cattle Creutzfeld-Jacob disease (CJD) in humans

VIRUSES Are acellular Consists of a piece of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) encased in protein and in some cases a membrane-like envelope They come in many shapes Found anywhere there are cells to infest Exist to reproduce – must take over a suitable host cell Uses the cell machinery of the host cell to reproduce

Archaea Similar to bacteria – prokaryotic Cell walls lack peptidoglycan other differences Origin very old - during formation of the earth Extremely tolerant to heat, acid, and toxic gases Found in extreme habitats in anaerobic environments to produce methane, high salt concentrations or hot acid environments

Bacteria Only one cell – a prokaryotic cell Live in all environments – even above boiling point and below freezing point Basically three shapes – spherical , rod , and spiral or helical (spirullum) Exist as individuals or cluster together to form pairs, chains, squares, or other groupings Some form spores Some are photoautotrophic - make their own food as plants and give off oxygen – Cyanobacteria are also aerobic Purple and green bacteria are anaerobic Some are chemoautotrophic - synthesize their own food using energy from chemical reactions – important for recycling in nitrogen and sulfur cycles Some have flagella - rotates like a tiny outboard motor, others secrete a slime layer and move over surfaces like slugs


GRAM VS. GRAM – BACTERIA Gram positive bacteria stain purple under Gram stain have a thick bilayer wall of the polymer peptidoglycan. Gram negative bacteria stain red have a thin layer of this polymer and an additional lipopolysaccharide outer layer, LPS, often endotoxic - capable of initiating inflammation and cell-mediated immune responses e.g., Salmonella, Shigella, and Escherichia.

Algal Protists (ALGAE) Are Eukaryotic Found in fresh and salt water environments Can live on rocks, trees, and in soils with enough moisture Can carry on photosynthesis – produce large amount of oxygen Diatoms, Clamydomonas, Volvox, Spirogyra

Animal-like Protists (PROTOZOA) Protozoa means “little animal” – act like tiny animals – Eukaryotic Hunt other microbes for food Mainly feed on bacteria, also other protozoa and some algae Digest food in digestive organelles Ciliates, Amoebaes, Flagellates Paramecium, Amoeba, Euglena Most are not harmful – a few are harmful Certain protozoa can cause dysentery and malaria

Fungi Cellular level, more like animals than plants – Eukaryotic Can’t synthesize their own food Single celled as yeast or multicellular clusters as molds & mushrooms Multicellular ones form filament like strands – hyphae Grow best in slightly acidic environment – can grow in low moisture Live in soil, on plants & animals, in fresh & salt water One teaspoon of topsoil has about 120,000 fungi Baker’s yeast for bread and brewing, some are used for antibiotics, others serve as decomposers Some cause disease in humans, animals and plants – ruin ¼ to ½ of fruits & vegetables per year

MICROBES AND ECOLOGY Major producers in aquatic environments Decomposers – bacteria and fungi – in many ecosystems Key role in Biogeochemical cycles to recycle carbon, nitrogen, carbon, water Natural pest killers in gardens and on crops Breakdown oil from oil spills Serve as natural water treatment

Wastewater Microbiology Microbes play a key role in water and waste treatment facilities Are involved in natural waterways Involved in maintaining septic tanks Coliform bacteria as E. coli can

MICROBES AND FOOD Milk into yogurt, buttermilk, sour cream, cheese Aid in production of chocolate, bread products, wine, beer, tea Pickling process to make pickles from cucumbers and sauerkraut from cabbage

Fermentation Products and their Uses Carbon dioxide – bread making using baker’s yeast Alcohol – wine making and brewing using yeast Lactic Acid – lactic acid bacteria ferment milk into products as yogurt

Food Spoilage and Food Decomposition Microbes play a key role – bacteria and fungi – in food spoilage and decomposition Many types can live at low temperatures as mold on food in the refrigerator Food preservation techniques as salt and high acid affect microbes

MICROBES AND INDUSTRY Microbes (fungi and bacteria) are used to make antibiotics Algae are being used to make petroleum Yeast and bacteria are used in producing medicines

Microbes and Diseases There are many agents of infectious diseases Microbes acting as agents are prions, viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, parasitic worms Examples of common diseases for each to follow

List of Microbial Diseases Be sure to check the SO National website for the final 2018 List of Diseases.

VIRAL DISEASES AIDS Chicken Pox & Shingles Common Cold Dengue Fever Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Hepatitis Influenza Measles Mumps Mononucleosis Polio Rabies Rubella Small pox West Nile Fever Yellow Fever

BACTERIAL DISEASES Anthrax Botulism Chlamydiasis Cholera Dental Caries (tooth decay) Legionnaire's Disease Lyme Disease MRSA Peptic Ulcer Disease Pertussis (whooping cough) Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Strep throat Syphilis Tetanus Tuberculosis

FUNGAL DISEASES Athlete’s foot Dutch Elm Disease Ergotism Histoplasmosis Potato Blight Ringworm Thrush

PROTOZOAN/ALGAL DISEASES Malaria Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Estuary Associated Syndrome Giradiasis Cryptosporidiosis


PARASITIC WORMS Hookworm Pinworm Schistosomiasis Tapeworm Trichinosis

National Tournament Added Diseases Topics: Important Genera Related to Disease

IMPORTANT GENERA Wolbachia Batrachochytrium

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